exhaust temp sensor


500 RPM
Senior Member
Feb 2, 2006

i have a prob here..my friend sold me 2 meters of his that was used in his honda turbo..BOOST and EXHAUST TEMP meters..i have just installed it in my turbo ride..the BOOST meter is okay but not the EXHAUST TEMP meter..i have asked the shops around abt it, and the respond i got was i need a sensor for it..but dont my standard GSR comes with a SENSOR in the manifold there...and i did not get any sensor from my friend when i bought the meters..its APEXi model...so is there any way that i can fix it with my standard exhaust sensor now? thanks...
that sensor standard is O2 sensor not temp sensor...so u need different sensor for your exhaust temp meter...
iswara204 said:

i have a prob here..my friend sold me 2 meters of his that was used in his honda turbo..BOOST and EXHAUST TEMP meters..i have just installed it in my turbo ride..the BOOST meter is okay but not the EXHAUST TEMP meter..i have asked the shops around abt it, and the respond i got was i need a sensor for it..but dont my standard GSR comes with a SENSOR in the manifold there...and i did not get any sensor from my friend when i bought the meters..its APEXi model...so is there any way that i can fix it with my standard exhaust sensor now? thanks...

hope u didn't pay too high price for those items... coz the EGT is useless without the sensor.. unless u get a brand new Apexi sensor, which imho should cost around the price of ur 2nd hand gauge already..

try asking ur fren for it.. if got then u lucky.. if not... order from N1 or Japan lo
noper.. just the range oso u get the idea.

egt start from 100C - 1200C, but water temp is around 100C max

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