Casino Royale


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Apr 9, 2006
This latest edition of James Bond movie, Casion Royale will be released on Nov 17th, 2006. I don't know whether this movie will be released in Malaysia or not, anyone can clarify? No more Pierce Brosnan for us, I am a fan of him really, but I think Sony Pictures have decided that he's abit too old already, but thank god he has graced the previous 4 or 5 James Bond movies, with the latest being the 'Die Another Day'.

The new Agent 007 is Daniel Craig, a decision that surprised me, he's being heavily criticised by overseas Bond fans that he's short, not that handsome, and I read that he's being called "craggy faced". I don't know this Bond film would be successful or not, because Daniel Craig is an unknown to alot of people, and his film that I notice are 'Layer Cake', 'Munich'. He made a cameo in Angelina Jolie's first Tomb Raider film, where he was naked in front of Jolie, after coming out from the bathroom. I don't think many of us can still recognise him.

Afterall, there are still many British actors for them to choose what? The likes of Orlando Bloom, Jude Law, and Clive Owen are much more good looking in my opinion.

Here's the movie's homepage, and the trailer is available there:
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Orlando Bloom??? James Bond??? Bwahahahahahahaha...

You're killing me...please stop! Why not choose one of the Backstreet Boys or Westlife instead?

I don't think Jude Law and Clive Owen aren't exactly good choices either. Personally, I would have went with Hugh Jackman. Yup, methinks Woverine would make a great Bond.

Just so you know, the original Bond by the author Ian Fleming is depicted as not very good looking or handsome. He's more of a man's man than a lady's man. Macho and brutish. Which is exactly what Daniel Craig looks like. So I'm ok with how he looks. Whether he will come across as a convincing Bond remains to be seen.

Another thing I thought you should know is that my favourite Bond, who also happens to be the first Bond, Sean Connery, was also a relative unknown when he was cast as 007.
I didn't know that Hugh Jackman is a British, and to be honest, the past few Bonds have been pretty good looking, and although I don't pick the actor, I do at least expect a great looking actor, not that I love Orlando Bloom, but I think he can act, plus he has good acting background with several big budget movies to his name, which are the things that Daniel Craig has yet to offer.
I know Hugh Jackman isn't British, but to limit the Bond role to only British actors is foolish, to me at least, because there are guys, like Jackman, who I think can do a good job at it.

Let's just say that Orlando Bloom is a little too "pretty" to be James Bond. If they were casting for Sissy Bond, he'd be great. Jude Law and Clive Owen don't have the presence required for 007. I'm not sure the new bloke has it but I'll see what he can do first.

Plus, like I said, James Bond isn't supposed to be handsome. So they are actually staying true to the book this time. And, usually, for famous roles such as this (Superman, Batman, etc.) it is better to get a relatively unknown fella because people tend not to remember or attach them to a certain role they've done. Furthermore, and I've already said it, people were worried when Sean Connery was cast as James Bond because he was a small fry before that. And look how he turned out.

So, relax and give Daniel Craig a break. he might turn out to be a cracking Bond. Just maybe not the kind of Bond we're used to. If you've watched a lot of Bond films (and I have), you'll notice that each of the actors who have played James Bond have given 007 their own distinct flavour.
I think John Statham would have made a cracking 007. He just needs to grow back his hair, haha.
Haha, he definitely needs hair.

Silverfish, I hope you don't think that I am against Daniel Craig, because personally I would prefer somebody better looking, that's all, I don't bear in mind whether the author stated that Bond may not necessarily be handsome, because naturally and automatically, an actor who plays a role that is capable of luring any HOT chick onto bed would be a charming guy, coz it's a movie. So I hope I won't be blamed for voicing up handsome guys as my choices for Bond.

I definitely agree that such roles should be played by unknown, or young blood. Vin Diesel was not famous before F&F, same to Paul Walker, Pierce Brosnan, Christian Haydensen, and many others. And actually I think Clive Owen is not that famous at all, so personally I would vote for him, although you might think he doesn't have the presence.
Relax, I understand your disposition. The first time I saw Daniel Craig when they cast him as Bond, I was going like; "This guy...??? I mean, he isn't very good looking...".

But then I had a thought about it, felt that maybe that's not really a problem and he could play Bond with distinction.

Furthermore, you don't have to be dashingly goodlooking to lure the girls. Bond needs to ooze masculinity and that plus self confidence and wit, is enough to pull in the chicks.
Hugh Jackman = downunder Zealander, or was it aussie? & better bet then craig. maybe more expensive over 3-4 films so producers stick to craig (best of the poor lot from UK). but likewise, he should come good (acting) though his "international boxoffice" appeal may not match Brosnan. (probably the best portrayal of (james) bond amongst the previous bond ; according to the ex bond villain "Count Dooku" christoper Lee ~ man with golden gun)

cast orlando bloom!!! it would have good sales from women >14!! who knows bond = metrosexual assassin
Wolverine is from Australia. I think he has this rugged, intense, masculine good looks which are great for James Bond.

Legolas = Gay. Ladies who like dreamy, pretty boys love him. Homosexuals too. Bloom is as feminine as Jackman is masculine. Hell even his surname is gay.

James Bond is the celebration of manhood, of testosterone. Fast cars, beautiful women, fancy high tech gadgets. Everything a man dreams off. I'd rather see smeone like Daniel Craig play 007 than have the icon defiled by some fairy like Bloom (yes, I think you may have been able to guess that I don't like him).
So I guess silverfish is not going to watch Pirates of The Carribean then, hahaha.
Heh, I actually watched it on the first day.

The movie's allright. I can always ignore Bloom's existence.
Ppl like me n s|lverfish watch pirates for Depp, NOT bloom... (oh and perhaps a lil bit of keira too) :rofl:

Depp RULEZ.. altho he DEFINITELY wouldn't make a good Bond. Bond gone mental, now that's a job for Depp hahaha.

"ohbugger" - Captain Jack Sparrow

Holy undead resurrection Batman!!!

Oh bugger...who brought AE80TypeD back from the dead???

PS: Knightley is DAMN FINE!!!
hahaha yes yes, its nice to see u again too. Keira huh, hmm.. its not really the fact that she's fine. i just like'em feisty. grrrawl~~

"You had me declared DEAD?" - Bruce Wayne, Batman Begins

Keira's definitely fine, despite her lack of tits.

BTW, which hole did you extract yourself out of?
a very tight one. :rofl:

. . . .

"cant think of a suitable movie quote" - me :hmmmm2: darn
Forgot to mention Colin Farrell, who's an Irish. He was recommended to be the next Bond, by Brosnan himself. But, newspaper reports that he's foul-mouthed, I read a magazine quoting Salma Hayek said that she just couldn't get near him, after listening to his language.
Colin Farrell = bad boy image. may appeal to "american audience" but not international wide audience. (miami vice coming soon Colin Farrell aka Sonny Crockett & Jamie Foxx aka Det. Ricardo Tubbs)

but new Casino Royale dont seem to have strong female lead.

I like Sophie Marceau in her potrayal of Elektra King & slup Izabella Scorupco (Natalya Simonova) in goldeneye!!

the rest of female were forgetable.
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Plenty of seriously hot babes if you watch the older Bond films.

Colin Farrell lacks sophistication. Too much of a hooligan lookalike.
In this new Bond film, there will be a chick by the name of Eva Green, who has stunningly beautiful eyes.
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