Casino Royale...Better than sex.


5,000 RPM
Senior Member
Apr 28, 2004
Well, almost.

Anyway, this is obviously a parody of that other thread which does the movie no justice whatsoever. Of all the modern Bonds films, this is certainly the best. And Bond himself? Certainly, with performances like this, I should say Daniel Craig ranks behind only Sean Connery...just.

Previous Bonds were starting to be a bit of a mockery to the legend of 007. Bond isn't just about the exotic locations, the beautiful girls, the fast cars or the gadgets. And Bond saving the world from megalomaniacal baddies with a vodka martini in one hand and lovely lady in the other whilst hardly ruffling his hair is rather over the top.

This movie starts out to establish Bond, in fact, rewrite the impression most people have about Bond. We see him work hard for his double 0 status. We see him hurt, see him bleed, see him in love, see him fail. For the first time, we get little insights into how Bond became Bond. For the first time, he seems human. Far cry from the quick-witted playboy super spy who doesn't put a foot wrong we are so used to seeing. Now, he isn't one dimensional anymore.

As a part of movie franchise then, Casino Royale is to Bond films what Batman Begins is to the Batman films. It all started well, with Batman 1 and 2. But then things became rather campy and comical and over the top in Batman Forever and Batman and Robin.

Daniel Craig's performance as Bond is admirable. He's unique. He doesn't come across as an imitation of his predecessors. Cold and calculating. Oozing menace and masculinity. Bold and reckless. Craig brought real life to Bond.

And I loved Eva Green's turn as Vesper Lynd. Her chemistry with Craig was excellent and I enjoyed the scenes with the both of them very much (and I don't mean the love scene either). Here is a woman who brought out more of James Bond, showing us more of his emotions, his humanity.

Have I forgot about the action? Of course not. The action is still there, in fact, better than ever. Coming thick and fast, right from the start. The story telling continues at the same pace, only slowing down intermittently to give you time to breathe. There are rises and falls, there are plot twists, there is humour, betrayal, lust, love, vengeance, suspense, just about everything. This is a great movie that has all the right ingredients and pushes all the right buttons.

Suffice to say, I loved it. Probably my favourite Bond film ever.
so finally theres some1 liking the movie for sticking to the book on how bond becomes bond .
Yes it is a bond film. But then again we expect suave good looking guys to be Mr Bond. Daniel Craig? No he does not have charm at first look, second look, last look. Hell he can be grouped in Syslvester Stalone, Wesley Snipes, Hugh Jackman category. I would really like it they cast Clive Oven as Bond. The intensity, look, its all there. So what if he doesn't have six pack?

When Clive Owen acted in the short BMW films, it had me convinced he was the next bond. In fact there were rumours he would be the one. And god forbid, (who the hell is Daniel Craig?!) got the part.

Some more he is going to be the next 2008 bond. Yuck! If they cast Christian Bale as Bond, i could accept. But he was in Batman Begins and recently The Prestige. 2 very good shows in a row. Daniel Craig..... bah!
So you don't like the movie because you don't like the look of the actor?

I happen to think Craig's looks is acceptable (as Bond) and his acting is top notch. He exudes menace and intensity. Furthermore, you have to say that looks are entirely subjective and I think Craig's performance covered any shortcomings there. Oh yeah, and Clive Owen and Christian Bale were relatively anonymous as well before their recent big roles.

BTW, even in terms of suaveness I'll have to disagree with you. It'll be Hugh Jackman > Clive Owen > Christian Bale. In that order. As I've said, looks are subjective.
I've yet to watch it (not being a big Bond freak and all) and I'm not going to comment. All I can say is I can't stand Clive Owen and I was kind of surprised Daniel Craig was chosen. After reading a couple of insightful reviews though, I'm looking forward to seeing a more realistic and relatable Bond. The reason I was never a fan was precisely because his character was predictable and the gadgetry over the top. I've always preferred a lead with flaws as it adds a touch of realism and gives the character more dimensions.
Check this out;

Overwhelming majority think this is a great Bond film and Craig is a great Bond with Connery (original and best Bond ever) comparisons and all.

Rotten Tomatoes said:

Casino Royale disposes of the silliness and overplayed gadgets that plagued recent James Bond outings, while Daniel Craig delivers what fans and critics have been waiting for: a caustic, haunted, intense reinvention of Bond.
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True, and that's why I have always leaned towards MI rather than Bond and the latest instalment changed me. Trust me, it is THAT GOOD! :D
now the posts above was rather gay - looks of bond wtf lol . now how about the female star since bonds has the charms to get all the ladies .

er cant find any nice pics of the actresses - so ill attach a pic of the DBS ftmfw .

infernaL said:
now the posts above was rather gay - looks of bond wtf lol . now how about the female star since bonds has the charms to get all the ladies .

er cant find any nice pics of the actresses - so ill attach a pic of the DBS ftmfw .

Achingly gorgeous.
now someone posts pics of Eva that beats the DBS pics i posted then were talking lol
Eva... nice body! Smart too... her ability to argue with Bond is outstanding... plus, she had to save him from certain death. Silly Bond, how can he not attach the wire properly...
acbc said:
Eva... nice body! Smart too... her ability to argue with Bond is outstanding... plus, she had to save him from certain death. Silly Bond, how can he not attach the wire properly...

"Manuals not included"

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Duke Red said:
I've yet to watch it (not being a big Bond freak and all) and I'm not going to comment. All I can say is I can't stand Clive Owen and I was kind of surprised Daniel Craig was chosen. After reading a couple of insightful reviews though, I'm looking forward to seeing a more realistic and relatable Bond. The reason I was never a fan was precisely because his character was predictable and the gadgetry over the top. I've always preferred a lead with flaws as it adds a touch of realism and gives the character more dimensions.
Another added incentive for you to watch Casino Royale. Daniel Craig, is apparently a fan of Liverpool. Which is a bit of a bummer for me, cause I sort of warmed up to this Bond :confused_smile:
better than sex??
silver: tat good?

tat's a black DBS?!
i tot it only comes in special 'Casino Ice' grey..
thats actualy a spy pic of the supposely road going version of the DBS .
Initially, Aston Martin announced a new car based on the DB9 for use in the James Bond film Casino Royale. This vehicle was named the DBS, in honor of the previous Aston Martin DBS from the 1970s. Publicity photos of the DBS were released, but Aston Martin stated that the production vehicle will not look the same as the car in the film. Spy shots of this car at the Nürburgring later showed the development prototype carrying a DBRS9 badge on the rear, showing a change in name for the production model.

it's now called DBRS9...
:_: nice..
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