Buying a secondhand/used e-manage

tHrottle power

Known Member
Senior Member
Aug 29, 2008
Hi, fellow zth....

i m planning to buy a 2nd hand/used e-manage(blue). Can any1 advise on what to look out for when go through a 2ndhand unit??

Thanks for the feedback.
i just got thru that kinda deal but it was 2nd hand apexi neo.
for a reason the item looked brand spanking new scratchless when i was about to make the purchase together with the maual + box + stand.

for a reason, i made a deal with the seller to COD at the tuning house. the tuning house installed the management and confirmed that the system is working 100%.

fortunately, it turned out fine for me and then only i closed the deal with the seller.
just safeguard urself since u cant determine the condition of the secondhand emanage.

just my two cents.
i just got thru that kinda deal but it was 2nd hand apexi neo.
for a reason the item looked brand spanking new scratchless when i was about to make the purchase together with the maual + box + stand.

for a reason, i made a deal with the seller to COD at the tuning house. the tuning house installed the management and confirmed that the system is working 100%.

fortunately, it turned out fine for me and then only i closed the deal with the seller.
just safeguard urself since u cant determine the condition of the secondhand emanage.

just my two cents.

this is a very good practice i feel where you pay once everything is confirmed to be working perfectly only but unfortunately there are sellers out there who wont agree to this
but this is the best way to protect the buyer in the case of buying second hand performance parts
cant agree more with bro kumar...
definitely a highly advisable practice...
though there will b certain sellers dat will not agree...
this is a very good practice i feel where you pay once everything is confirmed to be working perfectly only but unfortunately there are sellers out there who wont agree to this
but this is the best way to protect the buyer in the case of buying second hand performance parts

i can understand that some of the seller wouldnt want to agree to it.
but im fortunate i guess + the seller is also genuine thus we agreed to close the deal once i installed it to my car.

speaking about genuine seller.. they will oblige to the condition if there is no hanky panky. just gotta talk ur way into it and buy a teh tarik or two will help.

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