Blood Will Tell

Originally posted by 4agze@Jan 5 2005, 13:08
you mean the nine tailed fox ah?
i think tat's wat he is called...the white fella flying I metioned in my prev. postings...thanks
yeah the white colour fella wif nine tail..thats the fox ..btw veri easy to kill oni integramania..keep hitting like thers no tomorrow..

btw i finished the game yesterday nite..the last boxx took me 3 times to restart b4 finshingthe boss
phew last nite i finally manage to kill that was either him or me man...i quickly quickly kasi the fella....phew....

the main problem with this fella was he is always flying ard and cannot be reached...the cannon does some but not so much damage and the bullets lagi teruk..when u kill the small wolves that he spawns they only drop bullets....why lar...

anyway that's the end of chap4 ...stil got 5,6,7 to go...

ahhaa..long way to go man..btw the last chap boss got 3 life, as in 9 bar of health..1 life = 3 bar health minimum u mst have at least 2 spare life..i managed to kill that boss using 1 spare life..
wah... most of you finish the game oledi ka? me still stuck in the level that the small kid was possed! need to hantam the small kid.. doro-doro.. anyway guys.. how to kill the small kid huh? i tried so many times oledi.. but still failed.. just give up the game.. urrrr
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