any1 kno who is the owner for this car.....?


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Senior Member
May 23, 2005

any1 kno who he is?
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wah a stalker.. go taking pictures of other ppls car ah.. wut u up to man.. dare to take pic.. go up to the car wait for owner ask la who is he.. knnccb..
i dunno, but many similar wajas throughout malaysia. why didnt u leave message at his windscreen? who knows..might be a chun girl!
no lahhh...jus a nice car mahhh.....mayb a pretty gal inside lehhh...hahaha
derrick ah, post in zth car spotted topic ma...or random car pic also can..
i m not sure he is a stalker anot....ok ,i will post it now...thanx fstrader
dei i referring the stalker is you la.. no zth sticker there oso.. wht zth car spotted?
i think the owner is a indian bcoz many indian like that 17" chrome rims y u wan to buy his car ar???
d car not so nice only...u take d photo later d owner sue u ar.....wuahaha...put in ZTH some more.....

juz write a short memo n put at his wiper there la....
if the owner find out his car at zth,he sure feel action peo looking 4 his car woh......
derrickhcy said:
if the owner find out his car at zth,he sure feel action peo looking 4 his car woh......

he might felt offended or insecured also. You won't know what's his action is.

General rule to post other ppl car in the forum, remove/cover the number plate. You need to respect other ppl privacy. You also do not hope that you posting bring extra trouble to others, right?
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