AIDS knowledge any1?

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Senior Member
May 26, 2004
if having sex with many different partners will hv AIDS or not?

assume all the partners r free from AIDS...

Originally posted by calvin00cool@Mar 3 2005, 22:19
if having sex with many different partners will hv AIDS or not?

assume all the partners r free from AIDS...

do u used condom during sex ? :P
Of course not la, how you know they don't have aids if you don't personally know them. Even if they have aids, they'll deny.
have safe sex...if u have multiple sex partner. althought they are ok and healthy but u never know they are the carrier for the AIDS virus. best is to dun have multiple sex partner and if got, better have safe sex. and AIDS only will transmit by body fluid which is sperm,blood. air liur wont, so sharing the food or drink wit a AIDS patient is ok.
hmmm...where aids came from?

hmm...aids don;t just come like this riet..?

it must be transmiited by an AIDS carrier than only kena rite?
AIDS i heard last time come fr MONKEY>>>play wf too many partners...then like bite some1 then spread vy fast....dunno true or notlah...

anyway thanks alot for the info...jt need to advice my fren dun play too much :D
early stages of aids has no symptoms at all.
when u show symptons,it means tat the virus r alreadi attcking ur immune system.
keep 2 1 sex partner lah,cos u nvr know.

aids can also b transmitted by blood transfusion,sharing of needles with an infected person.

the most innocent victim would is infected with aids must b the child who got it from the infected mother before birth...
Darn.... :(

I got AIDS!!!!!

Acquired Income Deficiency Syndrome!!!!!!!! :lol:

OK, serious, liao.
HIV affected people have the virus but it's not affecting them yet. It may take years to be full blown to becum AIDS. Some people will have HIV for the rest of their lives without ever becuming AIDS. Accordingly, after being infected, it'll only be about 6 months later that the test can reveal whether you have HIV/AIDS or not. So, it does not mean that you have sex today, you can test for HIV/AIDS a week later, as in normally the cases for other STDs.

Celibracy until married and then having sex to only 1 partner is the best policy. But, it's easier said than done. Anyway, as I've shared this with some of you young folks in Syeds' some months back - there are other ways to release your sperm, without getting all kinds of diseases. It's a mutually sextifying experience, short of the actual penetration.

If you don't have a gf, use my patented armfloat technique, lor. It's very close to the real thing and cost less than RM10, niah. Buy me TT and I'll share more. How? :P
Originally posted by alien@Mar 5 2005, 23:36
armfloat technique?? :o
hahaha izit when we small that time we use those float in swiming pool!!!! :lol: i have la alien u mau ga???ahahaha :lol: :lol:

QUOTE from escaflowne signature... :lol: :lol:
There are a lot of risk with unprotected sex with multiple partners besides having the risk of infecting yourself with HIV/AIDS.

We all know that we can never get a sickness without the source.

There are a lot of things that need to be fearful besides HIV. Herps, UTI, and etc. Most of these can be cured with a jab of penicillin, but the after effects and the discomfort is more of a burden than anything else.

Knowing the nature of human being, how often do you do a body checkup with a certified physician ? HIV carrier looks healthy for the first 5 years after being infected, but if he has got no knowledge of HIV, or how was it being spread, would he know that he's infected?

How often do you know the health status of your sex partner? Say your sex partner tells you that he/she is healthy, but how can he/she confirm that? Medical checkups every 6 months? I doubt.

Prevention is better than cure, don't wait till you pee blood and puss flowing from your penile before you go see a doctor, wear a cap, latex preferble!
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