Any1 Got Chase By Police B4??? Tell About Your Experience!!!

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500 RPM
Senior Member
Feb 9, 2005
I just got chase by the stupid police waja just now, coz i make a illegal u-turn and don't know suddenly from no way he appear and switch on his blue lights and start chasing me... So i just accelerate on 1st gear and he start give up...
coz he know he cant get me :p!!!

But for sure he did write down my plate no... so will see this few weeks i'll receiver a love letter from them or not... What do your guys think???

all i can say..


mind to share y u speed off for?
i dun think so loh........ if u take illegal u turn they caught u. police issue summon must hv ur signature mah, u sign mean u admit ur fault and willing to b punish then bayar summon lo................they not caught u red handed i dun think they will send u any letter. except they found out ur car is balcklisted or wanted
police chase and you run.. and you got away with it? lucky u.. if they decided to chase.. and u continued to run.. maybe u'd make headlines in tomorrow's paper.. :D
or in jail the next day dude...dun play play wei..this is serious offense...they can simply

simply say that they assume u to be a drug trafficker and u sped off...then now they

blacklist u and ur when u wanna pay road tax...then u might have difficulties..

when police put their lights on and ask u to stop, just stop and explain u didnt see the

sign board lor..and bro if u dun mind me saying, be prepared to face the consequences

for ur actions...anyway peace bro..:) just my fitty cents..:)
last week a fren of mine was driving around at nite...suddenly got roadblock and the fella panic(car modded and watnot) and the fella go make u turn in front of the roadblock...ahahahhha...but the car didnt make the u turn cos not enuff a police kancil blocked him and all hell broke loose....when kena questioned why he tried to run away he said he panic cos dun wan to kena saman for exhaust stuff...the police tells him not to do that as some police are very trigger happy and they might have shot you with their happened at the end my fren gave the police some vitamin C tablets and got on his way home....scary shite to be shot with an MP5 at roadblocks...

as for me....was 2 weeks ago....coming back from banting at the kesas toll booth...there's a jpj conducting roadblocks for lorries...but since my car can be heard from afar(and i was WOTting when approaching the booth)they start to act...but luckily i was using smarttag...the smarttag booth was at the very end of where the jpjs i buat dunno when they shone their torchlight at me like signalling me....then i see them running towards their car....farks ler i switch off my light and whack until subang....didnt see any blue lights though...also scary shite...also my first time to whack until my needle is all the way back to zero hahahahaha....need to get some good suspensions
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BTW, if I'm not mistaken, all police officers in Malaysia are instructed to 'shoot to kill'.

I know it is off topic but that could happens during a car chase.
Excalibur said:
I just got chase by the stupid police waja just now, coz i make a illegal u-turn and don't know suddenly from no way he appear and switch on his blue lights and start chasing me... So i just accelerate on 1st gear and he start give up...
coz he know he cant get me :p!!!

But for sure he did write down my plate no... so will see this few weeks i'll receiver a love letter from them or not... What do your guys think???

i experience da same thing like was happen in da morning during CNY...i was bout to go to my fren house n byebye him cuz he goin aussie study lor....its early in da morning...aroun 5.30am like dat....da highway was so empty..barely 2~3 cars only i speed to 160km/h...den deres tis waja tiong me back...but i duno its police so mai play wit him lor ( LoL )...den suddenly he open itu blue n red light...yay..hai latz...both of us pull over at de road side...den blablablablabla....and den my angpau money rm 30 is boh liau..haihzzzz ( u guys understd wat happen lar ^^)
chased a police undercover car b4....
din know it until later...

hahhahhhaa.....fak...lucky nothing happen....
alvinpck said:
chased a police undercover car b4....
din know it until later...

hahhahhhaa.....fak...lucky nothing happen....

You are very lucky,

My friend chase a police modified honda civic and win, then slow down let the car passed him and chased again and win again. This go on a few round. THen suddenly the undercover police go beside his car and pull out his police ID ask my friend to pull to the side. My friend have to settle with the police (you know what i mean)
wow..undercover police....dun play play >>_>
this thread is bloody funny. yeah happen to me tons as well on the hartamas highway got chased before but my car was already at 160 and they are starting form 0 so yeah of course lepas lah as for the black listed thing just turn off your lights so your license light oso would be turned off. and paid roadtax and insurance 1 month ago nothing happened. so yeah bout the roadblock thing though haha shit man thats sum serious stuff. trigger happy wow. haha adviseble not to run at blocks lah if this is the case but if cop chasing then no prob lah . if i get cought i will let you noe :cool:
dude...undercover or whatever...the rules are that if u are not wearing your uniform and not working (off duty) u cannot saman people...that one is carik makan 1.....a sarjan told my bro.

so next time they want to saman u , just ask them for thier id number and name u can make a they are not wearing any uniform ....and they saman u.
funnyman said:
this thread is bloody funny. yeah happen to me tons as well on the hartamas highway got chased before but my car was already at 160 and they are starting form 0 so yeah of course lepas lah as for the black listed thing just turn off your lights so your license light oso would be turned off. and paid roadtax and insurance 1 month ago nothing happened. so yeah bout the roadblock thing though haha shit man thats sum serious stuff. trigger happy wow. haha adviseble not to run at blocks lah if this is the case but if cop chasing then no prob lah . if i get cought i will let you noe :cool:

why want to turn off the lights and risk not seeing anything in front ?
Just make a switch for the rear number plate light, any accessory shop can do. :D
wat laa...dun u know that now pak lah got give green light for officers to summon you whether he is on duty or off duty....ahhahaha open your back boot ler...ur number plate will go they cannot see your number...not that they can see it in the first place when u nos purged their DIYing a hydraulic arm to push my plate upward....then sell here hahahahaha....

when the car is moving mar, tak kan open the rear boot wei ! haha ..
how come you dont want to buy those no. plate thingy in Best Feel,
its for the front of the car, the plate would go up after a certain
speed because of the force from the wind. The back one, just OFF the lights lor .. :D
gti88 : when u finish DIY,must inform k..or u need helping hand then call me also lar..

aiyor..y all the hassle to speed off? y not just say selamat malam encik,then belanja minum then habis cerita lar...thats all they wan also what..rather than go home and start getting worry until donno when?
me too made a U turn infront of a block.But i am innocent la. thought was some traffic jam or wat. coz was inside a housing area mah. U turned then jalan like usual,2-3 police on bike 'greet' me. later a waja too. man my car was seached throughly.. open bonnet,even they open my carpet....damn malu tht time..just told em i thought is traffic jam...they hv to let me go
My friend was driving me back home after yumcha.Reached a notoriously famous long delay traffic light so my friend slowed down to see wheter got cars coming the other side or not and then he beat the red light. The next second i was shouting at him "@#(#@^#^ didnt you see the Polis Waja next to you????" A Polis Waja was waiting in the right lane at the traffic lights and my one eyed blind friend didnt even see em. "Issit he replied" then he sped through the road and from the rear view mirror faaar away can see blue lights!!!turned a corner into a housing estate and made our way back later.

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