940 LPT Engine suffocation dies & starts


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Senior Member
Apr 27, 2006
Hi guys,

Yday while driving back from kuantan to KL, the car suddenly lost all engine power (rev just died), and i coasted to the side of the highway. Open the hood and i saw the rubber hose connecting the radiator reservoir to the turbo has a cut on it and all the coolant has leaked from there. No more coolant in the reservoir. But to my surprise, my temp meter didn't rise. It stayed at the middle of the dial as usual.(1)

Then i check the hose connecting the reservoir to the radiator, it's not hot but the hose from the radiotor to the engine is damn hot. when i touched the top radiator plastic cover, it's not hot too. I was damn afraid my gasket could have blown due to overheating(possibly), so i opened the engine oil cap. There were no sign of water mixture in the block. So i guess my gasket hasn't busted. YET!

Then i cut the broken part of the hose connecting the reservoir to the turbo and fix back the remaining part of the hose. And i filled the reservoir with water. Then i started the car, the engine could start. I refilled the reservoir again.

But i noticed the radiator fan wasn't running even after i left it idling for sometime. Then I tried swithing the A/C on, then the fan started to run. So i drove with the A/C on since the fan seemed to work in that manner now. (2)

I manage to drive but not for long before it acted up again. I felt the engine was dying out (rev was hunting), but i throttled more to keep it alive to keep moving. At some point, it stops hunting and at some point it does hunt again. I drove all along like that till Karak toll. This time it died completely and i had to start and rev rev rev to get the engine alive till i reach the nearest Petrol kiosk. i opened the hood, and saw everything was fine or so i think. No leak from any of the hoses, water level was normal, temp was normal. I tried starting again, and it immediatley dies off. so i tried starting while pumping the gas pedal, it started, the rev was hunting and it sounded like misfiring but continued reving and mantaining it at 3000rpm. Got black smoke coming out off the exhaust pipe everytime i rev higher.

The moment i let go off the pedal, the engine dies off. Knowing that there were no mechanics around at 7.30pm, i decided to drive while keeping my revs high till i reach home in Petaling Jaya.

I had to use my left foot for braking and my right foot to mantain engine speed so that it doesn't die off. And my left hand to switch bteen D & N when ever i needed to slow down or stop. I drove like that all the way till i reach home safely (literally). Some points the engine totally dies off, and i try starting again, there is just no crank at all. i halted the car and waited for a min and tried starting again, it starts and hunts again. And so i rev rev and drive as before to keep the engine alive and continued driving. WHat a journey!

Here are my Questions to what has happened:

What could have gone wrong? Did the lost of coolant caused all of this in the first place?

Refer to parts (1) & (2) above:
(1) Why didn't my temp needle rise higher than normal when the there was no water in the radiator since it has lost all coolant from the hose?

(2) Why didn't the radiator fan run when i left it to idle for sometime? Could it be the fan is faulty? But how is it that when i switch the A/C fan on, it turns on?

The car now is in my house in SS 4, PJ. DOes anyone knows where is the NEAREST Volvo mechanic who can fix the prob RELIABLY? I have to get it fixed today.
hi skull,

I suggest you post your questions to VOCM (Volvo Owners Club of Malaysia) forum. Here's the link: Volvo Owners Club of Malaysia

There are lots of experienced Volvo owners who would offer you suggestions and answer your questions. That's the best local Volvo forum that I've encountered.

Good luck!
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