Proton Roof Rust

I already install Lancer Wagon Sunroof at my Proton Satria roof, so just can forget about the warranty..hehehe, so far i'm using it for 5 years, no problem, just the host for the water to go out from the sunroof only. I changed it a few times because already "tersumbat" with dust and the host already "terkelepit", dunno why, easy to change it..:biggrin:

I already inspect my car for installing the sunroof, applied the form, JPJ approve it by just write it "Pemasangan sunroof diatas kereta bla, bla, bla dan diatas surat kebenaran bla, bla, bla", just like that...:hmmmm:

Thats why i keep thinking to put my sunroof system together with the bracket at new roof later bro nbecause at my car "geran" already been "cop" and signed it from JPJ regarding the sunroof installation, but as you said lor, all the workmanship expenses and after work done, dunno how it will result...:driver:

thats awesome then bro coz a lot of my frenz always complain their sunroof
then i feel that you should go ahead with it but most importantly locating a competent workshop that is reasonably priced and does a good job
actually i have proof regards the glue causes rust..... i using wira ab 2002..... roof no rust(hope dun ever rust) but i change my bonnet cause of rust.... i can clearly c rust only occur at the glue and spread... will update pic to share soon :burnout:
actually i have proof regards the glue causes rust..... i using wira ab 2002..... roof no rust(hope dun ever rust) but i change my bonnet cause of rust.... i can clearly c rust only occur at the glue and spread... will update pic to share soon :burnout:

yeap yeap the rust is definitely mainly caused by the glue used by proton because it is to my understanding that proton cars manufactured <2000 are metal based so thats what caused the rusting
taking a deviation from topic,

about sunroof..not only you have to get JPJ endorsement but you MUST also get your car insurer to approve. I understand that by putting a sunroof to cars which had non-sunroof installed car will weaken the roof structure. (Not all car's roof structure is made to support an additional sunroof). In case the car turned turttle causing the roof to collapse (because of self installed sunroof and its non factory installed) thereby seriously injuring the occupant inside, the insurer will VOID the insurance.:thefinger:

Just my 2 cents.

Happi :driver:

I already install Lancer Wagon Sunroof at my Proton Satria roof, so just can forget about the warranty..hehehe, so far i'm using it for 5 years, no problem, just the host for the water to go out from the sunroof only. I changed it a few times because already "tersumbat" with dust and the host already "terkelepit", dunno why, easy to change it..:biggrin:

I already inspect my car for installing the sunroof, applied the form, JPJ approve it by just write it "Pemasangan sunroof diatas kereta bla, bla, bla dan diatas surat kebenaran bla, bla, bla", just like that...:hmmmm:

Thats why i keep thinking to put my sunroof system together with the bracket at new roof later bro nbecause at my car "geran" already been "cop" and signed it from JPJ regarding the sunroof installation, but as you said lor, all the workmanship expenses and after work done, dunno how it will result...:driver:
Hi Mrnazmi, a bit off topic, have u heard people register their bodykit with JPJ? For example from wira front bodypart to evo bodypart?
Hi Mrnazmi, a bit off topic, have u heard people register their bodykit with JPJ? For example from wira front bodypart to evo bodypart?

Hye muskasim.
For all i know, regarding registration about the bodykit with JPJ example from wira front bodypart to evo bodypart, there is no requirement because all the parts does not need to modify the structure of the original body to install it, just plug and play. Sunroof need to be register because it been categorized under modify the roof structure even tough you just "tebok" at your roof to put the sunroof with removing your original roof.

However, for more details and confirmation, I suggest you just walk-in to the puspakom or JPJ office and ask them. If they say cannot, ask them for the reasons. Maybe you can share with us here for the details..:driver:
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