E36 318i or a new Myvi


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Senior Member
Apr 23, 2007
Salam and hi to all...

I'm a newbie here...
just graduated...
I'm thinking of buy a e36 318i by the end of this year or early next year...

my budget will be around 40k (probably installment) with 5k-10k spare for repairing...

its a trend for fresh grad to get a myvi after working maybe for half a year...

for me, rather than taking a new myvi (which may cost 40k++), i would rather go for a 2nd e36 318i...

but rite now, i still lack of info about the pros n cons choosing either of this car...

other cars option might be a v6 03', or others in that range of budget..

so I hope I can fetch all de info and ideas from u guys.


so any opinions?
ask urself wat purpose or wat ure daily usage with the car?

normal drive o need to mod?

new myvi low cost in maintenance, while used bmw maintenance will be high...and the cost aint cheap as well for repair.
i suggest u to use mercedes w202 - get c180 or c200 .its better.search dis car.its not hard to get this gar around $45K>
but its better dat BMW dat he want.i know la coz my fren using w202.
so the maintenance cost will be the major issue here..

let say if I spare 5k-10k for repairing the E36 318i...

and then do the service ontime...

will it be ok for me to use the bmw?

service for myvi and e36 318i have a big different in value?
Myvi would be CHEAPER in the LONG RUN

but your PASSION burns with BMW right !?!?

- IMHO -
dude, basically it all depends on what u want man, if u were to see, the proton is defiantly a new car, and maintenance wise is cheaper. And the BMW, is really a hardcore for a newly grad to maintain, unless money is not a factor here. A friend of mine got a 325i, and the car spends more time in the garage then on the road, and i'm not talking about upgrading, but just basic repairs... it somehow brings up new problems everyweek...
Emm.. Already got job offer? My advise and experience as well, even got 40K cash doesnt mean we can afford those 40K car. Need to take every factor into consideration, including those monthly non-car related expanses, an emergency saving and etc. 40K is nothing nowadays. Unless as AXXeLL said, money is not an issue for u.
For me, i always vote for new car coz u ll have chance to mantain it from the begining, For the used car, just make sure u check the car again, again, again and again before decide to throw ur money on it. Never judge the 2ndhand car from only it look. Good luck with ur hunting.:X-:
Before buying any used car, try to get in touch with actual owners...that means get in touch with Car clubs...and talk to them...theres a lot to learn..they may even help u get a better car or deal..or both..
With that type of a budget..list out all the cars that u can get..i bet there are a few japanese..a few contis..
Then narrow it down to the one you want by talking and listening to owners..like i said..get in touch with the respective car clubs...you will be surprised by the amount of Information they can give you...
I have a C200 w202, 230E w124.. planning 2 get a e36 318i for my younger brother soon too, honestly speaking if its not because my dad is paying part of it... i doubt that i would get the bmw, just can't afford to maintain this cars
my fren have a 11 year old e36 318i.

is a good car. but recently gb kong, had to pay RM4K+
for recon it. a brand new cost RM9K. and the aircon repair
reached 2K+.

i suggest u buy 2nd toyota or honda. dont ever buy a
2nd proton. toyota is known for its simplicity car, that maintenance
is dead easy (thus cheap). honda, is nice looking, and also
easy maintenance too. both these cars have excellent reliability
parts. my 6 yr city parts never fails.. all aircon blower fan, aircon fan, radiator fan,
brake pump, fuel pump, engine parts, everything still tip top. just maintain
like a regular new car.. oil, at gb oil, filters and what not only.

i cannot say the same for my previous 3 yr old wira bought brand new.
thanks everyone for the info..:_:
quite expensive to ,maintain the E36 318i huh...

it seems that getting a new car would give more advantages...

with a budget around 40k (not cash :confused_smile: ) what are other options do I have?

well, money is also an issue here..
my choice
honda accord under 40k
honda civic ek under 40k
benz w124 under 40k............... bullet proof
toyota camry and seg under 40k

dont get myvi la than later regret....small car la.....chicks tara pandang la....unless u got better car then use my as second car.......
why i never reccomend protong because its your luck somtime get good one sometime get not good one......beemer are for enthusiast(they know how to maintain the car) so repairs dont cost expensive......so up to you la bro......
thanx jeffblazed...

chicks tara pandang important also what..:shades_smile:
seems the option is wide open then...

still got time to decide, end of year or early next year to purchase the car...
ok bro.. go for a MYVI 100% u wont regret.. bmw will give problem after 5 years.. trust me.. im not saying bmw is no good but basically ithappen to all bmw and one more factor is malaysia weather.. the rubber cant stand the heat over here.. 318 have no power... what about e36 model.. an e36 328 lose pick up to a e46 318 .. i tested it before so its out.. like what others say .. maintaince can kill u ..10k is not a lot of bmw.. whaha is a little onli... and imagine lets say u buy a 1995 bmw for 40 over k ...
is alreayd 12 years.. how long u want2 drive..?? 3 or 4 yeras..?? by that time bmw already launch new model and this model is 1 model back again the price shoot down again and this car wont be able to take loan anymore.. onli credit can do.. so this car can say priceless edi... loan is counted like that ... the years of the car + the loan amount cannot be more than 15 years.. forexample.. 2000 bmw.. now is 2007 the car is already 7 years.. so the max loan u can take is up to 8 years onli
cant go more...

perdana u can get below 50k edi now. there are alot of choices but my advice.. don go for a car after 5 to 7 years old car.. even honda or toyota.. provided u know that car background... the best .. don go for a new myvi too.. wait find for a 1 year old myvi or few months old.. then purchase it... thats is a good buy.. some come iwth the free service.. hehe
my advice is.. BMW E36 year 93-96 can get it at 40K.. then RM10k for 1jz engine.. then settle liow... no need to maintaince like hell for BMW.... lagi amoi semua mau naik kereta not just pandang only...
or u also can go for E30 cheaper!!
my advice is.. BMW E36 year 93-96 can get it at 40K.. then RM10k for 1jz engine.. then settle liow... no need to maintaince like hell for BMW.... lagi amoi semua mau naik kereta not just pandang only...
or u also can go for E30 cheaper!!
u forgot to mention an e36 with 1jzgte......is a very fast car and capable puting to shame some of the newer cars.....
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