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yo nick... call me la 012 2241312 i intro u my mech la... but it's at pj area :) taman mayang :)
happy new yr to all of u all ..... so sad to hear all the accidents from my bro there. how things going on ur side? give me a buzz if need anything.

hi there , nick ..... long long time didnt c meet u de lol ..... ur the king fong fei kei. busy all time , hehehehe.(joking onli). good to have u back online. nowdays i am more into the new forum , but i am still here to support all the ADC frens + members.


if anyone of u all wan to know more about vip style , just log in here. u all can get me at tannie2121 = julie2121

is good to c all the members trying hard to keep this forum moving again !! gam beh teh , keep the forum moving ya.

Hey need to pretend and say that you are joking la! I know i am FFK king! haha! All my frens tell me that! :P

Btw, how is your wife doing? Both yer wives! hehe! Hope they are doing good! :P

Catch up with you soon! Cheers!
Hey need to pretend and say that you are joking la! I know i am FFK king! haha! All my frens tell me that! :P

Btw, how is your wife doing? Both yer wives! hehe! Hope they are doing good! :P

Catch up with you soon! Cheers!

just joking nia.... both of us doing fine , how on ur sides. when is ur big day?? dun forget me lol .....

looking forward to have a drink with u and tracy. send regards to her as well ....
miss bout of u all
just joking nia.... both of us doing fine , how on ur sides. when is ur big day?? dun forget me lol .....

looking forward to have a drink with u and tracy. send regards to her as well ....
miss bout of u all
Things are fine over here...except that very busy lor! Work and all! Stress la!

My big day...not so soon ler! Gotta save enough money to buy house and then get married ler. All my money spent on other things liao. So now gotta really save and change priority! :P

Tracy also sends her regards. We miss you guys ler. Must yum cha and catch up soon! Take care!
Things are fine over here...except that very busy lor! Work and all! Stress la!

My big day...not so soon ler! Gotta save enough money to buy house and then get married ler. All my money spent on other things liao. So now gotta really save and change priority! :P

Tracy also sends her regards. We miss you guys ler. Must yum cha and catch up soon! Take care!
me also misses u all , n looking forward to yam cha too ..... just give me a buzz ya
at the mean time , take care
Hye Ad Lezort Plend...

Ahakss... bengkok .... apo lass aku ade jek... opss sorry english.... dont know laa were all adc forumer go... may b bz with their car.... hye baby... ;)

Mamak roti telur 2...

Hye Ad Lezort Plend...

Ahakss... bengkok .... apo lass aku ade jek... opss sorry english.... dont know laa were all adc forumer go... may b bz with their car.... hye baby... ;)

Mamak roti telur 2...


Always eating la la we...heheheh..

long time no see la.when can meet up..

already install you shonan ka..
Hye Ad Lezort Plend....

Ahaks... mie .. eat for life.... ahaks... my shanon coming soon.. may b this saturday... i will show u the pic.. if i have install...

Bang Burger 2 biji...

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hey guys haha yeah ADC has been too quiet nowadays come on guys liven it up :) hey bang bengkok n gearbok.... hehe gearbok really need to watch his diet d... always eating hahahah yeah mahn show some pics.. let every feast their eyes on some pics so got inspiration here and there :) cheers guys...

nick... remember 2 call... haha i'll be waiting.. then we can go have a drink with tannie and andy and the rest :) send my regards 2 ur girl as well k?

abang tannie :) ur so happy now coz finally found ur beloved there at VDC (similar oni 2 ADC) hahaha this time rili bz coz gonna graduate soon d so thesis and assignments coming in like mad... so when i'm done and graduated jom we TT again :) cheers to all

every1 in ADC just wanna say hi and keep the spirit up wagonist :)
hi hi to all the guys in adc. i hope i dun have to intro myself again lol. how u all been doing , i've been watching u all and u all have been very very quiet. actually i am working very hard in and hoping more ADC members to come n join the new comunity......

this is a very new site , and i've open a ADC topic for u all. pls click the below link and SUPPORT me on this as how u all support this topic in ZTH. can u all do it ?? just follow the link and will direct u to it....
thankz for the support
ADC - AD Resort Club - Car Club Building - King Of W3b Automotive Forum - Powered by Discuz!


  • rim.JPG
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hi Julie2121 & ADC

I have few questions;

1. what bodykit that ad use? kedai potong ada bnyk stok?
2. best aftermarket sport suspension for ad
3. besides sr20 turbo engine, is there any other n/a engine that can fit ad nicely for power upgrade (e.g. dohc engine)?

need you advise and tips
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