Bjh 6600 owner step up!

erm guys. i think d caldina mentioned actually appeared almost everyday near my office in klang .. chinese fella in near 20s or early 30s.
sum1 here even mentioned dat it appeared in klang n guess im right ..
walau...still continue kutuk that car?easy,just grab a old car to bang his car during speeding on highway or during he park his car outside road...make sure that car really to send to cut...cut ur name first if u r that car owner...
today paper,kl apartment got 6 bike and 2 kelisa car found burn,all resident dunno what happen during wee hour 4am,police still no any idea who doin tat...
crazy?just burn one ok...why he/she burn to 8 unit...just worry how the owner of bike and car repay back bank loan as their machine now is gone..still own loan with bank?did bank letting it settle with pay or still wan they pay back loan?
erm guys. i think d caldina mentioned actually appeared almost everyday near my office in klang .. chinese fella in near 20s or early 30s.
sum1 here even mentioned dat it appeared in klang n guess im right ..

that fellow looks quite kiddish right? like some little monkey from a jamban after a raya open house with 500 guests.

i'm not gonna go burn his car and what nots. at the very least i do not want that to happen to me too. I'm just gonna confront him face to face and see if he's a hero out of the car or not. Non of us wants our car to be burnt. Well if he did ram into my car when my gf was in it I would definitely burn the car and him together with it but since no accident happened I'm just gonna confront him and see how much balls he got with him. I've managed to get enough info from around the forums and would like to thank everyone for their contribution.

that fellow looks quite kiddish right? like some little monkey from a jamban after a raya open house with 500 guests.

i'm not gonna go burn his car and what nots. at the very least i do not want that to happen to me too. I'm just gonna confront him face to face and see if he's a hero out of the car or not. Non of us wants our car to be burnt. Well if he did ram into my car when my gf was in it I would definitely burn the car and him together with it but since no accident happened I'm just gonna confront him and see how much balls he got with him. I've managed to get enough info from around the forums and would like to thank everyone for their contribution.


i like your words man... same here... i guess nobody wan their rides burnt... dun do sumting people where u dun wan it to happen to u... bad karma...

but if my gf was in my car... in an accident.. anything happens to her... i wun burn his car.. i will burn him instead and hope the car lives on with a better owner... but currently no gf... so no worries hahaha:biggrin:
Actually, why post here la? i suggest u post it here:

PDRM - Maklumat | Facebook

Also, if i wanna post, i'll have a hall of cucuk fame in ZTH to post.. i get cucuk on a freaking weekly basis... kena tailgate until i'm so damn numb.. u name it.. fuh-lali, lambo-bikini, por-shi, EVO, Skyline, celica, kancil, wira, caldina..niama... all also cucuk... I just designed a sticker... will be sending it to the sticker shop for 'cutting' this coming week... hahaha..

We complain ppl. cucuk..honestly, we are no saint either... one time or another.. we also cucuk... see whether kena spotted or not only..
Actually, why post here la? i suggest u post it here:

PDRM - Maklumat | Facebook

Also, if i wanna post, i'll have a hall of cucuk fame in ZTH to post.. i get cucuk on a freaking weekly basis... kena tailgate until i'm so damn numb.. u name it.. fuh-lali, lambo-bikini, por-shi, EVO, Skyline, celica, kancil, wira, caldina..niama... all also cucuk... I just designed a sticker... will be sending it to the sticker shop for 'cutting' this coming week... hahaha..

We complain ppl. cucuk..honestly, we are no saint either... one time or another.. we also cucuk... see whether kena spotted or not only..

cucuk i dun care coz i'll just let go and ignore since it's oh too common. this one is attempting to cause an accident by aggressively ramming into my lane even when the guy infront of him moved away. xD
Actually, why post here la? i suggest u post it here:

PDRM - Maklumat | Facebook

Also, if i wanna post, i'll have a hall of cucuk fame in ZTH to post.. i get cucuk on a freaking weekly basis... kena tailgate until i'm so damn numb.. u name it.. fuh-lali, lambo-bikini, por-shi, EVO, Skyline, celica, kancil, wira, caldina..niama... all also cucuk... I just designed a sticker... will be sending it to the sticker shop for 'cutting' this coming week... hahaha..

We complain ppl. cucuk..honestly, we are no saint either... one time or another.. we also cucuk... see whether kena spotted or not only..

Well said ... :biggrin:
cucuk i dun care coz i'll just let go and ignore since it's oh too common. this one is attempting to cause an accident by aggressively ramming into my lane even when the guy infront of him moved away. xD

Then? What can you do? What do you wish to achieve by posting here? So you can get a bunch of guilty car freaks like us to say YEAH MAN..THAT FELLA SUCKS! LET'S BURN HIS RIDE? ehhehe.. it dont work that way bro.. just post at PDRM...

Let's think of it this way, you can look on things from a brighter perspective.. imagine, u hit his car .. end up coming down and fight... u get bashed n bruised.. you report and sue him.. is that worth it? no isnt it? or the other way round... you are the winner, u bashed him and bruised him.. and u kena road bully case.. how?

Swallow it lo... i also swallow alot of times oledi... one time one unker cucuk me.. over take me... show me thumbs down then middle finger... i also swallow lo.. wat u want me to do? boost n over take him and show him i'm just as low down as him? or just bang his car ..quickly use black marker pen draw dragon and tiger on my arms ...come down from car show him my marker pen tatoo arm like some paikiah and cari gaduh?

either way u look at it.. the outcome of watever u do is negative.. the only way u can do is.. swallow lo.. swallow oledi then come ZTH and post here...

I remember one time.. got one Satria.. wah lau eh.. fuckin pull some jackie chan stunt on me.. i posted in ZTH and criticise him kao kao... end up? he replied coz he's a ZTH member also.. cari gaduh and all.. wat u want me to do? bring my car out and cari gaduh ah? not worth it la... for wat? so if the caldina fella come in.. and fuck 9 u.. ask u.. mat 7? wanna come out gaduh? so ? wat u wanna do? report police la! come! then how? wat u wanna do? u'll end up with nothing achieved... honestly, just now i posted it.. less than 30mins ago.. i also lupa wat no. plate oledi.. u think ZTH members will remember meh... ZTH members only remember 'general posting - random gal pics'... and 'felixia yeap gallery'.. and a few other chick gallery... and maybe occasional alim fellas like me only remember Skyline engine bay pics... hehehe

There's a cantonese saying... 'yan yat see... fong ping long jing'... sabar abit.. peacefulness is there... so sabar lo..and swallow.. if u see some fella drive like him .. be alert lo.. slow down let him be hero.. while u slow down to 2-3 cars behind and enjoy d movie with pop corn.. or even better..with your video fone.. kasi record and post here.. then no need to put no. plate and all.. can put non-offensive but education topic like: JACKIE CHAN STUNT DRIVING LESSONS FOR ALL ZTH MEMBERS.. COME! FREE.. NO NEED PAY RM15 TGV TICKET..then u get like a thousand likes... and a million shares on facebook ;)

---------- Post added at 05:28 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 05:25 PM ----------

to add on.. all the fellas with number plates 6600 all drive like hantu... I know at least 3 fellas.. the most well known is ek_jun 6600 WAHHAHAHAHAHA
There's a cantonese saying... 'yan yat see... fong ping long jing'... sabar abit.. peacefulness is there...

nicely written bro. im with u.
no disrespect to u bro shawnglory.. but nothing happened to u and ur gf. just walk away.
ur a better man if u dont retaliate imho.

theres so many clowns out there doing dis everyday.
drive safe.
[/COLOR]to add on.. all the fellas with number plates 6600 all drive like hantu... I know at least 3 fellas.. the most well known is ek_jun 6600 WAHHAHAHAHAHA[/QUOTE]

alamak ...... i pun kena .......adoiiii............ nvm i swallow it .........follow with :beerglass:

Relax everybody.... nanti jadi like the scene below den not good la... haha... no fight... no fight...

Tesco Malaysia 抢人车位的野蛮女人 - YouTube

P/S: Both party in the video i dun feel they are right as well... altough the auntie being rude... but... parking space ni... let go and find another one... if others be unmannered we be more mannered... dun join them... moral of the story... whats goes around... comes around... u see how freaked up the aunties was she knew she was being recorded... and look closely... the video is actually cropped... i guess the girl would have the same reaction if her friend betrayed her and uploaded the uncropped version... lest hope it dun happen... the girl looks like she driving a expensive car... i guess frm looking from the dashboard... so... relax... haha...

btw... how to embed video a?
Last edited:
man i saw that vid on fb earlier and that was such a horrible example a mother could set for her developing kids.

OT : I swallowed it, digested it, put it in the toilet bowl and it turned out to be a bad case of food poisoning. Never was a problem until he tried to ram into me so before someone else who probably isn't quick on the brakes *i'm a coward with mid pedal reflex* gets rammed might as well put a stop to one fellow. it's not as much as a hate and a ganging on thread as it is a future prevention thread but that's just my 2 cents. I can be pretty immature and am sorry if this offended you
Just let it go la, Shawn. Be the better man. Life is just too short to have so much drama la. You did a police report, you vented it out, a few people joined in your support group and vented too. 6600 might have been chasing a thief, sending a family member to a nearby hospital or just your everyday less than average a$$h0le. Who knows.

You can search for him, confront him and check out "how much balls he has got with him" like you describe. From a medical perspective, most males will come with a pair. So it's probably a comparison of size than quantity.

So both of you pull down your pants, hold each others balls and make comparision. 3 possible outcome - you have bigger balls than him and he say you win, you have smaller balls than him and you lose OR both of your compare balls for hours and still don't agree who wins.

Substitute holding the other person's ball with "doing something stupid". In the end, ask yourself if it's worth all the trouble or be the better man and just move on la. If you are like Blackie and drive a "tailgate" magnet, how many time are you going to come online and start a new thread and confront people.

The above is written to make light of a serious situation but chill and relax. Don't do something you might regret. You might soon the next famous youtube Tesco Auntie or you might get the sh*t beaten out of you. It's hard to let go but take a pill and chill k... cheers!
hahaha...parking bay also wan bising?if ur nice car park,dont u worry ur nice car will damage by that aunt if u straight parking and leave her behind..for me,i not dare to park my ride,just leave it to her...forget it and getting better park next long as we happy shopping and enjoy my nice movie without fear every second how about my ride...:driver:
man i saw that vid on fb earlier and that was such a horrible example a mother could set for her developing kids.

OT : I swallowed it, digested it, put it in the toilet bowl and it turned out to be a bad case of food poisoning. Never was a problem until he tried to ram into me so before someone else who probably isn't quick on the brakes *i'm a coward with mid pedal reflex* gets rammed might as well put a stop to one fellow. it's not as much as a hate and a ganging on thread as it is a future prevention thread but that's just my 2 cents. I can be pretty immature and am sorry if this offended you

relax bro... anywayz... given that i were you... i would hv been as mad as you... i wanted to start a thread like dis... but it happened to me too many pointless that i post them... too many numberplates to remember... at the end i forgot about it...

at one time i wanted to write in to the HR department of one guy who actually overtook me arrogantly with just little space in front from the divider... and he does it everymorning that week when i went to work... and he happens to work in the same office tower as me... park at the same parking area... eats at the same food court... but he doesn't know i am kne those drivers he cuts off dangerously... after a while... i thought of... just forget it la... and i didn't write everything was forgetten... i tot of... dun be so bad la... work same place... dun wan him to loose his job or kena any warning from his admins... so now everything ok d lo... relax... wenting it is ok... but dun BURN PEOPLE'S car!!! and dun FIGHT!!! dun do something to people where u dun wan it happen to u like i dun wan somebody to send a letter to my HR saying me dis and that... which i ocasionally difitnah for no reason... ==

---------- Post added at 12:09 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 12:09 AM ----------

hahaha...parking bay also wan bising?if ur nice car park,dont u worry ur nice car will damage by that aunt if u straight parking and leave her behind..for me,i not dare to park my ride,just leave it to her...forget it and getting better park next long as we happy shopping and enjoy my nice movie without fear every second how about my ride...:driver:

i like you man...
Just let it go la, Shawn. Be the better man. Life is just too short to have so much drama la. You did a police report, you vented it out, a few people joined in your support group and vented too. 6600 might have been chasing a thief, sending a family member to a nearby hospital or just your everyday less than average a$$h0le. Who knows.

You can search for him, confront him and check out "how much balls he has got with him" like you describe. From a medical perspective, most males will come with a pair. So it's probably a comparison of size than quantity.

So both of you pull down your pants, hold each others balls and make comparision. 3 possible outcome - you have bigger balls than him and he say you win, you have smaller balls than him and you lose OR both of your compare balls for hours and still don't agree who wins.

Substitute holding the other person's ball with "doing something stupid". In the end, ask yourself if it's worth all the trouble or be the better man and just move on la. If you are like Blackie and drive a "tailgate" magnet, how many time are you going to come online and start a new thread and confront people.

The above is written to make light of a serious situation but chill and relax. Don't do something you might regret. You might soon the next famous youtube Tesco Auntie or you might get the sh*t beaten out of you. It's hard to let go but take a pill and chill k... cheers!

Good point to everyone and this ultimately made me say F it along with my gf saying OI DONT GO HUNT PEOPLE FOR NO REASON LA and a lot of scoldings thereafter.

Guess I should just join the Aiyah biarlah group. Well it's true as much as I do not want to burn his car and what nots I don't want any repercussions that could lead to my gf suffering and my car in smothering bits. If cops do something its his karma else then I guess I'll just let it slip aside.

It's fair enough to show I'm not the only one who got a sight and a tad more of this bjh 6600 fellow.

just let "road mother nature" do her work to this fella...he will get it someday
Hey guys,

would like to take the chance to wish everyone a selamat hari raya and merdeka.

on a grimmer note, I bumped into an agressive driver number plate BJH 6600 last night along ldp and is driving a caldina. Intentionally tailgating the car infront and hard braking every few seconds and once honked he intentionally swerved into a small gap infront of me attempting a collision. Just wanna know if you guys know this driver ?

and if you are the driver, u were honked because you were tail gating a kancil without realising the havoc u're causing behind you. everytime you jammed your brakes someone jams theirs and up to a point everyone diverted into the middle lane. and fyi, you caused my gf a jolt of shock when u intentionally tried to cause an accident. usually i'd remain calm and not care about these kinda things as i drive in kl everyday but this i'm not letting go. best you step up to the plate for your actions. police report will be made during lunch time and i will not stop hunting you down until you get what you deserve.

Cheers and drive safe this raya season to all.

dude, sorry to hear that...more and more douschy drivers these days..

anyhow...easy way to check the details...get a runner or go personally to the balai and ask the counter saying u wanna check for saman for that car reg no. They will then print out a statement, you will get alot of "details" on top of the you know what to do la..kekeke....if u need sponsor for a bucket of red paint..let me know.. =P

---------- Post added at 01:40 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 01:39 AM ----------

once a mutha "parker" always a mutha "parker"

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