Give me a card. Seriously.

Mar 16, 2011
Kuala Lumpur
I have noticed that my spendings have gone to the point where i realize that if i actually made purchases with a CC i might have gotten something back in return. Now i have heard plenty of recommendations from friends and people alike but i want to hear what the forum have to say about selections in the market now. Im pretty sure i would get a more honest opinion here.:biggrin:
u want a credit card when ur expenditure is already so bad???

getting a card would be ur spending worse... avoid them at all costs.. at least this way u can better control ur finances. debts aint fun....
cash is the best way to track your spending
in a sense that if u run out you cant spent more which is the realistic choice
unlike credit card no matter what u can spend until u reach your credit limit of course which is still pretty high in comparison with your income
thats how they get ya :banghead:
A credit card is good if you do not have medical card. Keep it in your wallet and when you have emergency and somehow reach private hospital, at least they won't let you die at a corner. If wanna use it to purchase things, it would be very convenience. But you must not forget to clear it every end of the month. You miss 2 times, you are gone.

Depends on limit, you must have 1 or 2 in your pocket. It is useful to deal with emergency. So far I would like to have the one got petrol rebate but I'm gonna apply for it cuz don't wanna make my wallet looks fat and ugly.
CC could destroy your life, worst if your single.
if u cannot control your spending, use debit card.
but cc is good during emergency lol...for me i only keep 1 whichc is the shell card..coz got discount on petrol hehe...that card purely on petrol only
Seriously guys.

If someone is a serial spender, I doubt denying him the 'plastic' will stop him from abstaining from over-indulgence :)
the best CC i've used is CIMB..

i think all local bank CC is good.. except Bank Islam..

control is a MUST..

it's like juggling..

must balance ur income & ur expenditures..

credit card is good for ppl who know control,worst for ppl who dunno control...over limit what u earning per month like when we havent money but we like a and wear it later ma...if everything also same excuse...just image u got 10 item to pay,camera,tv,computer,h/phone,holiday trip,bla sure ur basic also cant cover all about monthly expenses after pay all petrol,food...sweep by cc apply bankrupt status lo...
its true... CC can be good n oso can be devil.... u cant control it, u r gone... take myself as a sample... im in the process of clearing the debts... thanx God im doin well in clearing the debts... but CC still usefull for emergency case... should hav 1 or 2 for emergency use... Good luck..
Credit Card sometimes you can get addicted and adopting the attitude of "nevermind" use 1st sure can pay will lost control and whenever u dun have enough cash and want to buy that thing badly, the 1st thing that come into your mind is credit card...

I only use it to book movie tickets and pump petrol but pay within the week itself...cant exceed 20 days or I'll have to pay with some interest charges...
the best CC i've used is CIMB..

i think all local bank CC is good.. except Bank Islam..

control is a MUST..

it's like juggling..

must balance ur income & ur expenditures..[\img][/quote]

i agree, bank islam is the most f**ked up bank. when u apply CC wah..they very nice to u wan, when u late for your payments, they scold u......they will call u up & straight away "bila nak bayar"
thats bank islam guys......
i agree, bank islam is the most f**ked up bank. when u apply CC wah..they very nice to u wan, when u late for your payments, they scold u......they will call u up & straight away "bila nak bayar"
thats bank islam guys......


To be perfectly honest bro, most banks are like that, even the foreign banks. It's not a behavior unique to Bank Islam. It's just that Bank Islam and Maybank are more f**ked up than many others.

Bankers are never your friend. They only like to pretend to be your friend.

There's an old saying that a banker will give you an umbrella to shade you from the sun. When it starts raining, the banker will take away that umbrella.

When you go on credit, when you take a loan, when you owe the bank, they will treat you as another guy with debt....they won't treat you as a valued customer.

That is why when you are liquid and financially independent, and bank reps start to woo you for your patronage and deposits, there is absolutely nothing wrong in hammering the bast*rds and demand your pound of flesh in terms of service, and better rates of return.

An most typical bank reps that push investment packages to depositors are just sales people with no real financial acumen. They are just there to meet their monthly sales quota. Which basically means they don't really advise you of the pitfalls and ramifications of investing in some of these packages.
Fvel : i agree wid u...but international banks like citibank are polite even if debts are unpaid on time. for me the best bank ever would be Public Bank.
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