Who's The Real Vtec King In Malaysia?

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Akuma u driving that orange rex right? i saw the pic somewhere in zth .. i think the toyota forums o.O ... damn nice and clean.
cup!!!!!!!!in toyota forum?now watta heck is a pick of a crx doin in a toyota forum?sum1 doin a sick joke?cud u guys kindly point out whc thread?thx

yeah..haf v met?
akuma said:
whc rex u toking abt?sleeper?u mean d green 1?dat 1 u call sleeper?mak oi.....like dat mine is "coma" lor?ahhahahahahhaa

bro akuma..what i mean by sleeper is "nampak biasa tapi monster@power"..dont salah anggap ok..i know him n his my pren also...your's is not coma laa...ppl play play with u only get coma kekeke...
wuihh..u call Gee's CRX a sleeper?pebender yg sleepernyer??org tua sakit jantung can get attacked whn c dat car lar woi..signal pun tarak...a/con?pakai kipas ajer siot!hahhahahahaha.....is he running HOOSIER?coz he told me he wanted 2 buy wor?!
akuma said:
cup!!!!!!!!in toyota forum?now watta heck is a pick of a crx doin in a toyota forum?sum1 doin a sick joke?cud u guys kindly point out whc thread?thx

yeah..haf v met?

hahaha im not sure also. I think it was the thread where some guy challenged u? The pic was taken at sepang i think.
J f D,
oic...dat thread aka SAGA I is it?ehehhehe..ol stowee liau..u remember lagi ek?ahahhaha
ahahhaha .. the story i forgot laa... but the pic of the rex i remember hehe. Damn nice
i know u but u dunno me mar...heheh..jage..kehkeh
akuma said:
wuihh..u call Gee's CRX a sleeper?pebender yg sleepernyer??org tua sakit jantung can get attacked whn c dat car lar woi..signal pun tarak...a/con?pakai kipas ajer siot!hahhahahahaha.....is he running HOOSIER?coz he told me he wanted 2 buy wor?!


From wikipedia.org (encyclopedia) : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleeper_(car)

A sleeper (US English) or Q-car (British English) is a car that has high performance and an unassuming exterior. Sleeper cars are termed such because their exterior looks little or no different from a normal version of the car, but internally they are modified to perform at higher levels, thus they can catch the unaware "sleeping".

When he gave me a ride in his rex..my jantung can tercabut...super lightweight.
if u guys flooring the pedal surely i dun stand any chance lorr..

dun worry,im not a stalker...im an observer n a peace keeper..kehkehkeh
"if u guys flooring the pedal surely i dun stand any chance lorr.."--->YEAH,right!hehehehehhe
hehe..yes it is rite~!!

i want to see ur rex up close if we had a chance to meet up..n take me for a ride la..can ar?heard bout ur car from my frens..n foe..in sepang,shah alam n other places too..good n bad stories..i think bad as in nakal kot?ko banyak cucuk orang atas jalan ke?hehehe
liar liar pants on fire...i stay in d east coast n d crx is w me..how cud ppl in sepang or shah alam know abt dis car?must b another crx.....n abt me cucuking ppl on d road...not entirely true..i never do dat unless sum1 pisses me off w their stewpik-driving....hhehehhehehhehe
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