The fast and the furious 3 - tokyo drift

just back from watching. nice car.. but overall just a "wannabe kid" movie. they dont take the car seriously.. just treat it as something to race. plus.. dun even mention the engine parts. just camera shots.

nice for those who not really into cars.

bored for those who really know about cars...
K_Takuya said:
just back from watching. nice car.. but overall just a "wannabe kid" movie. they dont take the car seriously.. just treat it as something to race. plus.. dun even mention the engine parts. just camera shots.

nice for those who not really into cars.

bored for those who really know about cars...

This is The JapanESe REal LifE DRift WorlD!~ this is The Japan Drift caltuRE!~ hopefully i Can go Japan To learn More n UndERstand more About Japan Drift Calture!~ GEt mor3 ExperienCe wif it!~

GuyS !~ JapanEse ppl Drifting juz like we Eating RiCE !~ u unDerStanD??
Sum1 should know about the Story !~ hehehe :_:

i have No ChoiCE !~ that y i ChooSe 2 be IlleGA| DriftEr!~

Stay On the Streets!~
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read life? ever been to tokyo? itz a peace place, not street illegal racing... street illegal racing only happened in small town in japan... the car modification for fnf3 is more to pimp my ride style not real JAPANESE style...
na_power said:
read life? ever been to tokyo? itz a peace place, not street illegal racing... street illegal racing only happened in small town in japan... the car modification for fnf3 is more to pimp my ride style not real JAPANESE style...

Sorry!~ I never been there b4! but i guEss at Midnite , Sure The Streets full of PPl Gathering at sum where!~ have u ever been stay on mautain Bangolo b4?? have u ever Drift nite 2 morning up to the hill juz for the DRift Track ? have EVEr try thiS b4!~ u Even dunno what the hell is happening now in d JApan ~!~ i also dunno too!~ :sad_smile: once things i know by this sleeping time!!~ "JaPAnEse ppl R FK now~ ! yamateh!~ ganbateh neh!~ ~ muahhaha :X-:
i rate 10/10 for the girls' dressing (sexy!).. LOL... for storyline.. >> 8/10.. for the cars.. >> 9/10 (not full cause at last race they use stupid lau eiah car) LOLZ

i wonder does the movie being shown in msia got cut by censor board?
the cars oke la.. nice..

but just the main actor storyline is weak... the previous actor can do better...
watched it yesterday. I think its a dumb movie for stupid ass wannabe boy racers. atleast the first two movies were a bit more believable. All this movie does is increase the number of butthole boy racers on the road (we already have people saying that they tried to drift the sunway bridge and shit). But i did like the first scene and the chicks thru-out the movie.
p9494 said:
atleast the first two movies were a bit more believable..

xcuse me..the first 2 movie was okey but BELIEVABLE! definitely not..okey the first movie,can u find a place straight line last 5 USA?the NOS,duz it make effects like dat?..2nd movie iz better than the first cuz got SKY..hehe..haven't watch the 3rd movie but it's bout Drifting..of course more expectation N new stuff..
love the 3rd movie. at least i can see more engine, hear more engine noise, and i don have to listen to sound blasting everytime they race in previous movie.

Neela is pretty, she is my dream girl now!

no idea wat u trying to say. fist u hate it, then u love it?
edgar m. said:
can u find a place straight line last 5 USA?

Im not entirely sure of what you mean but i think you are asking if a place like that with a 1/4 mile stretch of road exists in the USA, like the one in the last 5 minutes of the movie?(correct me if im wrong). Why not?

edgar m. said:
the NOS,duz it make effects like dat?

Very good question. The effects of nitrus (NOS in your language) as shown in the fast and the furious series is to depict the massive improvement in a cars acceleration while using nitrus (as i said early on, these movies are taylored to cater to dumbass boy racers).
Plus all movies have to exhaggerate to give you a more personal look into the movie. If they didn't have huge explosions with cars flying 20 feet off the ground when a spark is fired into a petrol tank, it would be an awefully boring movie. It's where directors draw the line that is crucial.

reintel said:
no idea wat u trying to say. fist u hate it, then u love it?

Please quote where i state that i love the movie.
'But i did like the first scene and the chicks thru-out the movie.'

its in a package! its either u love it or hate it. in real life situation, its either u live or u die!..

and for godsake! its only a MOVIE! u dont have to go the extend of condemming it for your own agenda. if like that i surely think u believe in STAR WARS!
back 2 the topic..the NOS effects in the first movie like i said iz really not LOGIC..
the 5mins road iz the one where Brian race using his green eclipse in the beginning of the movie..the race last bout 5 @ more than 5mins i think..if outside the town,okey i believe but in the middle of the town..Woo so long man
dunno about drifting... but if we can have gatherings on the car park roof tops with DJs playing funky tunes and hot chicks with mini skirts...i don mind oi
well, there's such a thing as booking a carpark for such gatherings.. not fr drift la. not to say d chicks or d dudes are running around naked or sorts
yes to illegal racing.....and drifting should be left on the streets un organized....
reintel said:
'But i did like the first scene and the chicks thru-out the movie.'

its in a package! its either u love it or hate it. in real life situation, its either u live or u die!..

and for godsake! its only a MOVIE! u dont have to go the extend of condemming it for your own agenda. if like that i surely think u believe in STAR WARS!

There we have it. I find no point in following up this conversation.
hmmm i watched at friday nite .............. i think my rate for this movie overall is 6.5/10 !!!!!!

here's my rate :

8.5/10 --- the scene drifting in the car park
7/10 ----- storyline
6/10 ----- last scene with 2 hero drifting at the hill road (effert sucks)
8/10 ----- drifing at tokyo town ( excellent stunt )
7/10 ----- keiichi tsuchiya ( he looks very funny and fake on his face )

eeh i think this is my final rate for this movie, comes to actor i only say yes to 'han' coz his face and stlye look more real when driftiing and the rest all look very fake !!!!!! come's to gals part ..... mmmm no good !!!! chicks explore not enough much and also beautiful, neela ? mmm not nice !!!!! the sound effect when they racing is perfect compare with the past 2 movie .......... i believe the fast and the furious 4 will coming out as now i feel like they just introducing about drifting and the story end up with van diesel .........

well correct me if i'm wrong ......
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