Pictures taken using Digicam/DSLR

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yeah....looks better u got it...not must be show everything is nice, not must everything in the center is nice... not everything is clear is nice... if u know there's alwiz a golden spot for composition...maybe can search around in google, showing where is the golden spot for the composition..
thanks sonic & msafiedin....

u guys helped me...i'll try again....

come...put more pics...this is getting interesting...
haha its nothing lah...everyone is learning, even myself also....
still got not pic to share, maybe wait til my website is up...but dun think that soon, no time for other thing..lots of assignment...
yeah today snap few more pic
but havent seen the result yet

ayo gonna miss this interesting topic lor
going outstation again soon...

dun forget to snap more pics when u go for outstation...
want to see the pics...

like me also...when got free i snap pics...
kompak cannot snap pic at my work place lol
security is strict
workin at rig
Thanks for your comments :)

Took this at the re-opened orchid garden.

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Thanks. well, takes patience and lots of good luck and timing. hehehehe

If they come tiong me, then let them tiong lor. hahaha Nothing I can do about it if they wanna tiong me... for the sake of a photo hahaha I took like lots of shots and only a handful was useful. Even this one, it's not good enough. Must practice more la. Thanks for the comments.
I'm from PJ. :) Not much time to shoot for a long time already. hehehe Yeah, meeting up would be cool. :)
one of my most recent pic, a club i join, VIPstyle Society Malaysia. pardon me for editing the plate no, make the pic less nicer...






enjoy, and if any comment or opinion just shoot :D
beforei'd liek to comment...i want to disclaimed..thisis all constructive critiqism..
don;t take it personal~..

IMHO,your photo's are underexposed and wrong WB setting.
the composition is not interesting and the colours is not attractive..
it doesn;t potray and unique or talents in the photo's's very amatuer..
some of them were off focus and and the colour is poor~

what you can do to imporve the images is to edit them extremely~,,
sumthin you can try is
-increase the saturation/contrast
-try different colour balance/colour mix/levels(colour correction)
-masking in photoshop may help
-cropping to get a better framing
-get wild with it.
-get more image reference from internet(supercar website, imported magazine sites)

p/s - be patiant and don;t think what other might think when you are taking photograph..i feel that when you are taking those images, you weren;t very prepared and was rushing...probably because of the hot weather?...
IMHO,your photo's are underexposed and wrong WB setting.
the composition is not interesting and the colours is not attractive..
it doesn;t potray and unique or talents in the photo's's very amatuer..
some of them were off focus and and the colour is poor~

im ok with it as i just bought my DSLR not too long ago, this is my first time, i would say real first time in my life taking pic using in very beginning stage of exploring the wat u mention above...i still dunno how to see the whitebalance, underexposed, and all colour setting :D if u guys would teach me would be great then...coz i have no sifu or anyone can learn all self learning loh...

p/s i din try any other mode during phototaking that time, as other is just after take then chao....maybe i nit more example i think on what exactly is underexposured, white balance, colour, composition, and etc...
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wah... kitted cars. hehe The jazz ar... the eye brow kinda makes the car look... erm... funny. hehe So which one is yours? hehe May I ask what make and model is your camera? If it's D70, I would be able to help out a bit. hehehe Perhaps you could try to practice shooting just one car first? :)
don;t worry about exploring them~....
just get wild with your camera..take a still photo..same object/subject...take it with different setting for each shot..then every shots you learn lo~..
like sunny day what kinda WB...with flash what kinda WB..and all lo~..
satria_95, im using D70s... if u willing to help then nice lah...might come out somewhere together try out, and explain :D...i treat u makan lah hows the deal :D....

alantan, thx for the advise, just shoot it..i dun mind. what i want just improve myself... :D...

edit: btw satria_95 where see the jazz eyelid? i never post it in zth here before wor :/
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