Is These Justice in M'sia?

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if u report to BPR, the BPR will go rounadabout and come back to bite ur ass for giving bribe to the police is the 1st place. :) u know them, they will always protect their own kind. For example like the student who are forced to give bribe to the police and the when he go report to police & BPR then the policeman sued the student back. It is reported in the TheStar not long ago... correct me if i'm wrong and how the outcome of the case...suddenlt everything become quiet like most cases invloving the polisi and g. :)
tajulsans said:
It realy sucks when somebody say its that guy fault for not asking for a receipt.. WTF is wrong with this world.. What if u drive ur car then at roadblock the police accuse u of driving stolen car, give reg card now to proof.. no reg card, straight hand cuff and brought to balai..

Damn, Not having a receipt is not a crime.. they dont even have proof that it is stolen item.. If so then my wallet will be full of receipt liau, they can even accuse u of wearing stolen cloth laa.. Haiya, The discussion here is about the miss use of power given to the Police Force laa.. If u r bullet proof then what can i say..

That is exctly what i m trying to convey. We don't need receipt to prove that everything on us should have a receipt. They are going for "guilty unless proven otherwise" shit fucking police,they sentence you without trial in court.

somehow i suspect my brother is being frame by the seller. :(
Dear All,

If u all remember i did post a story on a police bang my car and no justice is being serve....

finally there is justice when i cc an email to all the "big shots" in their dept...

same case here...u must be persistent if u are rite...and make sure the "proper channel" are able to listen to your problem

And i also notice a lot of forummer claim that not having a reciept is an offence...this is bull shit.!!! do you keep a receipt the moment u drive you new car back home? did u keep a receipt for a nasi lemak u buy from mamak?
can a police officer stop u and arrest you for having a stolen nasi lemak...? dont flame me...nasi lemak or proton parts it does not make any difference....we as malaysia citizen need not need to have receipt when we carry our belongings in cars....unless the so called belonging is "drugs, heroine and etc that is illegal" Receipt is needed as a proof of purchase for you to lias with the seller in the case of any dispute..!

So another example, u carry a new mp3 player, walk on the street,, can a policeman stop you and say this is a stolen good and arrest you?

In order to say that is a stolen goods they need where is their proof? not having a receipt is not a strong valid reason that it is a stolen good....

i hope we all wake up and dont simply bomb this poor guy for having this misfortune to encounter with those gangsta...
I think receipts can't prove anything. They can say it's a fake one & still accuse u of owing stolen things.

P/S : Opsss....i threw away my handphone receipt lor....Is it a stolen hp now ?
Those who said its this guy's fault. Go look at the mirror and laugh at yourselves now. WTF i s wrong with you people? Want to sound clever, then go find me another planet beyond Pluto... dont be some smart ass here.

Oh ya, that donkey who said "Stop feeding them.... " you think that poor chap wanna feed mer? 10 men surround you ask you to pay money you dare say dowan ar? not to even say 10 police, 10 librarian i also pay... this is how worse they get, you stop paying, they ROB. This is not duit kopi already, this is a robbery case.

Police are like pigs? halo~ pigs are better k? pigs can be ham, char siew, siew yok, steak......police? wat can they do? oh.. they can ROB.

Speaking of this incident, i think everyone should share their experience as well.

1. Old Klang Road, anyone old enough will remember those shop lots there, where the Vitya mamak, disco, spice shops and so on... many years back the disco caught fire, my friend's mum was among the crowds watching also, the bomba (from taman desa ... not even 1km away) arrived later on, slowly, jump down and talk some shit load with the owner where the owner is panicking. Later on then only they learn that the bomba shit negotiating price with the owner.

2. My gf's dad, Temerloh, Pahang. Kilang papan caught fire, called bomba, arrived discussed bout price ... .askin RM5000 ... negotiate somemore.... till only when they start wana spray.. too late, those multi million machines caught fire and explodes...

3. humble me, police stop me, said :" Tadi........ pakai talipon ar?" (fuck! i hadn't even use or touch it.... jus came out of home..) "shouted back, bila ada pakai?" ..... that shitload jus go "betul takde? ..... k pergi lar~ "

4. too many .... cannot tahan di.... FUCK YOU ALL GOVERNMENT SERVANTS (sorry teachers) FUCK YOU ALL DONKIES !
always keep fake receipt................just in case.....write down the patrol car number..go to the local mp.......
Is it a MUST to pay them money? Is their responsibility what. Don't know much about this, anyone can explain more on this.
I was allegedly caught speeding on the North South Highway at the same spot heading towards Ipoh. Both times they said i was doing 121kmh whereby i'm very sure i was well within 110kmh. I told them i'll buy the photos and they pretend to write something down and let me go.

However, i just receive 2 summons for speeding. This one they send straight to my house, 1 in KL, one more in Teluk Intan. This 2 summons i can accept because i really was at that place on that day.
seems like the police r fake ones or they r really "clear-of" police.

now i see police, even car only oso scared liao, duno when they will tanya, jpj officers still can tahan. but not police.

last time when i kena saman, one of the police writing the saman while the other moving around the car , duno wat is he looking for?????

see strangers , feel scared coz they might be criminals...

see polices , feel scared coz duno wat they will do. ( hope they will smile, hehe )
Only thing is, know your rights. They are like big bullies. Bullies will only hit out on people who are scared of them. When you can show to the cops that you know your rights and will stand up if you felt any injustice. They in turn will think twice before picking on you.

What happened to those cops which were held after the naked ear squats? Also, how about the cops who shaved the few old man bald? Hopefully this doesn't end up like one of those x-files cases. Hot for a few weeks and then they just slowly fade away without us public knowing what was the outcome.
walau... apa ni!!!!! listen to such story also make me angry de... kanni!!! cannot cannot.... must send this link to all my friend to c liaw... must mogok again police... too much already man.... god damnit damn!!!!!!!!! i think mca will help 1 mar if u do report...
aiyah, the longer you live in Malaysia then the more you will know that our "polis" is damn corrupted.

I've seen enuff "polis" receiving bribes from both car drivers and bike riders, in broad day know that these cops have no shame.

The government that we vote for must do something to act on this....
i very felt damn pissed..he is so innocent and he is just doing us a favour,y he needs to go thru all these lame Pol*ce that never follow the procedure...i guess some of u r right...he is being framed.....
i understand the poor guy here

helo friends who said the fellow wrong cause din keep the official receipt,

one MP5 pointing at your head......don say want RM200.....want your car also u need to give them your car key la.

Is not Counter Strike here police taking MP5 and go go go
....... I decided not to say my thoughts. Some stupid arsehole will come up and say some shit which probably didn't go through his/her empty head.
Know this. Redemption will come soon.
All i see here is crap...FUCK LER WITH THE LAW HERE!!!i have no authorization to speak...but we are the people who are paying their salaries...lets stop paying their salaries...and evade tax!!!then see how desperate are they...we can save money...and make them suffer...see if they want to be a police somemore...
oh shit.. i'm living in puchong.. muz b very very careful liao..
tohsan.. so sorry for ur bro..
n i think this issue is quite sensitive also.. even though it's true.. better don talk to much on this in zth... don bring troubles to tom.. kekeke... cheers!!
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