Facts and fiction about “Initial –D”

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Actually, Initial-D should just let Japanese to make the movie, not taiwan and Hong Kong. As they don't have good director, so the movie is a waste. Soundtrack also is rubbish, no kick at all. First time see got a clever Takumi. Should use title Initial-A or whatever, not Initial-D.

About the newspaper story, first of all I don't where is that place, by using common sense, for a turbo-charged car to cut into 2 piece after a corner, range between 2 piece is 50m, how can this happen? If the driver bring slow and met with this accident sure the car will not cut, even if cut also the range will be nearer. Policeman can come out the statement racing with another car maybe is because the driver is Malay, if Chinese or Indian sure they will say the driver is drunk. But the part they say is an Evo, this is really hard to believe.
i watch initial d for all the technical knowledge only.. seeing tsuchiya as the technical advisor or something i doubt what they say will be too far from the real thing.

actually looking at Ueo drift ae86 is more syok than watch initial d lar.. initial d nice cuz got all the soundtracks.

use to have video of tsuchiya driving through the mountain passes in the 80's. video is digitized from the beta tape, abit blur..
Got oso Master or PhD in drift, maybe Drag?? hihihihi....FYI, I have a bachelor degree in Auto Mech.
yeah it all went well till the live-beng-action appeared . sigh

ken yeang : nice writeup if u wrote it but plz place the source of the article if otherwise .
i dono why man....
cars going sideways turns me on... hehe...
no lah...I just have a degree, but not in Engineering.....**shy-shy**. Abt my write-up, the info were extracted from various websites in the Net. I just read them all and extracted out the intereting parts only. Donwan forrumer to read until they sleep.....
I thought you are a writer, but only copy and paste.... Anyway it still have to use some time, can save time to read from the source.
aiya..the Evo could b undercover polis who tempted the sohai iswara driver to race.. after seeing the accident, of cos the driver cabut la..stay thr sure kena questions by media 9 9 ..:P
invisibleghost said:
axxell, i beleive u r from metropolitan, how is the college now. Ms Tan still there? I think Mr Goh left.

yah man,
Ms Tan??? Tan Ling Ling?... yah, she's still around..... Mr.Goh, left ages ago... ahah that coconut tree...

Metropolitan looks alot better now after it sold it to Inti man... now got one huge garden in the middle, got tables with umbrella's and all to chill....

so, i assume you must be Metropolitan's senior student..... :regular_smile:
invisibleghost said:
sorry, noob here. wat is oil pan?

oil pan is also another term of oil sump, the casing for engine or transmission oil. once pierced/poked or torn then bye2 to your engine.
invisibleghost said:
the petite ms taN. good lar, metro now better. used to be horrible except for the lecturers. heard macland tan is married wif the ang moh n his dad, datuk tan(the tok koker) presented him wif 330

yah, he use to drive that 330 before he ciou from metro also.... but the part him getting married to ang moh... i not sure la... hehehe ....
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