Do u think all the MultiLevel marketing person like to BULLSHIT?

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boggysv said:

Anyways, I have my respects fot these MLM bigshots.
It's not easy to con so many people to work for you, and they did it.

One day, I'll be in my Villa de Boggy smoking cigars, looking at my wife and mistresses as the kids try to climb over the new ferrari I just bought. I will sincerly thank God for creating so many willing workers to pay for all the luxuries I have.

MLM'ers are like the Borgs.

"We are Borgs. Resistance is futile."
shocki32k said:
thank you guys for all your support

it's not 100% that ill succeed but at least ill try my best and learn things along the way

no harm trying right

Yes. No harm trying but if you try to balance a daily job with MLM... it won't work. Eventually, you will have to give up one. I know many friends who have given up on their well paying daily jobs just to do MLM. Some regret it and some just won't admit it. Either way, because of this, all friendships are lost for good.

Anyway, not to discourage you for joining LB but good luck in your quest.
"upline" : guess my monthly income...
"me" .. er... from the way u talk, 10k?
"upline" : more than that ...
"me" : 100k ? <-- joke
"upline" : less than that .. it's 60k per month

(my friend cut in .." YES YES!"
"me" : wah ~~ (acting)
"upline" yes... u want to earn like me?

(he continue with his explaination..) I found he is damn semangat man!

sorry to say it mate.....both the upline and your friend sounded llike retarded idiots.
your friend was worst when sayin YES YES YES.

what is the prove???

hahahahah ....big joke.........driving a KANCIL when you earn 60K a month?? cannot even afford to buy a rm200-rm300 original adidas.....even Mahathir knows how to enjoy himself with a VW Phaeton.......i also heard a hawker in Taman Mayang has a to convince people like this? cannot even afford to drive a decent car....big time loser....even if MLM is really that good....they are just killing themselves if they fail to even do the initial job properly and convincingly....trying to bluff so directly.

what clothes was he wearing? was it some cheap type of suit or just some pasar malam hot pants? honestly, i see a lot of people in LB that tries hard to impress with their dressing, but 8 out of 10 of them suck at it. they either dress to shabbily, cheapo brand or just that they dont have the look to go with it.....something like a labourer in an armani suit....or worse, a labourer in a fake Gucci suit and shoes.

i really hated when people talk like this. another common phrase is

upline: u know ar, now u earn RM2500 a month, let's say in 5 years time, how much can u make? can you make 10,000???

i will be interested IF

1. they can get mahathir , badawi, ling liong sik, lim kit siang, rafidah, ong kah ing, semi value to join together...only then i am convinced mar...hahahaahah
2. i want to see real hard copy of pay slips or statements that hteyhave indeed received the money.
3. i wan to see them paying downpayment for a big house and a real Ferrari. i want to see.....not hear from them. i want them to bring me a ride in Porsches and BMW M5s....

MLM - for losers only.

let me know the next time ZTH forummers wana go to LB meetings...i wana go there, whack them up and call the police.
In the end, the rich (up up up line, those pioneer) gets richer and the poor (me and u)
lose steady income (daily job) and spend much of our time bragging on upline's success.
actually i also kena once when my friend ask me to go this company which also doing all this multi level marketing. i think i shouldn't said the company name but the company is near klcc there. i kena tipu by him, he told me to go out but don't know want to go where end up he take me to this company n all the salesmen come n explain to me how to do this n that n u can become earn around 100k in just 3 mths like that. i was so bored n feel want to leave but musy give face to my friend so sit there around 2 hrs like that listening wat they bullshittting there.
acbc said:
MLM'ers are like the Borgs.

"We are Borgs. Resistance is futile."

/takes the USS Defiant and blasts the Borg ship, but miss. Stray shot disintegrates acbc's Galant. "oops! sorry!" :D

i am not ready to give up our long time tradition of taking care of other ppl's feelings, especially in today's world where most ppl arent fooled by the pyramid's tactics any longer. we give the money to the upline, and the ppl at the top will get $$$ faster n much more than us at any point of time. in order to sustain OUR growth and significance in keeping the wheel (triangle wheel oso ah? :p pyramid mah) turning, we have to sacrifice family ties, friendship, etc by coercing them to join.

(lets face it, casual explanation and good mannered choice-giving will not convince friends to join a bloodsucking scheme)

fact: u are leeching in a "loan" manner off ppl's money and the capital for this business is ur mouth (get other ppl to pay up). The one's below u who do not have persuasion skills or refuse to drag other vic.. i mean ppl to join, will end up dry and the model prevents them from getting their money back AND the best part is, TECHNICALLY its THEIR fault for not "working hard" (to find ppl). beautifully constructed web of... whatever that will ALWAYS leave some rich and the rest poor, NO MATTER WHAT.

those who lose end up so either from refusing to persuade other ppl, or failed persuading after trying so many. they're the victims who will keep feeding the ones who are good at talking and dragging ppl with "white lies".

besides, the lies are just until they get some other guys to "contribute" to the system. in that, its actually a "the strong survives, the weak dies" situation. so some would think by now "hey, its not such an outrageous scam, it happens everyday elsewhere too!"

true, partially. the problem is.. there will never be a WIN-WIN for upline and bottom member. the network may spread further n further but some WILL be "leeched" freely and get nothing in return. remember that the system was INTENTIONALLY designed this way. old Direct Sales Network implement the "mild" version which does little harm. these new MLM saw the dark side opportunity and choose to "upgrade" the scheme settings with the "get-rich-quick" mindset.

U know what it means to me? I say its just plain abuse of an otherwise innocent idea. MLM is not all bad. ppl are. :)
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Raikkonen said:
In the end, the rich (up up up line, those pioneer) gets richer and the poor (me and u)
lose steady income (daily job) and spend much of our time bragging on upline's success.

very true... IF u as a downline are less/not successful at pulling other ppl into the tangled web :D kekeke

its like being bullied by a big school mate and after that taking out ur insecurities and anger on the class nerd. that sort of thing... err.. sort of :p
wei mlm all garbage la bro....better to work the conventional way to earn cash.....

hehe i know. but it was a proper business model, which originally operated with little profit margin. the first purpose of Network Selling or MLM is to make ppl buy stuff from PPL THEY KNOW. u dont always wanna buy something from someone without talking first, getting to know each other (generally) and saying hello, rite?

the MLMs of today takes advantage of that fact for malicious purpose and has strayed VERY far from the core concept, which WAS not harmful to those are willing to do it.

get my point? almost anything in our history (except bank robberies and the like :D) are planned and started with good intent, then they go astray.

I've posted in this thread a few pages back that i totally left a female friend bcoz she dishonestly baited me to an Omegatrend talk, which i never wanted to join in the first place.

I dont believe in the MLM way of making money also bro, i believed i only explained how it is generally conceived. I wanna work my way to earn my keep also. cheers bro
AE80TypeD said:

hehe i know. but it was a proper business model, which originally operated with little profit margin. the first purpose of Network Selling or MLM is to make ppl buy stuff from PPL THEY KNOW. u dont always wanna buy something from someone without talking first, getting to know each other (generally) and saying hello, rite?

the MLMs of today takes advantage of that fact for malicious purpose and has strayed VERY far from the core concept, which WAS not harmful to those are willing to do it.

get my point? almost anything in our history (except bank robberies and the like :D) are planned and started with good intent, then they go astray.

I've posted in this thread a few pages back that i totally left a female friend bcoz she dishonestly baited me to an Omegatrend talk, which i never wanted to join in the first place.

I dont believe in the MLM way of making money also bro, i believed i only explained how it is generally conceived. I wanna work my way to earn my keep also. cheers bro
true la bro...i also had this situation....and i had to be lame to some buddies....cause they keep pestering me to join this mlm called quest,,,,,,,but no regrets.......
hmm...after listening to yo story i fell myself abit lucky

i know 2 diferent person from Lampbuger...
da first person bring me to a famous bakuteh in subang

da second person bring me to a romantic thai restoran

both of them oso invested alot into lampbugger n tok bullshit...well who care how they bullsit coz at the end of da day they r paying da restoran bill :)

n da first person sold his car, his gf's car and juz to invest to l.b
second person i dunno much but still drving p.saga n stay wt parant
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haha, at least they manage to bring you to such a nice restaurant... for me..i'm just a corner mamak and i have to PAY for myself .... 60k per month .. joker man ..

Cheong Mou Kei 4G9XT said:
hmm...after listening to yo story i fell myself abit lucky

i know 2 diferent person from Lampbuger...
da first person bring me to a famous bakuteh in subang

da second person bring me to a romantic thai restoran

both of them oso invested alot into lampbugger n tok bullshit...well who care how they bullsit coz at the end of da day they r paying da restoran bill :)

n da first person sold his car, his gf's car and juz to invest to l.b
second person i dunno much but still drving p.saga n stay wt parant
yeah...i had a fren too...he own a carwash shop,making good $$ coz his workers r just great!!they can really clean da cars n more,they gv free vacumn!! :rolleyes:

after joining LB...he sold his shop..sold his house to the,stayin in his parent's house,with his wife n 2kids...wat a pity...he regret now..lose his 'boss' position...lose his house,his shop...n more,regret for causing his workers jobless...

Cheong Mou Kei 4G9XT said:
hmm...after listening to yo story i fell myself abit lucky

i know 2 diferent person from Lampbuger...
da first person bring me to a famous bakuteh in subang

da second person bring me to a romantic thai restoran

both of them oso invested alot into lampbugger n tok bullshit...well who care how they bullsit coz at the end of da day they r paying da restoran bill :)

n da first person sold his car, his gf's car and juz to invest to l.b
second person i dunno much but still drving p.saga n stay wt parant
bikinigal said:
yeah...i had a fren too...he own a carwash shop,making good $$ coz his workers r just great!!they can really clean da cars n more,they gv free vacumn!! :rolleyes:

after joining LB...he sold his shop..sold his house to the,stayin in his parent's house,with his wife n 2kids...wat a pity...he regret now..lose his 'boss' position...lose his house,his shop...n more,regret for causing his workers jobless...
true la baby everybody kena kon with this kinda crap......
WBH8668 said:
RND...reseach and development is doing in undersea in mean they hav a laboratory in hawaii located under the sea. somemore they show me the drawing of the laboratory in hawaii which 20m below sea water! :rolleyes:
do reseach on their health product...sound like 007 secret office located under sea! bullshit:D
AE80TypeD said:
I dont believe in the MLM way of making money also bro, i believed i only explained how it is generally conceived. I wanna work my way to earn my keep also. cheers bro

MLM is NOT the way to make money... but rather than it is a way to learn how to make money while still working for people. That's how I learn to earn side income while still maintaining my daily job.

So, how did I do it? Simple... take up a boring daily job(preferably a desk job with so-so pay) and provide server maintainance after office hours / weekends. I've been doing this for nearly 2 years... Company A pays me RM 5xx per month to maintain 2 servers and Company B pays me RM 5xx per month to maintain another server. It is a tough job but hey... as long it pay the bills and at the same time satisfifying... why not? That way, I don't lose friends or daily job to some stupid scheme.

Now, I'm working on my own... own company specialised in IDB (Interior Design & Build) and the same time, maintaining an IT company to compliment my IDB clients. Oh yeah, I have a mini web hosting company too (but mostly cater to my IDB or IT clients only). Business legally is endless. No need to join stupid MLMs.

PS: I'm still to get rid of this friend of mine who is trying to brainwash me into joining nStream. :D Kinda hard because she's a hot chick to begin with... sigh... :(
acbc said:
MLM is NOT the way to make money... but rather than it is a way to learn how to make money while still working for people. That's how I learn to earn side income while still maintaining my daily job.

So, how did I do it? Simple... take up a boring daily job(preferably a desk job with so-so pay) and provide server maintainance after office hours / weekends. I've been doing this for nearly 2 years... Company A pays me RM 5xx per month to maintain 2 servers and Company B pays me RM 5xx per month to maintain another server. It is a tough job but hey... as long it pay the bills and at the same time satisfifying... why not? That way, I don't lose friends or daily job to some stupid scheme.

Now, I'm working on my own... own company specialised in IDB (Interior Design & Build) and the same time, maintaining an IT company to compliment my IDB clients. Oh yeah, I have a mini web hosting company too (but mostly cater to my IDB or IT clients only). Business legally is endless. No need to join stupid MLMs.

PS: I'm still to get rid of this friend of mine who is trying to brainwash me into joining nStream. :D Kinda hard because she's a hot chick to begin with... sigh... :(
lets make a wrist band that says no to mlm
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