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hehehe... jk jek... scare bobo kill me la..haahha...

hehe he won wan ler.... he so "tame" haha... mayb he dun wana c me then oso ler...
wah wah wah... talking bad abt me edi... hahahaha... just go out 4 a while onli got so many things edi... so how? if confirm u guys wanna come onli i have it la.. if u all lansi dowan come then forget it loo... hehehe.. everyone are welcome...
wahh...bobo.. u say till like tat.. dun wna cme also cannot d lo...hahahaha... but thinking wanna go A'Famosa la... "The Carnival" wor... hehe bobo.. bbq at A'Famosa la..wakakkaka
aiya... sleep wat la.. no nit sleep 1..party till morning n then go eat dim sum o chicken rice ball at melaka town... lolx... stim boh my plan.. mwhahah...
hhahahaha... redD memang psycho abit wan... hahaha
he is not pyscho, but addicted clubbing!!!
go melaka buat apa... clubbing lo...
sunway buat apa... clubbing lo...

apa lanciu long time dint log in manyak spamming around...
kirk yes im saiko...hahaha....
niama kev u dun talk toh toh yeh at there la... ppl post u say spam pulak.. memang cilaka...hehehehehe :p
meh oh.. i so long din go d.. nw go for 1 o 2 times also cannot meh... T_T
LAST TT of 2006!!!

IMPORTANT:TIME CHANGED PLS C BELOW FOR LATEST TIMING!!! sorry for last min due to festive season every1 need to eat at house so i try to make it late abit convinient for every1

DATE: 22 December 2006
MEET UP PLC: MOBIL petrol station ss15 opposite metropolitan college

map of our meet up plc:


9:00pm Meet up at mobil petrol station
9:30pm All member were here already we start convoy to Aman Suria
9:40pm TT at aman suria any mamak stall which got plenty of parking space

after lim teh we start taking group pics... n then apa lagi mau buat up to u guys

NOTE: Pls do WASH your car nicely cuz i wanna take pic... last TT of our 2006... after this u guys wont be able to c d look of your 2006 ride... your car getting 1 more year older... buahahaha.... n also... pls be PUNCTUAL... dun like that time... me alone wait for 1 hour then only u guys come!!!

Member who confirm come:-
1) KeV-TEC
2) RedD
3) juniorkirk
4) bangkai_jk
5) Maz87
6) wenshen
7) ahwongg
8) simonchangwaimun
Last edited:
knn aman suria where??
where is aman suria?i thot TT at mobil coz u said mobil...
maybe i come with my fren la
see first
c la... bangkai all d way from klang also come man...
so bobo u come mou... hahaha

bangkai apa kereta u mau pakai...

last fri i was at klang stay overnight at ah chow house till yeterday baru balik...
mau panggil u out for lim teh but fri cannot... hehe.. i blur liaw...
sat pass by your house 1 car also dun have... sure out de
sun your house all light close de.. dun 1 kacau u sleep bah
wat the... LAST TT??? if next week gt another TT hw?? hahha...
aman suria...hmm.. kev u noe o nt?? cilaka later bring us dunno where... masuk kubur nanti...TT with "u noe wat"... hahahaha..

kev nice meet up place... Mobil gt lots of space... k la.. u gt sum credit from me...Organizer.... hehe..

bangkai_jk : do cme n join us... =) btw... take tat s15 out... hahah my fav.. =)
red... u got a good idea man!!!
maybe after tt we should convoy to KUBUR!!!! lets have a fucking FREAKY nite of 2006!!! BUAHAHAHAHA

joking la.. dun so scare k...

last tt la... cuz u c... next week sure no ppl free 1... so no TT... every1 sure got own DATE!!! even u your self also wanna go clubbing wat... u also not free... so this fri is last TT of 2006 de... tak rak tipu sama u 1
DATE: 22 December 2006
MEET UP PLC: MOBIL petrol station ss15 opposite metropolitan college

map of our meet up plc:


8:30pm Meet up at mobil petrol station
9:00pm All member were here already we start convoy to Aman Suria
9:20pm TT at aman suria any mamak stall which got plenty of parking space

after lim teh we start taking group pics... n then apa lagi mau buat up to u guys

NOTE: Pls do WASH your car nicely cuz i wanna take pic... last TT of our 2006... after this u guys wont be able to c d look of your 2006 ride... your car getting 1 more year older... buahahaha.... n also... pls be PUNCTUAL... dun like that time... me alone wait for 1 hour then only u guys come!!!

Member who confirm come:-
1) KeV-TEC
2) RedD
3) juniorkirk
4) bangkai_jk
5) Maz

Aman suria yeah..nice places hehe And Plz keep update for it organiser..hehe
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