Your Favourite Pit Girl

Green Goblin said:
Yo, where r those Sith Brothers go? killed by Joeker oredi ka? i wish 2 pay my last respect 2 them tat bring so much joys 2 us. As a 3rd party, i noticed tat some of the senior member were acting same as those Sith Bro. Some of those previous posts tat i read were very VULGAR especially posted by those senior members! i wonder y the moderator can tolerate their acts???????? looks like we r having BIAS problem here :mad: As a senior member, u shd b patient & dun straight away react 2 those intruders especially tat girl (laineylashes) as a gal, u shdn't written those *&!@#^ words.........i believe those intruders r too free or wanna making fun of u all but sadly they were succeeded!!!! wat a shame

p/s : finally there will b a peaceful forum

oh! hello same-person-who-was-spamming-our-forum-with-worthless-nonsense :D

eh? don't tell me what i can write & what i can't. i'm not the one running around kicking up a fuss.


"As a senior member, u shd b patient & dun straight away react 2 those intruders especially tat girl (laineylashes) as a gal, u shdn't written those *&!@#^ words" - ugh double standard turns me off. completely.

"i believe those intruders r too free or wanna making fun of u all but sadly they were succeeded!!!!" - wow..your intelligence amazes me. well done on the horrible grammar! :D now NONE of us can understand you.

i'm sorry you're autistic.

i really am.

Green Goblin said:
Yo, where r those Sith Brothers go? killed by Joeker oredi ka? i wish 2 pay my last respect 2 them tat bring so much joys 2 us. As a 3rd party, i noticed tat some of the senior member were acting same as those Sith Bro. Some of those previous posts tat i read were very VULGAR especially posted by those senior members! i wonder y the moderator can tolerate their acts???????? looks like we r having BIAS problem here :mad: As a senior member, u shd b patient & dun straight away react 2 those intruders especially tat girl (laineylashes) as a gal, u shdn't written those *&!@#^ words.........i believe those intruders r too free or wanna making fun of u all but sadly they were succeeded!!!! wat a shame

p/s : finally there will b a peaceful forum


Darth Vader+Green Goblin = is the same guy la......
goosfrabar said:
this is 1 angry aibon...... go for it man, i'll back u up.
wait let me go get an exzos pipe & we;ll beat the shit out of him.

so many days didnt log in. saw some jokers trying to screw up sad for them like no other things to do. aibon i'm at ur side. :cool:
Beauty contest

View Poll Results: vote for your favourite cutie. (using pic, starting from our left)
1) Jackie 81 50.63%
2) whit3puppy aka Valerie 25 15.63%
3) eve (in red tube) 28 17.50%
4) Elaine aka laineylashes 7 4.38%
5) acura-chan aka Leona 19 11.88%
Voters: 160. You have already voted on this poll

p/s : Only 7 voters went 4 contestant NO:4 ( Elaine ) what's wrong with her? yup..... i admit she is a little out of league compare to the others, but does she deserves more than that??
Rooney said:
View Poll Results: vote for your favourite cutie. (using pic, starting from our left)
1) Jackie 81 50.63%
2) whit3puppy aka Valerie 25 15.63%
3) eve (in red tube) 28 17.50%
4) Elaine aka laineylashes 7 4.38%
5) acura-chan aka Leona 19 11.88%
Voters: 160. You have already voted on this poll

p/s : Only 7 voters went 4 contestant NO:4 ( Elaine ) what's wrong with her? yup..... i admit she is a little out of league compare to the others, but does she deserves more than that??

they're pretty! :) they deserved the votes. heck even i'd vote for them! *nodnods

i'm unworthy :)
Green Goblin said:
Yo, where r those Sith Brothers go? killed by Joeker oredi ka? i wish 2 pay my last respect 2 them tat bring so much joys 2 us. As a 3rd party, i noticed tat some of the senior member were acting same as those Sith Bro. Some of those previous posts tat i read were very VULGAR especially posted by those senior members! i wonder y the moderator can tolerate their acts???????? looks like we r having BIAS problem here :mad: As a senior member, u shd b patient & dun straight away react 2 those intruders especially tat girl (laineylashes) as a gal, u shdn't written those *&!@#^ words.........i believe those intruders r too free or wanna making fun of u all but sadly they were succeeded!!!! wat a shame

p/s : finally there will b a peaceful forum

Nothing did we do.

Ban? hmmm....always Dark side is stronger. But always calm, At Peace, passive...over come the dark side will you.

Fear, hate and anger...lead you to the dark side it will
Green Goblin said:
Yo, where r those Sith Brothers go? killed by Joeker oredi ka? i wish 2 pay my last respect 2 them tat bring so much joys 2 us. As a 3rd party, i noticed tat some of the senior member were acting same as those Sith Bro. Some of those previous posts tat i read were very VULGAR especially posted by those senior members! i wonder y the moderator can tolerate their acts???????? looks like we r having BIAS problem here :mad: As a senior member, u shd b patient & dun straight away react 2 those intruders especially tat girl (laineylashes) as a gal, u shdn't written those *&!@#^ words.........i believe those intruders r too free or wanna making fun of u all but sadly they were succeeded!!!! wat a shame

p/s : finally there will b a peaceful forum


Duh, posting under a new nick doesn't weight much on your opinion. do they?
Joeker said:

Duh, posting under a new nick doesn't weight much on your opinion. do they?

to him maybe.....hahahahhahahah! Ding Dong.... :rolleyes:
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