vtec question?


1,000 RPM
Senior Member
May 11, 2005
may i know if partial throttle, will the vtec still engage after 5500rpm? will it be as hard as full throttle?

Beside oil pressure, rpm, engine temperature what else will determine if vtec engage or not?

Is B18C gsr vtec engage wont be as loud as B16A because of the manifold design? something like 4500 rpm secondary butterfly valve will open, 5500 vtec engage?

Currently, i'm still using stock filter box, if change to open port will vtec scream louder? currently my tanabe super medalion is very loud after 3k rpm, when vtec engage also not much diff, so i am thinking how could made it louder when vtec engage?

Lastly, i read lots of article on cleaning vtec solenoid filter screen, is it better to change to new one or cleaning alone will do the trick?
yes oem ecu will engage at the same vtec point. unless u use emanage or other management that be able to do so.
for the vtec solenoid, just change the seal (with the filter one). to clean it.
vtec engage sound depen on the setting. muffler sound oso depen on the muffler type.
with 2nd gear, can pull over 100km/h, the vtec should be working fine is it?

if vtec not engage, will it be hard to rev till red line?
Make sure u use the correct engine oil. 15w40, 10w40, 5w30... Sure u can feel the vtec engage... should be louder than stock B16A I think.
Just remember to change every 5K for the oil, and 10K for the honda oil filter (it says so in the manual, and they designed the damn thing, so I assume they know best).. I said post 35K means I went through 6 oil changes, 3 filter changes + the 7th one just did today. Just worried you might think that engine oil and the oil filter is replaced ONLY AFTER 35000kms... :P

and that 35000kms is accumulated in the span of 5 months... so I drive... A LOT...
thanx bro, thanx for remind!!!
i brought my car last yr,
change oil in january 06 till now...
i tot only the engine oil turn darkness
then only change?

coz i seldom drive my car!!!
lazypapa said:
thanx bro, thanx for remind!!!
i brought my car last yr,
change oil in january 06 till now...
i tot only the engine oil turn darkness
then only change?

coz i seldom drive my car!!!

Actually don't change also can.. but what happens is that the oil filter bypass valve will open once the filter is dirty enough, and what happens is that any sediment that the oil collects get sprayed onto the cylinder walls and gets into the crankshaft bearings.... more wear & tear.

I still think my pistons aren't sealing well enough with those numbers because every 5K.. the oil is very dirty already. In fact, I think there must have been some contamination with the combustion chamber, because topping up every 2000km is annoying.

hattech-v said:
what is 15w50? hehe

So.. you also wondered ah... I researched it long time ago..
Ask, and the answer will appear (at least from what I know)
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not lazy la... just i tot only mah!!!

thank you for the explain...
now more clear liao!!!

just new in automobile!!!

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