TT at Sg. Long


500 RPM
Senior Member
Jul 23, 2005
Hi, My dear SEG Owner...... we'll planing have another mini TT at Sg. Long. (TUESDAY) 3th January 2006 at 9.30 any other new idea... ???? Pls reply to the post faster....
sg long?dekat mana?kalau boleh..i pun mau join sekali...syed ariff lah...dekat...lagipun i sudah dapat carinya...sekarang pula mau tukar tempat lagi..lolz..
Dun worry wfhan cos around 9pm all those people start going back home jo.TT at sg.long got many gals when reach 12mid9.Can c monster cars n devil girls..........hehehe....
Tuesday nite...? no need working meh....??? sorry lar... i cant join it....!!!!
Kelvin_jay can go home earlier ma.Everyone also need to work...important is happy with the tt.....correct or not feilo....
feilo very free no need to work meh?.......later ur father go over spot check u know...hahaha........son y r u online on working time???????????????
So, If Tuesday cannot.. Any Idea

Brother dun kekelar.... As I know Mostly the KE70 very powerfull...... Is ok U can join us But PLS DUN DRAG or MAKE DONOUT INFRONT our little baby....hahaha....
Actualy we'll have a TT is just make more friend then have some cars talk learn more about the Totoya from NEW FRIEND....:)

The TT at Sg. Long normally is for some1 near around Cheras and Kajang coz at Subang there far for us ler....... BUt at Subang there sometime I aslo will drop by there Hope to meet U all there....:)
FEilo~~~ TT is for everyone lar... whatever which place the person stay.... if wanna join us jz come lor.....!!! we open for all member.....!!
haha i got a fren from s'ban also wanna join this sg.long tt ler..
but haven't confirm la..

hey, raymond, u should join la since u stay cheras, sg.long also not far from ur place..
if u need direction u can call me or feilo or kelvin-jay ler.. is not that hard to find if u familiar with sg.long, very near to the TAR ther one.. last time also my car just follow feilo car there as i very long never go sg.long ma..

kelvin_jay, so rajin meh? the next day gotta go work so early, u wanna impress your boss during this year end so next year u can get bigg fatty bonus ar?? u still can sleep a bit late and your powerful blacktop can get u there in...'swoooosh' time ma..

Feilo, ur 'cheh-kiok' fix liao ar? can find the part or not?

i think probably everybody also working the next day if TT on tuesday.. maybe can do it like last time on friday lor..... how ??
Never mind all toyota owner also can join or from others place.Feilo maybe from others place toyota owner r all monsters le..........we all can share more idea or opinion mah.......I know u r blacktop engine n very fast so can go other place very fast.........We can't stop them from coming wo............ALL R WELCOME TO TT SG.LONG.........CHEERS... :tee:
Kelvin_jay need some money to replace engine cos now like turtle (he said).
Hei!!!Y can't c sbirdz geh?Change car jo?
wfhan, dun say like tat lar......i oso dun wan woke up so eary lar.... if i dun go eary get scold u know..... so pity o.... haha!!!!!! i need to change my absorber 1st lar....??? hv any idea....??? i try to get chop shop o.... but cant get..... plan Titan.... but no enough money..... haha..... very poor....!!!! not like Hanson so rich.......!!!! change rim n buy new tyre......!!!!
Sbird... y u dun wan join us....??? izzit u hv another suggest...???? but sg long is better lar....!!! we wan challen all sg.long monster....!!!!
wah... u challenge all sg.long monster enuf la..
u got 4 thottle, mine just 4AFE nia...

buy titan meh? buy TRD la..! long near with kajang and cheras?sorry..dunno lah!i dun think i can join this i only jojn 6/1/06 at syed ariff usj ttt.enjoy lah..most important take some pic..load down here ya.. :tee:
Sure can brother welcome all ppl........
Need any help pls call 012-4525527 (Feilo)
Last edited: me lar.... is feilo n sbirdz..... my car very chicken lar..... same engine wif u. where got 4throtle...? jz got 4 tortoise haha..... car oso tortoise.... haha...
if I reach there, how can I recognize you all? or I simply go knock the glass of few SEG park at the car park there then you all will be notified? hahaha
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