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problem is journalists sometimes get all access passes, which is a mistake if you ask me. when we did the MMW, journalists and their photographers were only given limited access passes. as you say, it's down to planning and of course security.
b00n said:
errr....for the sake of discussion:

if a pretty/sexy lady opposite ur apartment/house un-intentionally undressed forgetting to close the curtain....than U accidently saw it.... what would u do?!?!

a) Go straight and knock on the door - "Err....u forgot to close the curtain."
b) Just turn around and mind own business
c) Oogle on....
d) if camera is with u......snap the pics!
e) video cammed the whole process!

honestly; what would u do when no one is around during that time?!.....or better still; u are with a bunch of best bud (obviously all guys)....

My own personal answer would be C!.....but mayb with my bunch of friends around.....might be gamed to snap the pics or even vids..........
that's an honest answer. Let's not all pretend to be a saint or angel!

Just that; errr.....okie; we might not go to the extend of publishing the photos or vids...........but it might still leak out!

I would pick C as well. It's one thing to see it with your own eyes, it's quite another when you share it with the rest of the world. That's an invasion of privacy and shows total disrespect for the victim. You are after all talking about a persons dignity.
depends on who that person is...lets say its my neighbour but we have a very good social friendship and we are close, then nope...itd be too akward then... even if my buds want to go n watch, I either wouldnt allow them or make them feel guilty.... On the other hand, if some random hot chic would do that, then Id stay all night long! haha

wonder if the perveted press would still snap a picture of some ugly fat lady in the twins changing room instead... then headline would be 'Massive Twins exposed" haha
mysupra said:
Wtf?? this is the B*tch who plays guo fu in return of the condor 2006(ROCH)..I didnt know she do softcore ahhaha
but links, she's not that fine should see crystal liu yi fei and im not sure what's her real name but she plays as the bitchs' mei mei.... that girl is damn cute and innocent.

that sister of Guo Fu is not liu yi fei....liu yi fei is the "little dragon girl"...the booklet have photo and profile of all three chicks in the show...thats why made the magazine so hot selling...
mysupra said:
normal la...u want enter, give $$$$ ...u got a 'hole' access to the dressing room

well I think it is the hong kong tabloid that did this... They said its the next mag of easy finder magazine that first come out with the picture....So either they got it from what like I said 'pay and peek a hole' or they pay someone to do it.

I dont want to widely spread the pics, so here's a link instead.... but please have some pitty for the girl...dont spread it as it already is.

*Please dont spread the link to any other forums*

if u dont want ppl to spread it, you shouldn't spread it in the first place.
What's the difference between spreading out the pics and giving out the link ? In the end people can still see the pictures. Hahaha trying to be a good boy huh ?
b00n said:
errr....for the sake of discussion:

if a pretty/sexy lady opposite ur apartment/house un-intentionally undressed forgetting to close the curtain....than U accidently saw it.... what would u do?!?!

a) Go straight and knock on the door - "Err....u forgot to close the curtain."
b) Just turn around and mind own business
c) Oogle on....
d) if camera is with u......snap the pics!
e) video cammed the whole process!

honestly; what would u do when no one is around during that time?!.....or better still; u are with a bunch of best bud (obviously all guys)....

My own personal answer would be C!.....but mayb with my bunch of friends around.....might be gamed to snap the pics or even vids..........
that's an honest answer. Let's not all pretend to be a saint or angel!

Just that; errr.....okie; we might not go to the extend of publishing the photos or vids...........but it might still leak out!

No one is pretending to be a saint or angel i guess. But from wat u replied is was like u don't really disagree what "that" person did. No matter wat or how..the person who snapped the pics is wrong, and the one who published it is going to hell.
munky said:
if u dont want ppl to spread it, you shouldn't spread it in the first place.
What's the difference between spreading out the pics and giving out the link ? In the end people can still see the pictures. Hahaha trying to be a good boy huh ?

the difference is...:retarded: in myself or god knows my true intentions hahah lol munky dun flame me can or not haha
fritz...just for discussion we don't know whether or not it's the intention....
okie....anuther scenario:

U or me are there.
opposite is TWINS dressing room.....suddenly u or me saw them undress.........
most probably I would take some pics to prove or brag to my friend...
it could be than once I bragged; my friend would want it...
I could basically tell them off that's it's a personal collection; or I could have given to them.........
than if I gave it to them....wouldn't be able to guarantee that the pics might not accidently got leaked out....
get my point........

anyway; if that pics is taken purposely and camera planted in hidden location just for papparazi purposes..........than damn it!!......
what I meant is "accidental".....

Haha..good scenario for me to imagine. be frank, i will snap it while enjoying it. But..i guess i will keep it just for myself. I might show it to my fren but i wont transfer the file to my fren..coz im selfish..LOL! matter the pic was snapped purposely or accidentally, we snapped the pic its already a wrong action or maybe the victim can get us to jail if she found out. Anyway, from what I know..twin's pic was snapped purposely by using spy cam. Hopefully those bastard get caught and bring them to jail!
ok la..anotehr thing is...we shoudn;t spread teh news all over hope..this topic will be close and link removed~

see it and that close~...
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