The Star: Mat Rempit: We won’t stop

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Senior Member
Jan 9, 2004
KUALA LUMPUR: Mat Rempit are adamant that illegal racing is here to stay if there is no effort to legitimise the “sport.”

This is a direct rebuff to friendly overtures from politicians to bring them back to the fold.

The illegal racers say that if the authorities really want to take them off the streets, all they have to do is build decent and affordable race tracks for them to do their “thing.”

“They have been promising these things for a long time, but nothing much has been done so far,” said Fairuz, 24, a mechanic by day and racer by night.

The existing racetracks are inaccessible to the Mat Rempit because “we cannot afford the charges,” he said.

“As for the organised races, the competition is too tough for us,” said a fellow enthusiast named Zaki.

Fairuz said the Sepang track was too far away from the city to be an attractive venue for the Mat Rempit – most of whom were low-income earners.

“Why are there so many golf courses in the city and so few tracks? It looks like nobody bothers about us because we have no money,” he lamented.

Zaki, 25, added that Mat Rempit were not society’s trash as they were often made out to be.

“There are among us graduates from foreign universities as well as professionals, like architects and engineers,” said Zaki who himself is a professional in the IT industry.

He however conceded that the majority were despatch riders and mechanics.

Even then, all Mat Rempit should not be viewed with disdain just because of a few bad apples, he said.

“All this negativity about us stems from the activities of a small number who were reported beating up people and caught for vandalism,” said Zaki.

Fairuz concurred that Mat Rempit were not gangsters, just young men who thrived on the adrenalin rush from racing.

“Like other sports, we can get emotional in a race. Sometimes fights break out. Then again, it is just among ourselves,” he said.

Another racer named Kechik said Putera Umno’s plan to convert Mat Rempit into Mat Cemerlang would not work.

“Mat Rempit will gamely take part in government-organised roadshows and convoys. But after that, it’s back to their cliques and street racing,” said the 23-year-old university student.

Zaki said he was suspicious of the motives behind Mat Cemerlang.

“Looks like someone’s trying to get political mileage out of ‘taming’ us,” he said.

My take: Looks like we need to call for some reinforcements! Stubborn bastards! :angry_smile:
We shall form anti-mat rempit...where we come out in groups like them only thing is in cars to hunt them down.... should be quite easy.. 10 cars can take tons of motocycle....
like i say before... those rempit don't have brain lo.... and those ppl who try to tame them even don't know what is a brain... :p

It like taming a Piranha not to eat meat but eat vege... hehehe
Cement truck better... bring a dozen of so trucks and force them into the mixer and turn it on...
what they are doing is not semangat tidak putus asa.... its doing something useless which might interfere our country peace and harmony....

dumbass putera UMNO... if Dr.M is still around, sure he shoot them 9 9 adi....
I really pity their parents,God,I mean how can they be so inconsiderate and selfish and especially to those who already have wives and kids,don't think they would ever know how much their loved ones worry for them.Ironic part is that we see paraplegic people and peopl who are born with deformity,who try so hard to walk and get on with their daily lives,and there we are seeing the mat rempits not appreciating what God gave them,but instead putting themselves in unecessary risks of getting killed.How selfish can they be,not to mention they also create unecessary risks for us probational drivers.Oh well,may God bless them!
You guys don't get it, do you? Can any of you guys tell me roughly when these mat rempits became such a big problem? No, right?

Ok, let me point you guys to the right direction. These mat - rempits 'blew up' when the big man of Selangor decided to close down Batu 3. Reason be : Batu 3 and it's immediate areas was evolving to be a 'black area', all due to the Batu 3 being there at the centre. Now that is not a wise move, as the closing of Batu 3 means these mat - rempits no longer have a place that not far from KL, cheap for them to gain entry to the track and have a few workshops nearby ( when their bikes have mechanical problems arising at the track etc ). Batu 3 is a very fun and technical track, it's also quite short comapred to SIC, making Batu 3 a very viable race track for small - CC strokers which doesn't have liquid cooling properties. Small - CC strokers cannot last for about 10 laps of SIC, due to the longer track and the heat from the track itself ( if I'm not wrong, it's Shellgrip, not normal materials used for roadworks ).

Since these mat - rempits nowadays no longer have a place to call their own, what do you expect. They are like you and me also, when they are angry, under pressure etc, they need to vent off their steam somehow, right? Don't tell me none of you guys ever driven in a manner, which other ppl might say as dangerous driving style, right? None of you ever revved up to max RPMs for a few gears once in a while on public roads? None of you ever driven 170 kph or higher on public roads? None of you ever pek corner until the tyres starts to squeal a wee bit on public roads? See, we are actually the same with these mat - rempits, in terms of the horsepower - driven mentality. Yes, sadly there are groups of mat - rempits who break cars and steal stuffs, but have any of you checked out these guys? Most of them have a car as well, some of them also have big horsepower Proton turbo'ed cars as well. They are also drivers, like us. ONLY THAT SOME OF THEM RESORT TO STEALING TO TUNE UP THEIR CARS OR TO GAIN EXTRA CASH, and the percentage of mat - rempits who choose this way of life is pretty small. And remember, everyone can buy a rempit - style bike, dress up like one and go breaking into cars to steal stuffs.

If you don't like these mat - rempits, then do something positive about them. MSportbike have recently organised something that was names " Save A Mat - Rempit Program ", I think. What these MSportbike boys do is that they rented the parking lot of SIC, gave these mat - rempits helmets and leather jackets, and teach them the finer points of biking, and let them loose in a controlled environment. Any of you guys have contributed to something like that? No, right?

See, the point here is, quit complaining and do soemthing positive about it. Don't go around blabbing that these mat - rempits don't have brain .... and those ppl who try to tame them even don't know what is a brain...govt don't do anything about it bla bla bla. You don't like mat - rempits? Help 'em see the finer points of bikign and life in general! Remember, being negative on something that's negative will only bring more negative stuffs out.

When one wants to put out a fire, one must shower the fire with earth or water to fend off the fire, not by showering the fire with fire itself.
lol ace79 ,

I will use a single line to reply to your post... Nobody can save somebody who doesn't want to be saved. Nuff' said.

You can make tracks, give them money, help them in every single way but it'll never stop the disgusting acts they commit. Like vandalism, break-in, bullying on the road, robbery, street racing n pulling off their acts on the road.

I'll quote u one part from the article above.

“Another racer named Kechik said Putera Umno’s plan to convert Mat Rempit into Mat Cemerlang would not work.

Mat Rempit will gamely take part in government-organised roadshows and convoys. But after that, it’s back to their cliques and street racing,” said the 23-year-old university student.

Haha, i didn't say it. A rempit himself ADMITTED to it that they can't be helped. So why bother? Just take justice into our own hands !
dunno why, must be me taking too long of an afternoon nap.. but in the above news the rempit actually sound cool and make putera umno sound stupid.

probably just me, i never liked the government, basically just try to be content with them everyday.
TT convoy to make mat rempit accident and fall and roll liike dead dog
come lets doit
all we need to go is juz to swerve into their lane abit enuff
our car might end up WORST scratchess
You've got some points there but with all due respect, some of it are just not justifiable. They don't have their own place anymore but that doesn't give them the authority to act as they wish. How would they like it if I get a gang of 40 off-road-spec 4X4 and go racing around. If the rempits block us 40 pickups, we'll just crash into them and speed off, leaving them to lick the dirt on the ground even if they crashed so hard that they're half dead. Or they ride only in the slow lane... but we 40 pickups wanna drive in BOTH lanes. But those in the slow lane is blocking us (although that's the only lane they have left). So what we 40 pickup-ers do? We just drive as close to them as possible and push them off the road. Or how about this. We 40 pickup-ers are driving slowly in the fast lane and slow lane, blocking the rempits. Then, the rempit honks the one in the fast lane. The driver (means the 4x4 driver) in the fast lane blocks that rempit, stops the 4x4 and also the rempit. Then the driver comes out and scold and shout at the rempit and beats him up. All cos the rempit wanted to overtake the super slow driving 4x4.

Now, we 40 pickup-ers call ourselves.... Mat Pickups. We drive the same way as those rempits, we treat those rempits as how they treat other cars. Then we 40 pickup-ers will say that we don't have a place to call our own... so we resort to driving around and pushing bikers off the road, purposely crashing into small CC bikes that's parked anywhere, kidnapping and raping their bohsia babi gf's, drive inside a kampung of pigs with the 40 pickups (each pick up has 3 people inclusive of driver) and then mass robbery the kampung, etc. At the end of the day, we just say that the govt didn't build an off-road track for us, we are ignored, bla bla bla. Do you think that's justifiable?

No doubt there are car drivers who zig zag in and out of traffic but really, those are easily out-numbered by rempits doing the same thing. One of the million problems with rempits is that during a jam, and a car is blocking the rempits from squeezing through, they'll scold the car driver or worst still, will even damage the car. All cos the car didn't leave a gap for them to squeeze through. Makes sense?
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HAHAHA Mat Pickups :rofl:

Well, someone "quite known" in the forum has suggested the 4x4 "project" thing before, but when he got PM-ed, he didn't reply..

So was just wondering, with no offense, why even suggest something so convincingly, but in the end dare not live up to his words? :Not_Impressed: Not gonna say the name though lol..
Can't recall whether it's me or not but really, if I had the money, I woulda done it. sigh... it's also kinda sad how this money is built on a foundation of money. But I kinda started something else, though. hehehe not so major as to one whole group but so far, it's me alone. hehe

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