[team Shadowfax]: Ek 4drs 99 Spec If Possible!

sigh..stuck in port klang? kastam hold kah..mayb i can help u kautim..bring it out NOWWW,,,mihahahahahah:)

need some security to escort it till seri kembangan... muakakkakaa...
hattech-v said:

this coming 14th May 2005, we will organizing futsal match against rempiteers from CRD.
please do let me know if all of our top player still tired playing with chelsea last nite...
and if some of u guys kenot make it on that day, please oso let me know.
any suggestions are welcome.
other team wanna have a friendly match oso welkam....

count me in for futsal... but vtecless laa... can aa????
weihh..anyone heard about UBS software ar?
need help lerr...
i fucked up my stock control list laa..hahaah..
now boss always stare cock at me laa..heheh
suiiiiii laaa.....
bornz: UBS tak main la...we all talk bout FCON VPRO OR FCON SZ...:) neeway, hows ur car? bila nak vtec turbo?
bornz: UBS tak main la...we all talk bout FCON VPRO OR FCON SZ...:) neeway, hows ur car? bila nak vtec turbo?

yup... btol tuh alex....
nowaday where got ppl using UBS as standalone...
use haltech, motec, microtec, kotec n etc.. ape la born nih...
hondafreak said:
mmmm... car now @ usedcar dealer..

aduhhhh.....ade member nak tengok....how?
ermmmm......im loolking for ur seat actually...but budget tak cukup...lah....hahhahahaa...
suhaimi macam the snake man la...he used his charm to attract all the snakes..sigh..dah ada belalai lagi mau main ular...muhhahahahaha j/k
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