some photos in GRA Round 3

i know lar unker champ like 2 "chit" ppl..but u think benzer's gonna sit der quietly n let unker chit him meh??dat fella oso DAMN 7 fast mah?hehehe...
akuma said:
i know lar unker champ like 2 "chit" ppl..but u think benzer's gonna sit der quietly n let unker chit him meh??dat fella oso DAMN 7 fast mah?hehehe...

Woi.... dont start the fire. Later me and Benzer team to chit everybody than you all know.
eh wah eh wah..u think d Eastern Avenue Garage team is gonna sit down quietly n let u all "chit" us ar???dis R3 only 2 of us..come GRA we'll b joined by another powerful EF Civic...hehehe
i also wanna join la like that
Work shop= junk yard home garage
I just sit quietly and watch the action...
*prepares popcorn and Coke*
akuma said:
eh wah eh wah..u think d Eastern Avenue Garage team is gonna sit down quietly n let u all "chit" us ar???dis R3 only 2 of us..come GRA we'll b joined by another powerful EF Civic...hehehe

Wah! finally the kuantan team formed liao! congrat!
Soo was telling me last time he going to form a team! now formed liao!

next year team event got new team liao! You guys are fast too lah and y not ask the powerfull EF to join oso the R3 next week?? cos R3 layout no roundabout mah!?
u wanna join wat?2 "chit" unker champ or kena "chit"?hahahahaha.....
errr...(paiseh)....kuantan whr got team?i main cakap only...
sajer wanna promote eater"s workshop onry...hehehehhe.....

d powerful EF Civic can't join R3 coz pilot got exam....GRA he confirm join..if not i burn his car...ahahhahaha....
haiya cakap cakap then mah jadi lor.. "Kong ha kong ha ma hai lor" ehhe..

and y u always burn ppl's car ah.. nanti you pulak kena bakar hahahah... choi!
akuma said:
errr...(paiseh)....kuantan whr got team?i main cakap only...
sajer wanna promote eater"s workshop onry...hehehehhe.....

d powerful EF Civic can't join R3 coz pilot got exam....GRA he confirm join..if not i burn his car...ahahhahaha....

If pilot cannot make it, then you bring his car down. Benzer and I will drive the car in R3TA for him.
why always burn car?... haze just passed leh... Don't cause haze again la
Unless got BBQ session?

BTW.. another KE70 and a TE71 probably showing up in GRA. Watch out for the TE71 though...
i duno..u ask d kuantan tai lor eater lor..he owns EAG mer?not me??i kepochee onry...ahahahha.....sum more i so slow in autocross..he whr want me in his team?hehehehhe....

unker champ,
very farnee...dat EF is his daily driven car lar....unless u wan me 2 steal frm his house in d midda of d nyte ler..ehehhe...

wat TE71?wat class?n y shud v watch out 4 it?Wat do u know abt dis car lar wei..tell alr....

*y AKUMA alwys like 2 burn car?dey,AKUMA=SATAN..n mana SATAN duduk?in HELL,right?hari hari mmg bakar punyer mah?ahhahhahhahahah..jjk
wah...why here so hot d ??? hehehe... i know i know ...all r started by that setan akuma... aih.. akuma..dun kacao ppl here lar... ada apa tak syok v come out...four four six six , chang dim kui ma... hahaha...

benzer , no lar.. this akuma say onli... v hav no team yet... if akuma dun mind..i would like to join his team... hahaha... :)

unker , wei !! how many u can chit ??? ask all come.... u can chit all or not ??? dun think onli u so coxk fast lar.... many ppl damn cxck fast gar ... kekekeke... :P rite ? benzer.. :)

voices , yalar.. tell some lar... wat engine in that KE or TE ?? :)
aikss??i tot u r oredy in our team??Team meh?ahhahaah......n wat 44 66??whoaa..u like HK gengster lar...aisey..taku aku!hahahha
hehe.. seem like kuantan have alot gengsters lah!:mouth_closed: and they normally called "Team".. Team Green dragon white Tiger ah??!:_:
ur right lor..ALOT...lucky i'm originally frm K.L n eater frm ur not toking abt us,right?hahahhahahaa
what gangster ??? benzer , do u mean left green dragon , right white tiger ?? hahahahha....... u think shaolin guy meh ??? hahahahaha..... gangster is guan yi gor one lar.... :)

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