Satria Se 4G15 top speed...


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Senior Member
Apr 4, 2005
Any one driving Satria Se 1.5 here? What is the top speed tht u all can go?
Why mine just can reach 150km/h then can"t up already?I had tried many time the result is same..
Last time i drive wira 1.5 auto but can reach 170~180km/h.....
any one tell me whts wrong??thanks
woh..sumthing muz be wrong here...mayb ur siemen vdo ecu need resetting?

even my fren wira 4g15 wit siemen vdo still can get 190-200km/h
speed cut ka? i've even drive a satria gti but only can go 140km/h even i drop gear still remain the same... dam~~~
anvies said:
speed cut ka? i've even drive a satria gti but only can go 140km/h even i drop gear still remain the same... dam~~~

wooo something wrong to ur car bro...kelisa can go more than
that. :eek:
hi all sifus...
I normally rev the fourth gear to 140km/h around 5500rpm then turn to fifth gear..
and it just up slowly to 150km/h then cant up already....
wht wrong with my car n wht should i do now?
pocket rocket...ur car fast bai mah...ahhahahha
teh...satria se sure loh 1-3 years old onli i think...
anvies..proton no speed limit 1...
rev limit got...
my now also can only reach 150Km/h
last time can go to 168km/h

also donno why!

i only 1.3 carb not 1.5

my friend 1.5 can up to 180
i drive satria se 1.5 auto....i can reach only 140km/h.... i know the problem why i can't gain any speed... it is because the g/b only have 3 gear... i might think to change it to wira se 1.5 gearbox that have 4 hear automatic.... maybe?...
the sales person tell me that mine one is export model.. from malaysia to some other place... but it fails some test(which i don't know) and thats why this S.E. model can't go oversea..... they have taken out the airbag...
I am also using a Satria 1.5 (M) SE.
My car doesn't go faster than 160km/h.
Thats the fastest I can go, I beleive only can go faster if have a straight road downwards slope! Anything can be done to increase the speed???

wira se 1.5 auto got 4 gears meh?use 1.6 gear box ar?
new wira auto sedan just 3 gears...
i think our car got problems la...but not gear problems as u say i think...
cos i last time drive wira 1.5 auto 3 gears also can reach 170~180km/h...
My wild guess... izzit because wira n satria SE are running on rims that are too huge... 16inch... for that engine is rather bad... try using 15 or 14.. like the older version.. maybe u might be able 2 go faster... as less rolling inertia

maybe because of the rim as you say... its JRD...its heavy right.... is there anything possible of the ecu problem or any speed cut or rpm cut?...
guys, I drive a wira SE(M) completely stock standard. My top speed (the speed i dare to achieve) was between 175 -180. I agree that the stock rims are heavy, but I don't belive that there is speed cut or speed limited programmed in to the ECU.

There is actually a simple answer which lies in the acclerator pedal.

The pedal, when fully depressed, hits the floor boards (for most wiras and satria's). All I did, was adjust the angle of the pedal and I was able to floor the pedal deeper than I could previously. That resulted in higher speeds. Try tis method. I got my friend to do the adjustment DIY. Its not difficult at all.

Hope this helps. Cheers.

Remeber to drive safely guys.
Peace y'all. I'm out!!!!!
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