Removing carbon

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i m baaacckkkkkkkkk

finished my last paper just now
getting my butt back to the lab tomolo morning
but i tink tomolo will be boring, coz nid to wait for a officer to come n fix my machine . . . . ..

so, any suggestion on wat to try to dip a spark plug into ?
can past some time doin nonsense work :proud:
H2O2 what is that?

dip into clorine
It's one of ingredients for a "baby cat" cleaner...
H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide lar, main ingredient in washing women's private part. :rofl:
it is antimicrobial

aiyoooo, chlorine lagi arr, i dip into chloroform is CHCl3 oledi mar, oledi so mani chlorine wor.

i forgot bring some plugs to skool lar today . . . . . :mad:
try acetonitrile and H2O2 mebi on friday
also i figured a way how to utilise sodium carbonate or calcium silicate tat can absorb water in petrol.

I can take those powders, then pack it in a steel tubing, then put 2 filters to prevent the power packing from coming out, but petrol can flow through.
Just fit it between the fuel line, when the fuel pass through will dry the petrol.
den can zoom zooom zoooooommm :biggrin:

much better than putting a stupid magnet on ur fuel line
that idea may apply at the fuel line to throttle body...
maybe usefull...
it shud work lar, better than adding additives into petrol
a dry petrol is high quality petrol :biggrin:
want to ask u guys.
why got water inside petrol?
Assumptions only har....

Petrol contains carbon and hydrogen...
if kena air (O2,oxygen) all the time,
some of the particals change to water (H2O) and some to carbon,

and also the petrol kios tipu use the qty...

kimia sifu.... correct me if i'm wrong....
how come petrol can suddenly become water lar, aiyoooooooooooooooo:banghead:

any liquid u expose to air sure will absorb some moisture wan, just the quantity oni. Petrol are very low hygroscopic (water miscible), but its low, not totally 100% kenot have moisture.

brake oil is oil oso meh, u know oil n water not mixable, but how come u can mix brake oil in water so easily?
Simple common facts tat our education system failed to educate us properly with correct info.

V-power especially is very good in taking up moisture, one of the reason y its so expensive is because of the detergen they add in.
Do urself a small test
Buy some petronas primax and V-power.
Den u try drop some water in, then shake it
the primax will not dissolve the water at all
but the v-power will
i m not making up stories, i know tis coz i done this before

why its good for petrol to be able to solubilised water ?
so droplets wun form in ur tank lar, ur tank karat nanti
n also wun make ur engine dies off if suddenly the droplet go into ur engine
malaysia is a hot n humid country, hot n cold nite n day sure water will form inside the tank.

toking bout petrol,
i dunno if anyone here aktuali likes motorcycles, i like the local cubprix race n was once met this uncle in this motorcycle assembly inspection center at batu caves, we have so much to talk about. He asked me if i can make an octane booster or can give extra power, make tat chemical additive in a small pill form.
Before race, all fuel tanks are emptied, petrol is supplied by the official n then the tank is sealed until after the race.
So his idea was, if can make a small pill, can hide it in the tank n the officials wun able to detect it when inspection.

racing is full of tricks n will to be champions with no holds barred on watever it takes. :smokin:
Its like watching "The Inconvenient Truth", but its fun knowing these people, can learn a lot of tricks n know how the game is really played.
use mothballs
i heard it can boost up octane but the mothball must be at least 95% pure naphthalene.
but the side effects are quite risky.... can clog your injectors.... but carb engines.... donnola
pro carott,

thanks for ur long detail explanation. i think i will have to drive my car til the tank is nearly empty then i hantam in vpower kaw kaw. so the vpower will absorb the water in the tank. hehe..............

no wonder there are those fuel additive that claims it can absorb trap water in fuel tank.
the mothball myth is simply a myth lar
its napthalene, has even lower RON n MON den our petrol

oso, nowadays the mothball we buy is not napthalene liao, so dun put into ur tank arr.

I reli hoping the gov will introduce the new RON99 and 95 petrol. I be super hepi ler coz my little kapcai sure nids higher octane petrol.
The "The Outlaw" octane booster not so good lar, it like form red color deposits on the spark plug n then the spark is not so powerful oledi.
Wanna try other brands lar, got suggestion ?

i even tot of try to mix a bit of diesel into my kapcai fuel tank, dunno can increase the RON a not.

pleeezz dun call me pro lar
i veli cikai oni, got my license for many years but oni start driving religiously since last year. Wanna learn more bout cars here lar.

then u need to stop doing research on removing carbon. u can start by researching bolt on turbo to ur kap chai. hehe.......
tebo ur head arr
here is forum for car
no tok bike research here

back to tok cock in removing carbon :biggrin:
the mothball myth is simply a myth lar
its napthalene, has even lower RON n MON den our petrol

oso, nowadays the mothball we buy is not napthalene liao, so dun put into ur tank arr.

I reli hoping the gov will introduce the new RON99 and 95 petrol. I be super hepi ler coz my little kapcai sure nids higher octane petrol.
The "The Outlaw" octane booster not so good lar, it like form red color deposits on the spark plug n then the spark is not so powerful oledi.
Wanna try other brands lar, got suggestion ?

i even tot of try to mix a bit of diesel into my kapcai fuel tank, dunno can increase the RON a not.

pleeezz dun call me pro lar
i veli cikai oni, got my license for many years but oni start driving religiously since last year. Wanna learn more bout cars here lar.

wah, cannot ah.. gasoline engines cannot run on diesel. later need to overhaul oni u noe.. but diesel can run on gasoline.

increase in ron? i bet not.. actually, u wan so high ron for wat? high ron is only good for antiknock purpose.. if your engine is running properly, and u do not want to increase the compression ratio or advancing the spark timing, higher ron will have no effect to your power..
just my 2cents..
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