remapping ecu?
Its kind of expensive here in Malaysia,
since ECU is only like ROM mode, how can they all charge the drivers a hefty amount of i've seen once in a magazine...for hyundai,proton,kia etc...
as low as RM999...
Please don't go for that ones....
I agree with the Unichip...good performance with good value.
Stand alone ECU's are not advisable for long term usage (u wanna save fuel rite?)
Its a different stories if ur rides r equipped with those high powered engine under the hood, im driving a standard gen2 (auto tranny).But the best suggestion is u go for a piggyback system, and throw away the catalytic converter and replace it with a centre bullet..fgk,zenden etc....then replace oem air filter with the drop in unit from K&N.It shows a slight decrease in petrol consumption...(if u r driving 80-100km/h laaaa)