PR - To reduce prices of car if they win GE

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Slashing prices of imported cars through tax = A strong reason for Proton to really improve themselves to compete with other brands
rather than depending on higher tax price on imported cars which makes as if Proton cars are more affordable cars.

Want to succeed in winning people's trust and confidence, do something about it Proton.
They have Port Klang and all, which they can collect tax and other revenues. Don't tell me they have to sell assets to provide loan to just one university?. That is bad management to me. Obviously they still have a long way to go in order to give free education to all.. hahaha... Talk is cheap dude.

Oh my goodness, I can't believe your level of stupidity. Port Klang taxes is used to MAINTAIN the port and other port related expenses. It's bad accounting practice to "transfer" funds from entity A to entity B though they're both owned by Entity C. Unisel has unused assets, they just chose to liquidate it, any problem you have with it? Let's say Port Klang transfered x amount of cash to Unisel, that could bring it into the red. How are you going to explain that the the stakeholders?

Dude you're just plain stupid. Go study accounting and finance before you open your mouth again, letting everyone know you're dumb. There's a chinese proverb that says something like, if you don't open your mouth also people won't say you're stupid.
Most of the luxury auto makers already knew that, so they start opening their branchers here. otherwise how many "ghost" and DB9 they can sell per year? they are preparing for the future, Do we??
Even though Port Klang is in Selangor, Custom duties are collected by Federal Government.....
Oh my goodness, I can't believe your level of stupidity. Port Klang taxes is used to MAINTAIN the port and other port related expenses. It's bad accounting practice to "transfer" funds from entity A to entity B though they're both owned by Entity C. Unisel has unused assets, they just chose to liquidate it, any problem you have with it? Let's say Port Klang transfered x amount of cash to Unisel, that could bring it into the red. How are you going to explain that the the stakeholders?

Dude you're just plain stupid. Go study accounting and finance before you open your mouth again, letting everyone know you're dumb. There's a chinese proverb that says something like, if you don't open your mouth also people won't say you're stupid.

Well, since you're so clever and knows a lot about finance and accounting, how do think they will provide free tertiary education and abolish PTPTN? Oh, by the way, your kind words reflect your upbringing a lot you know. I think your parents must be really proud. :biggrin:

---------- Post added at 10:01 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 09:52 PM ----------

Even though Port Klang is in Selangor, Custom duties are collected by Federal Government.....

Yeah, my bad... But the point that I try to make here is that they suppose to have a lot of revenues from many sources. Is it to too hard for them to provide loans for the poor Unisel students that they have to sell Unisel's assets? Back to the topic, 'PR - To reduce prices of car if they win GE'. They just give empty promise without giving any strategy or at least a working plan to implement it. They could win more votes if they did that. I'm not taking any sides here, it's just that I feel disgusted at politicians who said they will do this, do that but in the end nothing really happens. BN politicians are more or less the same. When the election is coming they gave all sorts of '1Malaysia' aids to fish for votes. That is disgusting also...
it can be done. to naysayers, food for thought: come on, our neighbour Thailand only have 35% duties, excise and what not on their imported cars. how come, we malaysia can not..

This protectionism is off its limits already, Hyundai Kia Motors who started about the same time as Proton, now is already the 4th largest auto manufacturer in the world.. Proton??? dok bangga syok sendiri jadi shareholder company yg dok rugi berbilllion2 adela..

am not a proton basher.. peace.. i own a proton too.. :D
Chill guys, frankly speaking, does it really matter to you that much? If PR is gonna do it, it wont be a finger snap and everything is changed. A sudden change on this will cause many car buyers and many car sellers to be angry. Why the price of cars in Malaysia are so expensive? Taxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx !

I dont mind paying tax, but I dislike our hard earned money being handled under table, or kena telan putih putih. If the tax $$ is used to improve our economy and life, I dont see a problem...concerning this price reduction thingy...nah, real or not, this time, will still vote for opposition. I believe many of us WANT TO CHANGE JUST FOR THE SAKE OF CHANGING, as we lost our faith in the current govt. What say you?
Chill guys, frankly speaking, does it really matter to you that much? If PR is gonna do it, it wont be a finger snap and everything is changed. A sudden change on this will cause many car buyers and many car sellers to be angry. Why the price of cars in Malaysia are so expensive? Taxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx !

I dont mind paying tax, but I dislike our hard earned money being handled under table, or kena telan putih putih. If the tax $$ is used to improve our economy and life, I dont see a problem...concerning this price reduction thingy...nah, real or not, this time, will still vote for opposition. I believe many of us WANT TO CHANGE JUST FOR THE SAKE OF CHANGING, as we lost our faith in the current govt. What say you?

I say, I don't mind giving PR a chance to show what they're really capable of. Maybe winning just a few states in the last GE is not enough for them to prove their worth..
I say, I don't mind giving PR a chance to show what they're really capable of. Maybe winning just a few states in the last GE is not enough for them to prove their worth..

Winning a few states really cant prove anything..moreover to those who's living in FT. I believe most of us know that PR wont fare much better than BN, but at least we sure know 1 thing. We want to change and that's the opposition. So the extra "promises" , just some bonuses if they keep them, am I right?
Winning a few states really cant prove anything..moreover to those who's living in FT. I believe most of us know that PR wont fare much better than BN, but at least we sure know 1 thing. We want to change and that's the opposition. So the extra "promises" , just some bonuses if they keep them, am I right?

Absolutely. We don't have much choice... :bawling:
Why talking about reduce car prices become talk about UNISEL, port klang etc.? WTF.

I will summarize as this. The government has been the same since the dawn of Malaysia. Our automotive industry is a laughing stock, the automotive companies we are told to be proud of can't hold a candle in the global arena and been feeding off patriotism forced down our throat by the government through excise and duties.

The "AP" scheme practiced only made a few fortunate individuals rich, but did nothing to establish Malaysia as an automotive hub in SEA. Car manufacturers flock to Thailand to set up shop, not Malaysia, ever ask yourself why? They suffer floods in Thailand, plus there's a language barrier compared to Malaysia where most Malaysians can speak simple English versus Thais.

From all perspective -- the weather/land available, manpower favors Malaysia, yet they go to Thailand. Why? Would YOU like to have VW and Audi building cars in Malaysia? Would YOU like to have BMW setup plants here? I know I do.

Then, do YOU like Lynas setting up shop here? I know I don't.

So, this is what is happening under the current government, the same government since the birth of our country. They cannot blame anyone, they cannot say the previous government screwed them over. If the direction they are taking doesn't point towards improving, I will gladly take my chances with the opposition. With the recent Lynas being approved to operate, and VW forced to raise the price of their Polo by RM30k. It is enough.

I have enough of this bullshit. I love my country, and I do support Proton & Perodua. But does that mean I love the monkeys running my country to ruin? No. Does that mean I support Proton & Perodua making sub par cars and hope to live off the rakyat? No.

So you monkeys who say you have no choice, you do have a choice. The vote in your hand is your choice. You can either join me to make a difference at the GE, or you can continue to sit there and say no choice.

I am not a fortune teller, I do not know what the future holds with the opposition.
BUT, I KNOW what the future holds with the current government. Lynas, privatization of Proton was robbing the rakyat's property into a private holding.. and if this continues they will rob us all of everything our country have. Save your country.
actually its kinda sad to see that most malaysian's still cannot see beyond the domino effect of car prices...

u wan cheap car, can u pay the market rate for petrol (i know petrol will bring up another whole new discussion)?
and when petrol/fuel is at market rate, what do u think will go up (just rewind back to when fuel is blasted up to RM 2.70/litre)?
when the fuel prices comes down again, did the price of others that went up comes down accordingly?
so if fuel is at the market rate, what do u think our roti canai price will cost?
u think those mamak will absorb the cost meh?
they are doing business u know... not charity...

in the long run, at the end of the day, i would dare say our disposable income will be lesser...

in my view, we should plug the leakage first (kick out corruption) and ways to increase the annual income/disposable income of malaysians then only start going down to things like this...
start from the top...

(i know i will be sandblasted to kingdom come...)
actually its kinda sad to see that most malaysian's still cannot see beyond the domino effect of car prices...

u wan cheap car, can u pay the market rate for petrol (i know petrol will bring up another whole new discussion)?
and when petrol/fuel is at market rate, what do u think will go up (just rewind back to when fuel is blasted up to RM 2.70/litre)?
when the fuel prices comes down again, did the price of others that went up comes down accordingly?
so if fuel is at the market rate, what do u think our roti canai price will cost?
u think those mamak will absorb the cost meh?
they are doing business u know... not charity...

in the long run, at the end of the day, i would dare say our disposable income will be lesser...

in my view, we should plug the leakage first (kick out corruption) and ways to increase the annual income/disposable income of malaysians then only start going down to things like this...
start from the top...

(i know i will be sandblasted to kingdom come...)

The income generated from excise duties and AP is not used compensate the fuel subsidy. revenue generated from AP is going to the pockets of elite few while subsidy is from rakyat generated from other avenues. Sorry I don't see why it correlates. Two different matters. And fuel subsidy is bullshit, our fuel prices are the highest among countries that produces oil and gas! I wonder if the mass population of Malaysia are stupid or cannot count.
Winning a few states really cant prove anything..moreover to those who's living in FT. I believe most of us know that PR wont fare much better than BN, but at least we sure know 1 thing. We want to change and that's the opposition. So the extra "promises" , just some bonuses if they keep them, am I right?

Most seats are won by PR, but FT still under BN woh!......:banghead:
Well, since you're so clever and knows a lot about finance and accounting, how do think they will provide free tertiary education and abolish PTPTN? Oh, by the way, your kind words reflect your upbringing a lot you know. I think your parents must be really proud. :biggrin:

---------- Post added at 10:01 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 09:52 PM ----------

Yeah, my bad... But the point that I try to make here is that they suppose to have a lot of revenues from many sources. Is it to too hard for them to provide loans for the poor Unisel students that they have to sell Unisel's assets? Back to the topic, 'PR - To reduce prices of car if they win GE'. They just give empty promise without giving any strategy or at least a working plan to implement it. They could win more votes if they did that. I'm not taking any sides here, it's just that I feel disgusted at politicians who said they will do this, do that but in the end nothing really happens. BN politicians are more or less the same. When the election is coming they gave all sorts of '1Malaysia' aids to fish for votes. That is disgusting also...

Dude at first you made a statement that the Selangor gov could not afford to provide loans, then when I gave you that link you changed your statement to oh it's bad management to sell the assets and how do you think they'll provide free tertiary education and all..

And then you went on saying that (refer to quote in green colour)

You're contradicting yourself the whole way man. Well done.
Gentlemen, don't need to be rude and using offensive words guys. Is just merely a discussion. You have the right to disagree
with others but no reason to use harsh words. Is a friendly discussion. Not a debate or argument. Everyone has their own

If you disagree or think that what the other individual posted is wrong, there is always a better way to educate them or just
share your point of view. Not necessary people have to agree with what you said. Is all very subjective on what others
is thinking.

How you react, is how others gonna react. Try shouting at the person in the mirror. U will know what I mean. :top:

Anyway, politics stuff, best not discuss much la, really sensitive issue. We don't know who is supporting who in here.
Even among friends could stir up a fight. Take football for example :biggrin:

Just vote wisely will do :wink:

Cheers :beer:
Gentlemen, don't need to be rude and using offensive words guys. Is just merely a discussion. You have the right to disagree
with others but no reason to use harsh words. Is a friendly discussion. Not a debate or argument. Everyone has their own

If you disagree or think that what the other individual posted is wrong, there is always a better way to educate them or just
share your point of view. Not necessary people have to agree with what you said. Is all very subjective on what others
is thinking.

How you react, is how others gonna react. Try shouting at the person in the mirror. U will know what I mean. :top:

Anyway, politics stuff, best not discuss much la, really sensitive issue. We don't know who is supporting who in here.
Even among friends could stir up a fight. Take football for example :biggrin:

Just vote wisely will do :wink:

Cheers :beer:

I'm not sharing my "point of view"
I'm stating facts

1. Our national car maker is not competitive globally.
2. Our automotive industry is non existent - other than national makes.
3. Our AP scheme is making only a select few rich, while the masses get nothing.

This is all under the current government. :)
I'm not sharing my "point of view"
I'm stating facts

1. Our national car maker is not competitive globally.
2. Our automotive industry is non existent - other than national makes.
3. Our AP scheme is making only a select few rich, while the masses get nothing.

This is all under the current government. :)

Not referring to u la bro...definitely not u. :laugh:

Agree with facts number 1,2 and 3 :top:
Gentlemen, don't need to be rude and using offensive words guys. Is just merely a discussion. You have the right to disagree
with others but no reason to use harsh words. Is a friendly discussion. Not a debate or argument. Everyone has their own

If you disagree or think that what the other individual posted is wrong, there is always a better way to educate them or just
share your point of view. Not necessary people have to agree with what you said. Is all very subjective on what others
is thinking.

How you react, is how others gonna react. Try shouting at the person in the mirror. U will know what I mean. :top:

Anyway, politics stuff, best not discuss much la, really sensitive issue. We don't know who is supporting who in here.
Even among friends could stir up a fight. Take football for example :biggrin:

Just vote wisely will do :wink:

Cheers :beer:

Spot on brother. Please discuss, debate still can but don't argue lah!
Gentlemen, don't need to be rude and using offensive words guys. Is just merely a discussion. You have the right to disagree
with others but no reason to use harsh words. Is a friendly discussion. Not a debate or argument. Everyone has their own

If you disagree or think that what the other individual posted is wrong, there is always a better way to educate them or just
share your point of view. Not necessary people have to agree with what you said. Is all very subjective on what others
is thinking.

How you react, is how others gonna react. Try shouting at the person in the mirror. U will know what I mean. :top:

Anyway, politics stuff, best not discuss much la, really sensitive issue. We don't know who is supporting who in here.
Even among friends could stir up a fight. Take football for example :biggrin:

Just vote wisely will do :wink:

Cheers :beer:

Sure, noted with thanks! Pardon me for my lack of online etiquette

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