Our Boys At Buckingham....

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May 14, 2004
Ampang Baybeh
seems like a left hand to right hand deal........and thats very obvious, perhaps they were inspired by the JP Morgan Chase deal with Bear Sterns in US... a bank with 20 dollars worth of share value can sell for 1 dollar if no share holder oppose... Dato learning quite fast now.
It's funny how we fought so courageously to gain our independance and disassociate ourselves from the Queen but 50 years later, we are taking up the invitation for "Public Duties" to guard her royal majesty with full of pride and honour.

I'm not a strong advocate of anything associated with the US Army, but after throwing good tea in Boston, do you think there will be a day when the US 'finest sons' will be standing guard of the Queen? I doubt it....
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It's funny how we fought so courageously to gain our independance and disassociate ourselves from the Queen but 50 years later, we are taking up the invitation for "Public Duties" to guard her royal majesty with full of pride and honour.

I'm not a strong advocate of anything associated with the US Army, but after throwing good tea in Boston, do you think there will be a day when the US 'finest sons' will be standing guard of the Queen? I doubt it....

well i dont quite agree with u on this mate.....matter of facts im quite proud of them....for few reasons....

1) The queen is the leaders of Commonwealth realm and as far as i remember we are part of it.
2) The queen during her reign has been a true and tested friend and nor by sending thousand of her boys defending our independence.....and not just normal army regiments but also her household guard regiment in the form Coldstream Guards that fought for us during Malayan campaign.
3) The first Muslim battalion that fully guard the British monarch and in the way show the world that Muslims still can work hand in hand with other religions and not all of us are terrorist......hahahahahaa
4) Our nation ambassador and promoter....have u seen how they used that red uniform soldier to promote london and UK as a whole (even my ol' college LimKokWing to be exact used this image when they open their campus in london.....just imagine this a billboard at Bukit bintang area cost around 1m++ a month...im not so sure how much in London billboard cost but we have these fine boys in white jacket and green sampin to promote us. if we can have a fraction of what the Household regiments generate for UK tourism industry ill be more then happy already.

anyway there are many honors granted by a nations military to allies that stood and fought shoulder to shoulder with them...so much as American throwing some tea party in Boston in 18century and at this century christen a ship as USS Winston Churchill......go figure..

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