MONSTER VIOS, Skilled driver...Smoked 2 RX-7 and S15..Click to read more.

wonder what new parts will be release soon,keke...adjustable C**T pulley, arsehole exhaust tat fart...lolz...looks like car is getting more humanize,keke:rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Since they can install the talking alarm...maybe in future. Each time you REV especially VTEC cars...
The car will transmit the roaring sound to Moaning sound....:rofl:

The harder your REV the Louder It Moans....

Dunno how much petrol gonna consume a day if those people gonna keep sounding the cars :rofl:
Might even turn some girls on...:laugh:
Last time girl makes you wet while car looks 'garang'.
So nowadays thing is reversed? Car makes you wet while girl looks 'garang'.
So is actually true like what people said

"Afraid of Wife, Brings More Fortune" (Keng Lou Po, Fatt Tai Tatt)

The Youtube video is best example :rofl:
Look at what car he is driving in SG :rofl:
alamak u guys...gone for a many 18sx things came out...become zerotohorny jor lar...wakakkaka...

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