MEGASQUIRT 1 pcb V3.0 for sale

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Engine and Performance

MEGASQUIRT 1 pcb V3.0 for sale


500 RPM
Senior Member
Aug 30, 2004
megasquirt efi for sale!! brand new!! still wrapped.package includes...

-MegaSquirt-I Programmable EFI System PCB3.0 - Kit w/ BLACK CASE
-GM Closed Element CLT / IAT Sensor with Connector
-GM Open Element IAT Sensor with Pigtail

altogether for rm1500 me if you're interested.
bro.. can u call me or msg me.. 0125380822
sorry for asking why want to sell...
this on is for mass sensor or map sensor...
Hi bro,i'm selling,coz i have few units.bought extra units.the ecu comes with 2.5bar map sensor.
New orders now open!! Turbo spec. Add rm350 for 4bar map sensors.
can use in b16a?
how to install?
coz heard tis thing can DIY 1...
wira tak laju:
best indeed!! heheheh getting mine fired soon.

ben ben:
i dont think theres any problem getting it wired to b16a or honda varant for that matters....i only supplies the goods,for installations...i can reccomend to an expert.checkout megasquirt forum on zth.

2 more sets available! Just arrived from LA!
warranty? the package is complete? as in u don't need to buy any extra parts to run it right?
bro can u assemble an unassembled unit? i bought 1unit quite sometime ago but no time to assemble, if you can perform the assembly please do sms me @ 012-9051409.
yo bro... sms me @ 0122077569 for the details... thx... me and a friend of mine might take 2... so can we get a better price? 1 for putra and one for waja... waja one might need an additional ignition harness coz got 2 ignition coil packs...
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