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What about the spanish guy Pique ? Forgot his full name. I thought he played really well last season forgot against who. He was playing as a centerback. And i think he can play as a holding midfielder as well. He's more like o'shea
Some source saying MU is link with Joey Barton (midfielder) from Man Shitty... Errr... Strange to me tht he is being link... Barton been performing alright for Man Shitty, but to fit him into MU midfield is really strange... MU dun need another O'Shea or Flecther or Richardson in de squad... I believe if put either 1 of de 3 I mentioned into Man Shitty team, they wil stand out too...

Oso suprise tht now Torres is being link to Chelshit too... Mayb its due to their 'Broken Ferrari' Shevchenko (as A. Wenger labelled him) mainly unimpressive performance so far... Hopefully if (A big IF), Torres do move there he wil not b de next 'Broken Lamboghini'!!! :_:

Correction, Chelshit is playing Fulham at hom tmr - another London derby for them!!!
Oh yeah, Gerard Pique de young Spanish tht MU bought from Barcelona after he finished his apprenticeship in de youth set up... SAF hv huge hope on him... I almost forgot abt him too... Not much newz abt him lately... He a central defender... He is currently out on loan...

More newz abt Pique:{FE60904B-C2A8-4E60-9B05-700DBBC29BBC}&section=playerProfile&teamid=458&bioid=91918

Too bad tht MU were out of de League Cup so damn early... If not it wil give us a chance to catch up with some of this 'up n coming' players from de system more often...
I believe his fullname is Gerard Pique, a promising player formerly from Barca.

Joey Barton, frankly speaking, I rate him much much higher than O'shea, Fletcher...etc. I rate him highly, I'm sure that anybody would love to sign him if Fergie doesn't, despite of his attitude

His attitude, his defending and wicked shots remind me of your former captain, Roy Keane
Pique looks really promising.

He easily has the physique of a proper centre back. So I'm not at all concerned about the physical aspects of his game. Remains to be seen though whether he has the anticipation and reading ability that all great defenders need. Hope he turns into the next Hierro :biggrin:.
Haha... Its time to sign off here with my last posting this yr!!! LoLzzzzzz... :_: Looking forwards to de 4 days break!!!

Happy 2007 to All ManUtd and all football Fans here!!!

Hopefully when i come back to post here, ManUtd wil hv 6 more important points in de bag next wk!!! :_:

And oso as a Die Heart ManUtd fan for many yrs, so de biggest wish for 2007 is - EPL Trophy/Tittle coming hom to Old Trafford!!! Hehe... :shades_smile:

yeah hopefully so.but dat chelshit also not bad lol
they r winning but just becoz of luck can say.
look at their scores,just differ by 1 goal but win is still a win.
lookin forward for tmrw game.
may da devils crash da reading
Happy New Year to all MU fans!!

Hope it will be a great upcoming year for MU to grab more championship title.. all the best to all!
si|verfish said:
The good thing about buying from minor leagues (like Portuguese, Dutch, French, etc.) is that players can be gotten at a cheaper price. If we were to go for Aaron Lennon for example (I rated him), he would cost a million billion pounds.

He is in a between stage now. Young, gifted, in-form and having a good season. This is the time where players will be most expensive. They may be playing great in their current club and it seems a good idea to buy but if he comes to a new club at such expense there will be a heavy burden and not all players can cope with that. Perhaps he only did well because the team also suited their style to his play. Like Beckham was good for us but he is just a squad player in RM.

Remember Scot Parker? Was expensively sold to Chelsea then sold-off quite cheaply to Newcastle when he didn't adjusted to the Chelsea playing style and was off-form. Skill, talent and class is forever and he is doing alright now at Newcastle though once they adjusted their play around him.

Quaresma might go for 10 - 15 million me thinks. We can afford that. Why leave money for the Glazers? Joaquin qould have gone for 20+ million 2 years back. Now I think he could be had for 15 million as well. I think only recently Betis lowered his buyout clause because Joaquin wanted to go and Betis wanted to sell. They aren't going anywhere with him anyway, so might as well sell and rebuild.

Betis have this habit of putting insane buy out clause, don't they know that era has ended with Chelsea the only exception.

Senna is a lot like Gilberto Silva for Arsenal. I like the looks of him. Villareal were so strong last year because of Riquelme. But Riquelme could only be so effective because of Senna behind him. The only thing is that he is rather old (30 I think). And I think after the latest transfer saga involving him and us, he wouldn't want to come to Old Trafford anymore.

Downing? Like you said, nothing special. More Keith Gillespie than Ryan Giggs.

Trezeguet? Nah, never rated him. Nothing special. Ruud was a lot better than him as a CF and we sold him off.

Saha, Trez, Henry, Cisse, Anelka all came from the same school their play is more or less similar with differences in individual styles only. I don't think he will be a good buy unless he is coming for less than 10m.

Carrick can play a similar role to Riquelme once OH comes ;)

At least you rate Downing as Keith Gillespie, I was in the impression he was only a Kevin Killbane:emoticon_U:

BTW where is Aimar now? He is a good player. At one time he, Caca and Kaka were rated equal.

Don't worry about Al-Liverpool, they won't want to buy expensive lemons like Chelsea. Their best players now were not bought at absorbant prices.
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Seraph said:
He is in a between stage now. Young, gifted, in-form and having a good season. This is the time where players will be most expensive. They may be playing great in their current club and it seems a good idea to buy but if he comes to a new club at such expense there will be a heavy burden and not all players can cope with that. Perhaps he only did well because the team also suited their style to his play. Like Beckham was good for us but he is just a squad player in RM.

Remember Scot Parker? Was expensively sold to Chelsea then sold-off quite cheaply to Newcastle when he didn't adjusted to the Chelsea playing style and was off-form. Skill, talent and class is forever and he is doing alright now at Newcastle though once they adjusted their play around him.

Betis have this habit of putting insane buy out clause, don't they know that era has ended with Chelsea the only exception.

Saha, Trez, Henry, Cisse, Anelka all came from the same school their play is more or less similar with differences in individual styles only. I don't think he will be a good buy unless he is coming for less than 10m.

Carrick can play a similar role to Riquelme once OH comes ;)

At least you rate Downing as Keith Gillespie, I was in the impression he was only a Kevin Killbane:emoticon_U:

BTW where is Aimar now? He is a good player. At one time he, Caca and Kaka were rated equal.

Don't worry about Al-Liverpool, they won't want to buy expensive lemons like Chelsea. Their best players now were not bought at absorbant prices.
Aimar is at Zaragoza now, well....I rate Stewart higher than Kevin though :P
Muahahaha another great week for us. Although i didnt watch the game, i know that C. Ronaldo had 2 goals again ! And padan muka chelsea terbuahaha
6 points clear!
thanks to ronaldo AGAIN.. he is super on form n he is the largest hope for MU to clinch the tittle..
keep it up, n premiership title " Here We COME! ''
A very Happy New Year to all Mancunians!

Great win...could have been better but fucking kidney headed Silvestre has to pour some cold water on proceedings somehow. We played really well in the second half, changing up a gear and Reading absolutely got torn apart. The scoreline did our performance no justice. Giggsy's substitution was excellent although Park did admirably well. So did Brown at RB (successor to Gary?). Rooney's slowly getting into full flow. Almost there I think (could Newcastle be the game where he gets there?). And Ole showed that although he has lost a bit of pace in his aging legs, his mind is still one of the sharpest. The first goal was clinical and opportunistic and the first touch to leave Sonko for dead leading up to the second displayed his great footballing brain and speed of thought.

Ronaldo is ON FIRE baby! He's on match winning form and he's showing the better side of Ronaldo. Giving opponents all sorts of problems, drifting all over the place, creating chances (who says he doesn't have an end product?) and getting into great positions to score goals. He was absolutely everywhere and Reading must have thought there was more than one Ronaldo they were up against. Awesome. He has been in a different class. 6 goals, 3 matches doesn't even begin to tell the whole story. If they were to hand out player of the season awards now, he would be a major candidate with only Drogba and our own Scholesy coming close. Special player.

Notable mention goes to Vidic. His absence was missed as was shown in both Reading goals. Best discovery and bargain buy of recent times. Shored up our defence and has the added effect of making his fellow defenders, especially Ferdinand play better.

Also Carrick, who despite never getting rave reviews or highlight reels, gave great balance and continuity to our team. Solid.

Top of the table going into the new year with Chelsea faltering again...another great weekend to what has been a great first half of the season. Let our New Year's wish be for this great form to continue, to continue to fight hard and keep the momentum going on all the way to May. A pat of the back for the lads...well deserved.
i swear the whitebitch @ club epl jinxed the draw before the match by saying there might be an upset . connection was a goner...
wonder how come you guys can still get connected...

bout the Newcaste game...i haf to agree with Neville's assessment. - A draw nowadays is regarded as a bit of dissapointment whereas few seasons back, this result could be quite a satisfactory one.This simpy shows how much the standard has gone up.

But looking at our effort yesterday...i am most dissatisfied with Fletcher.It seems that he wasn't interested in the game.He contributed nothing, neither in attack nor defence.It seems that he simply was having a jog in the park.
Both goals came from way outside the penalty area and it was the duty of the central midfielder in particular to close them down.
Newcastle's first goal was terrific, but Neville could do better than just backing off(which he does so quite often in recent times)

Apart from that, we can't really fault the team effort.
Ronaldo look a bit jaded in the game but we can't really fault him
Again Rooney was not at his sharpest and let's hope Saha's injury ain't that serious.

Even if Chelsea were to win today, we still have 4 in the bag.
I don't see them dropping anymore points....but who knows...:X-:
Hi all!!! Happy 2007 with 6 points lead. Yep, to me ManUtd blew de chances to go 8 points up... But credit to de Magpies for thier fighting spirit... For this game, v had 4 great goals... Unfortunately 2 came from Newcastle agaisnt us... Yeah, tht Flechter was a 'Pasar Malam' player in tht game (jus there to walk walk)... Mmm... wonder what going on in his mind... Oso i was suprised y SAF played Ronnie mostly on de right side n not his favour left??? Especially knowing tht Magpies r hving a youngster/inexperience player on tht side of de field... Instead Ronnie was on de right more n being kick by tht old ass Solano many times... Sigh!!!

As for tht 2 goals tht MU conceeded, if Carrick were choosen to play from de start instead of tht 'Pasar Malam' walker i strongly believe he must b able to at least denied 1 of them by protecting de defence more... Especially de 2nd 1... There were no 1 trying to stop Edgar or something until de very very last minutes when he lashed his strike... But to no avail...

Got to b very happy for this hectic period where MU managed 10 of of 12 points available... Chelshit onli managed 6 points... De most importnat thing now is de spirit n self believe in both camps... MU r hving de upper hand whereas after been through de last 3 matches, Chelshit must hv wonder what they need to do to stop leaking goals again... I expect few panic buys from they as they hv de fanincial muscle to do so... :_:

Shit tht Silvestre... Again, he made a STUPID mistake which SAF claimed is de worst this season MU hv had... Gan Nina him... After tht mistake he stil try to blame kao de lines-man for not flagging a foul on him... LoLzzzzzzz... What a joker... It was clearly a lapse in concentration, which he always had... Apart from tht, he been doing ok...

Come back to de transfer rumours, ManUtd gonna use Heinze + cash to buy O. Hangreaves??? Wow!!! Tht's fu*king strange... SAF know how important Heinze is to de team this season especially tht SAF rotating him n Erva tremanduosly in de 1st half of de season... Dun tell me tht v hv got Silvestre in de team to promted de club to trade Heinze off... Diu... It shld b Silvestre b included in de team la... Or jus pay them de CASH... no player involve...

What u guyz think??? :Not_Impressed:
1 thing oso, de pitch was suck tht day at Newcastle... Very slippery... Mmm... Oso wanna to talk abt Rooney a bit... Do u guyz think he is a bit frustrated lately... Things hasnt gone all well for him, n when things not going his way he is very bad temper!!! Swearing at de ref n lines-men (AGAIN) as well as at opponents a lot... What was missing in his game was his final touch... He really need a goal to booster his self-confident again!!! It nearly come on Monday... I was so damn shock tht S. Given saved Rooney shot in de 1st half where 9 out of 10 times this kinda shot wil b ended up in de net... Man, its jus not Rooney day again...

Why i said MU blew a good chance to further extent de lead is tht in this match actually MU do hv lotsa good chances to kill off de Magpies... Park Ji Sung alone did hv 2-3 chances too... Saha missed a 1 on 1... Other than tht, our defence need to tighten up too... MU hv conceeded 4 goals in de last 2 matches... Its a worries... V dun wanna what happened to Chelshit strike us... But to b fair, MU do hv better defensive players than Chelshit currently... Hopefully Carrick wil b able to play regularly again...

At de moment, both Ronnie n Scholesy r flying... 2 SUPERB goals from Mr. Ginger Head... At least MU now hv more players contributing goals... Now tht newz saying Saha wil b out for a couple of wks due to his groin injury... And SAF hv confirmed tht Henrik Larsson wil b partnering our Baby Face assassin Ole Solskjear in this wk F.A. Cup against Aston Villa... Looking forward to see how both Scandinavian strikers combine n complement each other in de game...

Expecting another few changes from SAF again in de game against Villa as players tht played 3 games in de space of 9 days need some much needed rest too... Edwin Van Der Sar wil b rested i think... Either Vida or Ferdinand wil b rested as well... So i hope if Silvestre r given chances again, PLEASE do it nicely this time!!! As both Larsson n Solskjear r playing upfront, not sure do tht means Rooney wil b rested??? Or Ronnie b rested??? I think Ronnie need a little rest in order for him to carry on his good form longer through out de whole season...

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