Malaysia's First 4G Internet Cars - Proton announces collaboration with Yes

I am assuming that the ipads can be removed when the owner leave the vehicle.

Doesn't Ipad offer a bigger screen than your normal 7" screen Double Din HU?
If I am not mistaken, there was already a custom made audi that had Ipads installed few years back. . . .

like I said earlier, it is not entirely for your normal Ipad use (playing games).
Imagine with internet connected in car entertainment system, you could have content be played streaming through the net. You can have a home media server setup, then just stream the content through the ipad, you can get location based services, information etc on the fly.
I know the question on how fast this will be enabled in Malaysia might be a question. Or how reliable the infrastructure will be. But, at least, it is something to look for.
There area already interesting technology around us. It just might be that is yet to be implemented here.

In terms of usage, considering that the technology is modular, there should not be any concern what car it is used with right?
If I have an iswara as a taxi and I want my passenger to be able to use wifi while sitting in my car, I can right?
I would consider this as a concept, when the technology becomes affordable and widely accessible, there is no reason that it is only applicable to bigger cars.

what I can say is this. . .
have an open mind and look at the technology that is trying to be enabled. it might be viewed as not required now, but who knows what the future holds? Just look at how mobile phone usage grows, it is hard to find anyone not having one nowadays right?

close your eyes, imagine that the same effort is being done by your favourite car manufacturer and internet service provider, would you still be this negative?
If yes, then I have nothing else to say.
But if your answer is no, then doesn't that just mean you're bias because it is done by Proton?

or, if you are one of the lucky winner, would you say "no, I do not want the prize. Can I give it to someone else?" and if that actually happen, please say you'll give the prize to me :)
Yeah & now I know the purpose of car. To track down tornado storm. Can get real live radar update. YES! oooooo its only on US. :stupid:
Later some multi-tasking by surfing Porn...then one hand on steering, one hand on 'Handbrake' =

Malaysia's 4G Tech Accident...
my mom used to taught me about " DONT PUT VALUABLE STUFF IN YOUR CAR "
buy the car then mummy dont like how?

Even Jusco car park has sign of " Make sure you lock your car / dont leave valuable stuff / park at your own risk "...
so jusco right or proton right wo ?

By the way...the i - pad can take out from car not?? got new i pad already wo.. can tambah wang and upgrade or not??
If cant take out then rosak how to repair ah ??

The Malaysian question in future...but always remember... Malaysia boleh...

***Myvi also can transplant evo engine...Then every1 shocked and salute***
***This is just another Malaysia boleh...i salute***
can facebooking while having McD breakfast....stuck at jam or even no home to go at nite..hehe
but when balik kampung during festive season, from YES become NO...cos no coverage & rural areas....
yup..the dongle for 4G already paid up for 12months upfront, touch screen GPS also hot item nowaday.
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