Malay contractors required to sign 'Akujanji'

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1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Mar 19, 2005
wow! this is the best they can think of to solving the ali-baba problem...i wonder if the 'saya anti rasuah' badge has reduced corruption among the mata-mata...


Malay contractors required to sign 'Akujanji'
Feb 16, 07 4:31am

Malay contractors will have to sign declarations vowing not to pass contracts for projects obtained from the government on to non-bumiputeras.

The Finance Ministry's secretary-general, Izzuddin Dali, said Malay contractors who flout the new ruling will have their contracts and registration terminated.

"Contractors that have obtained projects must sign an official declaration that they will not 'sell' the contract or break them up into smaller contracts and distribute them to other parties," Izzudin was quoted as saying in the Malay-language daily Berita Harian.

The move is a bid to curb the abuse of government projects awarded to the economically disadvantaged bumiputera - ethnic Malays and indigenous groups - under positive discrimination policies.

Elite group

Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi complained on Tuesday that 85 percent of projects won by bumiputera contractors were passed on to other races in the country.

Malaysia's population of nearly 27 million is made up of 60 percent Malay Muslims, 26 percent ethnic Chinese and eight percent ethnic Indians.

The bumiputera policies are aimed at boosting the economic development of Malays but critics say its poor implementation has mainly benefited an elite group of Malay entrepreneurs.
government project 100% goes to Bumi status company, and now can't sub-con to other races, government want other races to eat glass ar?

government project budget all need to cut 50% due to lesser transfer than.
RE: Aku janji

stupXd G racist say racist la what is positive discrimination!! stupXd g will be angry if we discriminate them and when they discriminate us then stupXd g just claimed that it is positif discrimination... malaysia boleh.....
racist or not racist..i dun care la..

it's their land anyway...if you lok through the history..the other races is migrations~ sure the local people will be protected..let just put it this way..

if this is a chinese land..sure i'll protect my own people first..rite anot~?

kakakakaka...the problem is that the people they protect is just to stupid to be protected.....lazy people~ no offence but even former PM dr.M says that~
no alan...if it is let's say another races as majority...yes somewhat indirectly in some policy yes...but not something like this.

Why? It is a win-win situation,bumi sub-con transfer to non-bumi,they didn't gain the profits or it ? They still get quite a sum of it to drive nice car and live nice house...and non bumi work it out and gain the wealth too...

Wat is this goodness.i am totally dissapointed
government projects awarded to the economically disadvantaged bumiputera - ethnic Malays and indigenous groups - under positive discrimination policies.

hahahhahahahhahahhahahah X 99999999999
so funneh.
and give back the projects to themselves ? hahahahahahahahhaha
itz their land.. lets see how they build it... or rather.. how they destroy it.. good luck.

any chance of them destroying it.. i'll flying away.. leaving this god-forsaken land.
i'm bumi, but i feel damn bumped around
they will destroy the land in name of building the country
contaminate the sea's around malaysia with pollution
n spew more foulness into the air
protected land or national parks a just a speck on the map, while the land around it wil be used to timber
our gov will not listen to ideas to save the country...will i be censored?
Wah, you're bumi. I'm manusia. hehehe Bumi sounds like ground la. hehehe
it's their land anyway...if you lok through the history..the other races is migrations~ sure the local people will be protected..let just put it this way..

1st, look up on your history books.

2nd, go read up on martin luther king junior's "I have a dream" speech.

3rd, we are on wikipedia, MALAYSIA BOLEH!!!

Lastly, hiding all these acts behind the curtain of "positive discrimination" is just a boatload of cow droppings.

If malaysia is in war tomorrow, do you think the people whose family are discriminated against would be prepared to die for the country??
For Me :
All this POLICIES is MEANT to BENEFIT certain PARTIES and not BUMIPUTRAS as per say.

Just like Romans to Catholics Churches during the MEDIEVAL times : Using Race and Religion for economic and political warfares that only benefits a few party are COMMON.

>>> The " Ethnic Cleansing ", "Holy Crusade" to " Inquisitions" - killing of womens that's considered to be witches in Europe are good examples. VERY GOOD MANIPULATIONS. That is why there are smart Bumi(s) which wrote-in about removing such "Udang disebalik batu" policies. It does not really benefits the race properly. Moreover it creates a WEAKLING and SPOONFED culture. It'll be very damaging in the long-run especially with all these free trade and investment agreements being pact + globalization will KILL such WEAKLINGS; not to mentioned UNABLE to COMPETE effectively in the WORLD's ARENA.

As simple as Bush's reasoning : " Weopans of Mass Destruction that threatens world peace and American's interest " - PADAHAL for $$$$ and power interest only.

One more thing :

RACISM brings NO BENEFIT. But we must admit it's a powerful TOOL to be used for SELF-INTEREST. (e.g. To bring SUHARTO down - RIOT in Indonesia ). People did said it was SO WELL-PLANNED just to create CHAOS ( easier for leaders to manipulate people when it's chaotic ) and bring that "leader" up the political ladder.

Just my 2 cents. Please don't get :baring_teeth: with me. :mouth_closed:
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aiyaks, ok la
i'm bumiputra, AmNo putera , or proton putra...
if i sound like ground then i'm getting stepped all over ler
ok back to eatin steamboat...
no alan...if it is let's say another races as majority...yes somewhat indirectly in some policy yes...but not something like this.

Why? It is a win-win situation,bumi sub-con transfer to non-bumi,they didn't gain the profits or it ? They still get quite a sum of it to drive nice car and live nice house...and non bumi work it out and gain the wealth too...

Wat is this goodness.i am totally dissapointed

agree with u man.....but the problem with the bumi is they basically do virtually nothing beside getting the least become la a developer....set up a small office and learn the trade of the game.......but most of them dont...... i get RM20m project knowing the government u can earn around RM10m if u manage it properly.......but no......i give to people (u know who i meen.....i wasnt fond on this "positive discriminations anyway") to run the project....that guy give me RM2m for the project.......enough to buy me new E class.....renovate my house......go to paris jalan three month habis.......then ask the gome for more projects......stoopid....u can make more but nooooo.......easy money......
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yeah saga bro...but i am worried is.Now with the this akujanji....ppl that do not have the ability or the skill to handle the project also "janji" already will run it.The outcome of it is......can't imagine.

Well 2 side for a coin...current Mr.B go for this way ...Mr.M for the previous way...But personally i am happy wth the previous one..
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