luminous paint


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Senior Member
Nov 27, 2003
kuala lumpur
where to get this kind of paint?i wanna spray it on my wheels at the side,like some rims they only got at the side...

you mean chroming?

go to tyre shops i think they can do for you for a fee.

abang nazlee recommended hup shun in sunway...the one with the falken signs, same row as amoil
sorry i put the wrong pics,i mean u know some rims they have at the side lining coloured like red,blue thats the one im asking bout

Luminous paint is flourocent paint.

Do u mean anodized? Which looks like chrome but has different color? Thos u need to go to shop to do. Very hard to DIY.
yes exactly what animiniac had stated,where to get plz tell me....can i get it from the car paint shop in jln chow kit nearby 7-11 there?have anyone been there?
rims can paint it chrome...?
but comform can shines ar?
Originally posted by babyGreddy@Feb 7 2004, 11:46 PM
yes exactly what animiniac had stated,where to get plz tell me....can i get it from the car paint shop in jln chow kit nearby 7-11 there?have anyone been there?
black rims with pink at the edge will sure look stylo :D
babygreddy, u cannot buy anodized paint off the shelf from any hardware shop. It is actually a chroming process.

But there is actually something i tried that works. U ned to find transparent color paint. No not clear or laquer. But clear color capped paint. The brand i used was matahari, RM5.00 i think. Forgotten liao!

The surface you want the anodized effect must be chromed. Or highly polished steel. Then you spray the transparent colro on to the surface. The effect u see later is almost the same as anodized. Mirror reflect like chrome, but red or blue tinted on top. But it would take a lot of time to mask the area u want to do it on. And it won't work with a base silver paint.

But the paint, try it on a spoon then u will see how effective what i found. Then u decide if u wanna do it. Remember transparent color capped paint!!! If u buy solid, sure cannot one!
my wheels is normal alloy colour, but a bit chrome on the edges... maybe can try it next time :lol:
Yes that one is very nice. The spoke is like BBS old style. hehe. Another one would be the Toms 4 spokes. Also very nice like this. I dun have digital camera, but if i have, i can show u how the effect is like. ;)
i think the wheel has chrome edge, so when sprayed with clear colour paint it will have luminize effect. netmatrix has a very good idea about doing this. B)
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