Klang Anyone?

Cheong loh ... Hahahahah .....
Cheong got many type loh... hahaha. Like pick up service lah ... a lot. Hehehe

Wahh , 20 only say old ar ? i 19 this year. Hahahah
wah yesterday de 2 milf yellow shirt n the pink one.. fuhhhh power la their assets.. dem kaw cun and dem stim la.. wahahahahaahahahahaha! :shades_smile: ferrari ke lamborghini ke oso kalah la.. hhahahaahahahaahahaha! :shades_smile:

eebok @ kobee,
aiyoooo memang me, seng chai and papaleed r de milfhunter mah.. but seems to me now its more me and seng in a team la cause papaleed oredi becoming teens hunter oredi mah.. wahahahahahahahaahahahah! :shades_smile:

wooohooo! penang trip 2moro shall begins! eheheheh... i shall be back on thursday dis week so if ok i will be joining u all for the klg TT session.. if i dun coime means tired la. ahahahahahaaha.. see ya! captain we r ready to take off! wahahahahaah! :shades_smile::shades_smile::shades_smile:

16th. Feb 2006 TT @ Sri Andalas.

Attention !!!

Bro and sis, Leng chais and Leng Luis, Uncle and Aunty and so on. This week's TT will be at Sri Andalas Mamak. Right opposite McD.

This week no Agenda. Coz TRD16V a.k.a Mike/Milf Hunter is not around. But we can still have our own craping session.

Kobee a.k.a Eebok
Mike might join us la, IF he not tired after cuming back from Pearl Island....I definitely going for TT la.....
Haha, not bad not bad.

Eh u reply post damn fast eh. Hahahaah. Do u have msn or not ? Add us la ... Hehehe.

So you are coming to TT this week ya ?
wahh fluffy, ur posts almost over than me leh....1 day u posted how many la...i can see that everywhere oso got ur name lor.....hahahaha!

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