KKS Autocross on 24/7/2005

DarkHelmet said:
Sorry, did not mean to sound so harsh, but frankly, you do not need to spend a lot to get fun out of the event. Just drive what you brung, and if u have a standard car, then so be it. This is the cheapest form of motorsports available right now.
Did that and i kissed the R3 billboard in sso2.5,the R3 billboard was too sexy and i need to kiss it! had to..no choice! :p :D.After the race i finally realised how IMPORTANT a good suspenssion system is needed.BTW any other events then KSS and SSO? would like to know more ;)
crazykid said:
Did that and i kissed the R3 billboard in sso2.5,the R3 billboard was too sexy and i need to kiss it! had to..no choice! :p :D.After the race i finally realised how IMPORTANT a good suspenssion system is needed.BTW any other events then KSS and SSO? would like to know more ;)

Tentatively, there are only KKS & SSO. There is one more coming up very soon.
woah, crazykid..still on the heat yeah :D me too :D so when wanna join in the next event?? me too cant join in the KKS autocross, shortage of funds(student marrr) :(
line wont be too long...
thats what they normally do anyway, register on sund morning.

btw, anyone interested to try out a new fuel additive called JUICE?
it added 5HP to a stock satria 1.6m .
it will be a good addition to your cars during sundays event!

we will be setting up a table selling JUICE then!
gavan, you joining?
reubenc said:
line wont be too long...
thats what they normally do anyway, register on sund morning.

btw, anyone interested to try out a new fuel additive called JUICE?
it added 5HP to a stock satria 1.6m .
it will be a good addition to your cars during sundays event!

we will be setting up a table selling JUICE then!
gavan, you joining?

PM me your special price.
Julian !! You wanna put JUICE to add 5 hp on Sunday kah?

OK lah, I no choice, must put SAUCE to boost 10hp! KA KA KA
im trying to work out for a better price for participants.
however, we are now selling at an intro price of rm 28 per 4liters.
race mixture is at 1liter JUICE to 10 liter Petrol for efi engines,
carb engines only need appx 800ml JUICE per 10 liters for race mixture
nope, sadly my budget seemed not too good this month, so i guess i wont be joining this one...maybe the next :D ehehhee, and i wouldn't mind trying a bottle of your product by then :D hopefully my car doesn't gimme any problems so i can have extra $$ for the races :D
gavan,dont wait till near event only try..
try it as long as its on sale man!
its worth every single cent!

oh, do drop by our small table during the autocross!
would like to meet you also!
good news!
the JUICE that will be sold tomorrow at shah alam autocross will be the new improved formula of JUICE!

physically, old JUICE is colourless and the new one will be RED in COLOUR!

whats new you may asK!

the new improved JUICE boast of even BETTER PETROL EFFICIENCY!
we have manage to stabilized the JUICE formula even more!
thus saying so, you wil lbe able to put in even MORE JUICE to your fuel tank to have even better peformace.!
the old formula has a race mixture of 10% (1liter juice to 10 liter petrol)

the new formula, you can go up to 15%! so imagine the power increase you can get!

and the promotional price wil end after the autocross!prices will be revised above rm 28 after this!
so get em while the price is still low!!

limited stock on sund, so be there early to get your hands on JUICE!

i will be there and start selling by 8.30am!
woo hooo!! was at the autocross today....just now actually....from late morning till evening......WOAH....damn syok weh......

i actually went there to check the place out and how the competition is like...looks darn interesting tho...butthen looks kinda harsh on the tyres and brakes but i think it should be too bad....what do you guys think???

and poor stanley had to retire early due to some mechenical problem..... :(

so i guess if i could get some cash ready....then i might be joining in the next KKS event...which i also heard could be coming real soon aight??(as announced by erm, i duno who is he also) but i left during the price giving session, so erm, is there any confirm dates yet??
keep an eye out in this thread.
there will keep you updated.

mickey! 1.06?? serious case?!!

i left quite early
reubenc said:
keep an eye out in this thread.
there will keep you updated.

mickey! 1.06?? serious case?!!

i left quite early
haha yup :D dam stim when they announced ;) everybody *kaw tow* :pcant belive it my self.The subaru fella..sorry arr i cant remember your name nia,he got 1.07improve his run by 1 second soo near to mickey!!!! :D
gavan said:
woo hooo!! was at the autocross today....just now actually....from late morning till evening......WOAH....damn syok weh......

i actually went there to check the place out and how the competition is like...looks darn interesting tho...butthen looks kinda harsh on the tyres and brakes but i think it should be too bad....what do you guys think???

and poor stanley had to retire early due to some mechenical problem..... :(

so i guess if i could get some cash ready....then i might be joining in the next KKS event...which i also heard could be coming real soon aight??(as announced by erm, i duno who is he also) but i left during the price giving session, so erm, is there any confirm dates yet??

The next date was actually confirmed earlier. But KKS couldnt get the parking lot space due to the state government booked the space for the whole month.

Tentatively there is no date yet. However, Paul from KKS did indicate that it will be before the fasting month. Just check back later in this site.
crazykid said:
uncle mikey(MR2) *kaw tow* :D nice run at the second last round :D time 1.06 :cool:

Yup.... Uncle Mickey was damn fast espeacially during the afternoon session. You can see the uncle catching up with the WRX (Ivan) and Marcus (yellow Lotus) in the afternnon session.

The uncle was 3rd overall fastest that day out of 24 participant. Not bad for an uncle. WRX was the fastest, 2nd overall was Marcus & 3rd was Uncle Mickey. He only lost out to Marcus in overall by only 1 second.

Morning session got "figure 8" which some of them drift around or handbrake around it. The WRX and Lotus were damn fast around the figure 8 compared to uncle Mickey. I think uncle Mickey dare not pushed around the figure 8 coz he is a bit phobia with trees around him. I think thats why he couldnt match their time during the morning session.
Uncle Julian was the fastest for the 1301-1600 class followed by WK Ho. He tried some new tires which gave him quite a lot of balls to go to the limits......

For the 1001-1301cc the fastest was Ian Khong in his super 1.3 Aeroback. 2nd & 3rd was kancil turbo......but not sure what their names were.:D sorry.....

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