Is our country heading for recession?


i think we are going into it soon than expected....

alot of sectors are affected.....

plantation, construction and manufacturing.....shortage of labour

prices of oil increase leading to everything direct an indirect to rise

toll prices increased, transportation cost increased,

i/rates declined, salary maintains

= consumer's will get lesser purchasing power

= quality of life falls.....

haih, recession will set in sooner than expected.....
zero4 said:
hahahahahahahahahah, can one lah, slowly lah

Yes, that should be the way. If everyone stops spending, the country will DEFINITELY be going in the direction of recession.
yes...lets new fuel savings gadget i can buy???

i want more power but used less fuel....if can....more power and used

our economy is going down more vertical then ww2 dive bombers.....
the Global economy is doing well currently, the Econ in America and Europe are growing stable( their purchasing power is increasing more than 30% over last year). The consumer confidence in America and Europe(except Germany) are still in satisfactory level.

My ex and current company are supplying clothes and consumer goods to US and UK, their orders have been making the whole china/india/pakistan busy since last year.

In Asia, China/taiwan/hk are growing extremely fast. In china, their inflation rate was scary 30% in yr 2001/2002 but the average wages in the main cities has been increased by 40%. Their spending power is like crazy, They sold 100units of bentley continental GT in 2 months and having 144 local auto makers feeding the market with more than 3millions cars sales at 29% yearly growth. Their current unleaded petrol price is at RMB3.7/L = RM 1.80/L. Msia petrol price is catching up to china who import 90% petrol from overseas.

our Neighbour singapore is not so bad also, Their govt know they are no longer having advantage in their port so concentrate on the high tech mfg/ pharmaceutical industry and tourism which they are still having the edge over China. They are also having alot of investment in china currently. their econ may not growth very much but atleast they manage to stabilise it.

Thailand is doing very fine recently also, they got some mfg move in there from malaysia because of their neutral govt policy.

Our G? long never hear any plan/vision from them..but heard taiwanese investors complaining the policy which drive them away and move into china and Thailand...Msia have many policy which stop the investors to come.some of you may heard those policies....we dont have competitiveness yet we dont have plan and still act like "you want you come manner"....god bless our G...
Get ready to protect yourself, heard rumors the recession going to turn into depression approximately June 2005, never expect the shit falls on us so soon!!!

Help usla before u bring us six feets under the ground, farking hypocrip G :mad:
links said:
we dont have competitiveness yet we dont have plan and still act like "you want you come manner"....god bless our G...

the AFTA matter really drove away alot of potential carmakers who intended to build factories here.
Alot of other asian manufacturers/investors too.

Speaking on behalf of some of the foreign investors I know, they are not too happy about some racial issues. Especially with shares and ownership. NO FURTHER COMMENTS FROM ME REGARDING THIS MATTER.

Dont you all find the reasons/justifications/excuses given for the price hike of petrol,diesel and toll fees a little too...childish???

The figures given for the recent price hike of fuel seems overated.
Moreover, they cant even let us know the details for the PLUS highway agreement!!!

rant over, thank you.
BlackSamurai said:

dun agree with you, tell me how much is the latest Honda Accord price tag at UK?

try to compare with Honda Accord (not the lastest version) price tag at Malaysia, then you know why I dun agree with you.
sorry but the price of a car isnt the right way to compare the economies of 2 countries.. what mafiaboy said was partly correct in the sense that he expressed buying power in real terms.. when it comes to cars, the prices will definately differ from country to country due to tax structures, etc..

i think the point that people are missing is that living cost in Msia is still relatively cheaper than UK.. not due to the exchange rate but factor in housing, etc even parking for that matter..

Msia isnt undergoing a recession.. far from it.. we're recovering and going from strength to strength, its just that on an international level its not really showing cause we're pegged to the US dollar and their dismal economy has an adverse effect on ours.. once the Govt decides what to do with the currency peg than we will definately enjoy a higher exchange rate : more overseas business, more students overseas, more investor confidence etc etc..

as for price of oil.. well its not really within the Govts control to keep the price stagnant.. the price of Petrol is increasing WORLDWIDE.. sure the Govt can subsidies but only to a certain extent.. inflation is a fact of life, get over it..
[PIMPIN] said:
sorry but the price of a car isnt the right way to compare the economies of 2 countries.. what mafiaboy said was partly correct in the sense that he expressed buying power in real terms.. when it comes to cars, the prices will definately differ from country to country due to tax structures, etc..

i think the point that people are missing is that living cost in Msia is still relatively cheaper than UK.. not due to the exchange rate but factor in housing, etc even parking for that matter..

Msia isnt undergoing a recession.. far from it.. we're recovering and going from strength to strength, its just that on an international level its not really showing cause we're pegged to the US dollar and their dismal economy has an adverse effect on ours.. once the Govt decides what to do with the currency peg than we will definately enjoy a higher exchange rate : more overseas business, more students overseas, more investor confidence etc etc..

as for price of oil.. well its not really within the Govts control to keep the price stagnant.. the price of Petrol is increasing WORLDWIDE.. sure the Govt can subsidies but only to a certain extent.. inflation is a fact of life, get over it..

thanks for the backup haha.... i do agreee that malaysian economy is in a cost in malaysia is relatively cheaper...then in the UK...
mu24 said:
sorry. thx for correcting me, but i heard tat a loaf of bread can be as cheap as 75cents over there, is tat true? if so still the standard of living there is very cheap compare to malaysia which is like 2.80 for a loaf of bread.

barter trading r? haha goodness, what will become of malaysia man. I give you 10 cows for your kelisa deal?

I can find bread as cheap as 20 pence for a loaf weighing 800grams. But it tastes horrible. The bread costing 75 cents are actually pretty decent, for a pound you can get absolutely terrific bread.
I think everywhere is the same as in getting a job, even in the states, the job market here are pretty bad too, for example, i work in San Francisco i have to pay like almost 30 percent of tax to Uncle Sam ( 8.25 percent state tax + 20 percent federal tax). And the unemployment ratel over in san francisco is about 3.8 percent in which can consider as one of the lowest unemployment rate in the states, as for the east coast, is about 5 percent to 10 percent. To think of it, the figure is quite staggering my friends. No matter how you look at it.

Working in the States, yes you got to experience alot of things, but then, "the eye of the world" is on the Asia. I havent been back to KL almost 3 yrs, so i wouldnt know whats the standard of living over there now, but one thing for sure, no matter how, KL is still far cheaper compare to alot of places in the states. Why, you dont have to pay tips over in KL, over here you have to, for example, a meal cost about like 6 - 7 bucks usd and on top of that you have to pay another like 15 to 20 percent of tips to the waiter over what you pay for a meal. and remember this also my friends, that ciggie price here is different, like in san fran you can get like 4 bucks for a pack of marlboro, in New York you can like pay up to like 8 bucks per pack.

which is why, everywhere is the same, is all about being on the right place at the right time, yeah for now, everything seem to be on the downside. I believe the Malaysian Goverment is trying thier best to do whatever it takes to make the economy in Malaysia back on track.
[PIMPIN] said:
i think the point that people are missing is that living cost in Msia is still relatively cheaper than UK.. not due to the exchange rate but factor in housing, etc even parking for that matter..

Msia isnt undergoing a recession.. far from it.. we're recovering and going from strength to strength, its just that on an international level its not really showing cause we're pegged to the US dollar and their dismal economy has an adverse effect on ours.. once the Govt decides what to do with the currency peg than we will definately enjoy a higher exchange rate : more overseas business, more students overseas, more investor confidence etc etc..

as for price of oil.. well its not really within the Govts control to keep the price stagnant.. the price of Petrol is increasing WORLDWIDE.. sure the Govt can subsidies but only to a certain extent.. inflation is a fact of life, get over it..

On the living cost in Malaysia issue, I think what the other guys were saying is that living cost in Malaysia has to be viewed in the context of the income of the people. Of course, if you were speaking in terms of a well paid person, Malaysia living cost to him or her is therefore comparatively "cheaper".

Currency is definitely not a proper and direct indicator of the economic health of a country as you have rightly pointed out. On the whole, Malaysia is not going into recession. However, certain sectors in the economy are almost on the brink of a "recession" such as construction. One leads to another if it is not corrected by the govt. in the short term as I don't think any sector is independent of each other. Some sectors have artificially benefitted from the cheaper Ringgit such as export sector. It is certainly not because the overall export sector has performed very good in terms of productivity and quality of goods have elevated dramatically to cause such demand for Malaysian goods. It is currency induced improvement that actually masks the real performance of the export sector of the country.

Since Malaysia produces oil and a net exporter of oil and Petronas is still making billions of dollars from oil, what is RM2b that the govt is trying to save? Instead, the subsidy is seen as a social conditioner to help the poor and needy(I am sure plenty of poor people out here including me). And what is RM2b when north south expresway and other mega projects costing billions of Ringgit only benefit certain areas of the country? Whereas the impact of fuel price increase is felt THROUGHOUT every square inch of Malaysia, especially the hardcore poor in the remote interior of the country who probably still don't know how KL looks like. Furthermore, when fuel prices go up in Malaysia, they will never come down despite any fall in oil prices in the international market.
U think we are bad? Try SG... ppl lost their jobs n now begging on the streets or driving taxis.
87 .. was the most bad recession for msia...followed by year 97 and 2007 was predicted again we experienced the same thing.. so u can see that.. every 10 years time rotation the economy will goes unstable and 4 years following for the G to raise up the state and the rest of the years were the time we wanna enjoy the good moment.. and the following 2 years coming before 2007 will be the scariest moment to see ...

start a good financial planning from now on.. stop buying over properties.. coz u wouldnt know how hard it is that time to maintain all your assets..
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The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity.
The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty
boggysv said:
Speaking on behalf of some of the foreign investors I know, they are not too happy about some racial issues. Especially with shares and ownership. NO FURTHER COMMENTS FROM ME REGARDING THIS MATTER.


Yeah this is something my taiwanese and japanese client complaining. They wished to have plant in msia but "these issue" make them shift the plant to Thailand. One plant of them will employing atleast 500-2000 workers....the exact number of jobs lost is in 5 figure if total up the whole link of industrial..all the way from the raw material supplier to the assembly plant...all have to shift to one place. the tax lost is also alot.

Regarding the global petrol price, It has been falling since last month. The petrol companies like shell, caltex and exxon in HK have reduce as much as HKD$1(RM$0.50) per litre with the price reduction + usage redeem package. In China, the petrol price has been reduced RMB$0.20(RM$0.10) since april.

If the G can stop spoon feed the local entreprise so much we dont have to worry about the RM$2b
nova said:
However, certain sectors in the economy are almost on the brink of a "recession" such as construction. One leads to another if it is not corrected by the govt. in the short term as I don't think any sector is independent of each other. Some sectors have artificially benefitted from the cheaper Ringgit such as export sector.

Since Malaysia produces oil and a net exporter of oil and Petronas is still making billions of dollars from oil, what is RM2b that the govt is trying to save? Instead, the subsidy is seen as a social conditioner to help the poor and needy(I am sure plenty of poor people out here including me). And what is RM2b when north south expresway and other mega projects costing billions of Ringgit only benefit certain areas of the country? Whereas the impact of fuel price increase is felt THROUGHOUT every square inch of Malaysia, especially the hardcore poor in the remote interior of the country who probably still don't know how KL looks like. Furthermore, when fuel prices go up in Malaysia, they will never come down despite any fall in oil prices in the international market.

i agree with your points. Why do you think the construction industry is in 'recession'? Is it because its saturated? Too much was built too fast? Or maybe we're seeing a shift away from the construction industry, to another industrys such as biotechnology etc which will definately be a catalyst for growth. There has to be a reason why the construction industry is slowing down, maybe Govt not doing its part, maybe its the economy or maybe its just time for another industry to expand.

As for Petronas, yes they are one of the biggest companies in Msia with profits in the billion dollar region. Why do they need to increase fuel prices? Well.. where has all of Petronas' money gone? Mismanagement? Bailing out failed companies? Forced to buy stakes in companies? At the end of the day, fuel prices worldwide are going up and yes, the Msian govt and Petronas could resist the urge the raise prices but they have to cover back the money spent 'wrongly' in other aspects.

Anyway, good to see this sort of discussion on ZTH as opposed to "Who is your dream girl" type of topics

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