if a girl.......

shinyshampoo said:
most of the good guys die extinct edi kua...
me still alive bwaahahahaha -___-"

but still single cuz spend too much time with my car & abit can't let go of the feeling i had for a girl like 5 years ago -___-" she dun like me cuz me not christian, oh well..
Actually, there are many good guys out there... just that girls prefer bad guys because they think good guys always finish last in everything. When shit happens, then they regret here n there especially when the guy found the gal he wants to spend his entire lifetime with.
wondering why now days some girls wanna behave like slut...fucking around....ruining other people relationship.....then end of the day look for good guy.....and u think he will forget about your past...aiya common la.....
iceicebabe said:
yeah..it is really hurting...i kept on fall fer the same type of guyz....how sad it is....juz hurting myself over and over again....now im still stuck in da middle...really dunno what is goin to happen to me next....juz prepare fer the worst to come......pray for me.....:Not_Impressed:
May God give you the courage to handle the situation. All the best iceicebabe.
acbc said:
Actually, there are many good guys out there... just that girls prefer bad guys because they think good guys always finish last in everything.
Agree.Good guys got market, but they usually don't know how to market themselves.
rollakid said:
me still alive bwaahahahaha -___-"

but still single cuz spend too much time with my car & abit can't let go of the feeling i had for a girl like 5 years ago -___-" she dun like me cuz me not christian, oh well..
another lonely driver :biggrin:
some gals who flirt around,n behave like sluts usually they got hurt deeply by those stupid guyz...so they tend to get revenge on guys,therefore they chose this way to make themselves feel betta...i don't wish i will be like this one day....it's really bad...
shinyshampoo said:
gal, not worth to love a guy like that... learn to love yourself... its way better than loving guys...

i just loved myself this afternoon...bout new computer speakers n blasting em now...hehe
BlackSamurai said:
another lonely driver :biggrin:
first come in zth lonely, now also lonely :biggrin: my car can't bring gals around one.. aircond not fuctioning properly.. very hot.. and my saving account always near empty.

yeah, have to agree that being a nice guy sucks in wooing girls sometime, just by looking at all my friends i know already. i dun have a specific type of friend circle, so pretty much make friend with anyone i encounter. being only 20, my friends are anywhere from 16 to abit over 30, and you can see a trend of who's single and who's taken, most nice guys/serious/study type are single.
iceicebabe said:
some gals who flirt around,n behave like sluts usually they got hurt deeply by those stupid guyz...so they tend to get revenge on guys,therefore they chose this way to make themselves feel betta...i don't wish i will be like this one day....it's really bad...
no, please don't. that's not revenge, you are just hurting yourself.

plenty of connseling board out there to help for issue at such.
simonchangwaimun said:
ok jeff get outta here
its for broken hearted ppl only
being single ain't that fun
i guess coz i'm not use to it...
its kinda sad when u achieve smtg not big enuff to brag,but smtg u never done in ur life,yet u wanna share it with someone
telling ur frens u'll get "so?" in return...
onlyy a gf/bf understands that
i miss those moments...

bro.....learn to enjoy ur own company la...
it's not end of the world u know....
being single is miserable just becoz you project it that way...
if every single person thinks like u do....the papers will be full of suicide stories ade

if your frens tell them "so" when u share something with them....they just dun know u well enuf.....else..u can ask them to take a hike....this shows how sincere they are...
u can always share those moments with ur family....
but i wonder its kind of trend nowadays girls like to play around and try their luck for better guy even they realised they are having a good one.....

or just as other said, they think they will get a good guy who can accept watever shit they have done in the end of the day if they screw out their life.....

i think its partly casued by the movie or TV drama....nowadays most Japan/korean/hk movies always showing that the guys doing all the great shit to woo a girl and accept the girl for watever stupids things she have done.....so it created a culture that ppl thinks this is normal....

haiz...i think to maintain a relationship is getting tougher now.....
b00n said:
ehh, ever wonder why all the breakup stories by guys is the same........
my case is same same. Was told suddenly out of the blue.......
than the best part is she says she still love you, but just can't be with u!

yaya i found it out too!!every breakup stories also same!!mine also like that same with ur story too!!!haiz nvm life still goes on!!!!
links said:
but i wonder its kind of trend nowadays girls like to play around and try their luck for better guy even they realised they are having a good one.....

or just as other said, they think they will get a good guy who can accept watever shit they have done in the end of the day if they screw out their life.....

i think its partly casued by the movie or TV drama....nowadays most Japan/korean/hk movies always showing that the guys doing all the great shit to woo a girl and accept the girl for watever stupids things she have done.....so it created a culture that ppl thinks this is normal....

haiz...i think to maintain a relationship is getting tougher now.....
ya alot of girls now days wanna upgrade to better guys..like we want to upgrade to exotic cars......i know a few girls who real sluts ....they will switch guys with a flip of a dime if the can find a guy who is a slut,has better sex drive,more money,drives a hotter car.....eat pussy......
black samurai: disagree!!!i market myself well,i'm juz a bad product i guess...
jeff: DISAGREE!!! some ppl they juz wanna enjoy life before settle down,not all sleep around...same goes to us guys =D
black samurai again: i come here,lonely,got a gf,then now single...i think i wanna be itsuki...hahahhaha
hollerback_gurl: ITS YOU!!!i added u in msn,lets get personal ;)
links: TRUE!!!some ppl feel insecure enuff and wanna jump ship (to another ship) til they hope to find mr perfect...but there are guys who do that too,so pls dun say gals only.THOTALLY AGREED! maintaining r'shpi is much much tougher than maintaining a 1500whp corvette
uncle fred: wat means "full of water?"
guys...basically tehre are only 2 reason for break up, u love a person too much and the other person juz hurts u too much (be it emotionally or physically) in a r'ship, and the other is juz,plain no feelings...
for someone to lose feelings juz like that is impossible,it happens over time...after smtg happen...but i suggest to all couples who are maintaining a "corvette" or a "SRT-10"out there, if u hv a problem in a r'ship,hv a serious talk to ur partner,dun juz talk for the sake of talking like a conversation. i do hv some talks with my xgf about a certain thing...things change...i'm glad...but in my POV, she never really talked things out with me in depth...so i'm kinda lost...
but its ok...i accept the facts...
a no means no...
wat is urs will eventually come back to u...
otherwise, i'll juz be itsuki...
cheerioz my brothers and sisters!
fuh~~really don't know how to maintain a good relationship...it's so hard......felt hurt as well....
the first question... hahaha... i heard somewhere b4.

anyway, i was intro to this gal which looks OK.. then somehow we got close till ppl think we are getting together but of course not. She told me alot about her previous relationship and yes, turning down guys for their 1st or 2nd time is a 'MUST DO' for her... why? just like ur question.. she said wanna test the guy whether wanna fuck n go type or really 'sei sam tap tei' type... i was like WTF... really got this type of gal...

i think me more like kenji ler.. itsuki at least kind of get close to that kazumi and saori, and iketani screw his own chance..

damn lar feel like kenji now.. no girl in life..
rollakid said:

i think me more like kenji ler.. itsuki at least kind of get close to that kazumi and saori, and iketani screw his own chance..

damn lar feel like kenji now.. no girl in life..
rileks la bro......
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