I am shameful and i'm very sorry

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4,000 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 17, 2003
I would like to pressure that I am not a racist and all write up is true and fact.

Last weekend, me and the gang(fishy talk gang) went for a day trip. It was the waterfall of sg sendat at batangkali. To know more about this place and more pictures please go to : http://www.zerotohundred.com/newforums/showthread.php?p=822307&highlight=fishy+talk#post822307

What I would like to pressure today is regarding the above topic.

As we reached the waterfall, it was really exhilarating. Beautiful scenes, gushing of the water from the waterfall, it’s totally breath taking. Magics of mother nature.

When we started to barbecue, there is a group of Australian(by looking at their t-shirt) about 10 of them, with the family, kids and the dog(beautiful golden retriever). He stopped near to our bbq site took out a big garbage bag. We thought he wanted to cut it into half and spread on the ground to prepare a place to sit.

Suddenly, he took out a plastic hand glove as well and start collecting the debris around that waterfall. The family helped as well. The young kid about 6 years old helped as well.

I feel so ashamed, so disappointed by our fellow Malaysian. A foreigner could be so environmental friendly, knows their responsibility to protect the mother nature on a foreign country, why not us, Malaysian does the same?? I feel ashamed

Couple of minutes later, a group of Malay came, about 15 of them. With family and friends. Nice to see them enjoying the scenery and having fun among themselves. Seeing the parents taking good care of their children is like seeing myself being taken care when I was young. The mother was changing the diapers for the baby, and she wrapped up the whole shit and just threw at the side of the waterfall~!!! WTF where’s their brain?????

At the same time, the group of Australian already hiked up to the upper part of the waterwall. Still collecting the debris along the way.

The group of Malays, hiked up as well after chilling off and THROWING their diapers.

……………………………………….after about 1 hours, we had a lot of fun, a lot bbq, a lot of freezing swims…..it's really fun

The Australian came down, and at exactly the same place where he collected the debris, he stopped. He was grumpy, he said something to his young kid in a unsatisfied manner. He saw some KFC boxes, which we didn’t even realize that the Malay gang earlier left it there. He asked his young boy to take the box, opened it and see if there’s food in it. As my back is facing the Australian guy, I turned back. He asked me if the box belongs to our gang, nope it’s not our leftovers. He shake his head(geleng kepala)……clean up the place and left without any more comments........

DAMN I’m so ashamed…….

I hope you understand why I write this and I hope you are environmental friendly too…..

For the Malay gang, as I saw their cars with DCC Club sticker, please feel free to be ashamed with your self sicken life.

Image attached. And see the big bag of debris that the Australian have collected.

memalukan, it happen once again.
It has nothing to do with race, it's about education level.
I have to fully agree with you on that mate. I myself feel so ashamed sometimes. Fact is that the vast majority of the Malaysian public are still very backward inspite of the governments attempts to develop this country by building high tech structures and super highways. The problem lies in the infrastructure our country and this issue must be addressed before we can move forward. The mentality of Malaysians have to change first.

It baffles my mind when I see people throwing their rubbish on the floor when there's a garbage bin 5 ft away. I've lived in Oz and during the summer, people actually come to college barefoot! It is that clean! No trash anywhere. The floors, roads are spotless. Malaysians are a little more self centred by nature as opposed to our more laidback western counterparts. Even in Singapore, the government has to impose extreme fines to get it's citizens to obey the law.

We in general do not deserve beautiful beaches, lush greenery as we only look forward to desecrating the environment. We as a populace lack responsibility and concern for the environment and the future of our homeland. Just look at the state of everything the government provides us with. Public toilets, public swimming pools, public phones, etc. I've seen cleaner zoo's. Maybe we should live in zoo's and let the animals roam free. It's so frustrating and embarassing. Like they say, you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Education should begin on the primary level and rules should be enforced in hope that our decendants can wake to a cleaner and more civic minded Malaysia.
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This happen all around malaysia,

favorite spot:

Water fall and jungle, top of the mountain/hill, campsite and beaches..etc

Road, highway, carpark housing area....etc

well, this type of people is very selfish, they will keep their place clean but make other place dirty or as a dump site.

Not that they didnt know but they just like to do it, just like turning without giving signal when driving or cut Q.

Malaysia boleh!!!!!!
I really don't wanna sound like an ass. But what the hell.

Go compare places where rich ppl live and poor ppl live.

My conclusion: if you wanna get rich, keep your places clean!!!
u name that black dog as golden retriever?

blacker retriver is it?

Well i m a Malay n i m upset, ashame n angry if u throw garbage in a beautiful place. Well it doesnt matter if u are a malay, chinese, indian, iban, melanau or what so ever plz keep our country clean.

Sorry actually some people are good n some people are bad, u cannot be negative on one side.

Ya i do see Malaysian throw garbage at beautiful places. Ok i remembered, once i was in beautiful Cameron Highlands. I went to this flower shop or can say a nursery (where they keep beautiful wild flower for all to see). I was walkin with an unstressful mind until i suddenly got angry. I saw this malay tudung bitch opening an ice-cream cone wrapper for her child. She throw in front of everyone including me. Just imagine she throw this wrapper in a beautiful garden. Well since that wrapper was on the floor, no one pick it up. The chinese , indian's n even malay. They all like tak kisah. I was so piss up, i took that wrapper n throw in the dust-bin. Ahh lega the nursery was clean again. I dunno why we sanggup do this kind of things. Oh this was years ago, i n my dad when to the mosque for Terawih Prayers. We walked to the mosque n suddenly a cab stop in front of us n guess what?? the Arab customers in the cab throw garbage at the side of the road n that arab buggers went into the mosque n pray. I meant like hey u arab's come to Malaysia to dirty our country ?? . Anyway according to a fren of mine who works in a hotel he told me that Arabs love to dirty their hotel room n keep it untidy n not clean.

So sad la to see people doing this kind of things. Toilets are the worst, i dunno which barbarian dont know how to use toilet n leave the toilet dirty. I susah nak pergi buang air besar n kecil bcoz our people not civilise to use the toilet. I dunno how the can make there toilets clean n make our public toilet dirty. Talkin about dirty toilets, my skool is the worst when comes to dirty toilets. Both men n women toilets are dirty kecuali the teacher's toilets. I dunno who in my skool go n take his shit n write on the wall. The girls also the same n they like to put their pampers or kotex at the women toilet doors. Yeah thanx to this incident my skool toilet has a mutated infested bee hive.
It is definately not an issue of race. It's an issue concerning the whole society. There are ample trashcans around but yet the majority of us do not know what one looks like, which probably explains why rubbish ends up scattered all around the bin rather than in the bin. Some people wish to practice their jumpshots while others imagine themselves as high flying slam dunk champions.

I really hope that our government impose heafty fines or community service related penalties to such offenders in the near future. As a developing nation it's indeed a disappointment still behave like prehistoric man.
NOSkill said:
It has nothing to do with race, it's about education level.

Well, not only education level but self-disciplined, upbringing & responsibility!! U know, dos female toilets where they hv dos sanitary bins for towels disposal!!! U noe wat happen, they nvr bother to throw dos used sanitary towels inside da bin but just put on top!!!! :rolleyes: So smelly & disgusting!!! Pity da cleaners!!!
most malaysian mentality, i pay taxes.. da gomen shud clean it up.
Problem due to the malaysians mentallity where their "tidak-apa"
attitude comes first. If you see someone throwing rubbish, vandalising
public facilities, etc etc, i bet most malaysian is "tidak-apa" lar since it's not
our property....hehehe... just my 2cents....
well in my opinion, its not education level that contributes to such act but more of upbringing.
education does not create moral sense in a person

monkey see monkey do.
if a young child sees the parents litter everywhere, i`m sure it will be embedded in the childs mind that its ok to do so..

Just go to any pasar malam in your neighbourhood, at the end of the nite, there will be rubish everywhere.
ALAMAK!! One of those guilty ones.

Over the years, I dunno how many litres of engine oil I have poured into the river. :frown:
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