how to modified 4g91

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my FC dont know how to say...sometimes feel cam ok...somtimes feel cam air paip je.!!!laju je meter minyak tu jalan....!mybe depend on our driving style...!me...suka mybe kuat le sikit...

BTW before make any mod to my car...full tank with heavy load, on long distance can make till 400km...

now after mod, feel FC cam a little bit lebih sikit kot...mybe my Rims too berat..i use JRD 15"...and dah mod kan mestilah nak minyak pun VROMM...VROMMMMM la....

now I isi RM 40...need to isi semula after less than 300km...wah so kuat makan minyak minyak dh mahal plak tu..

lagi satu...our engine are crusing at 3000RPM till it my egine onli or everybody does so....
like that make our engine working so hard at cruising....tahts why so banyak telan minyak....REV Cut at 6800RPM...near maa....

err..nobody tell my what other modifcation that i need to mod my 4g91 to make more performance......
mine rm50 = 250km++ only...FC damn teruk... i think its b'cos of my exhaust systems lar... drive real slow also da same.... dunno what 2 do...
think we need 2 change back 2 orginal mufler...telinga pun tak sakit...poket pun tak sakit...
anybody know tak if we want to use mivec head on our engine..then when we put the mivec head ...the mivec still can function...with our 4g91 ecu and wiring....normaly they used Apexi VAFC or mivec controler 2 control mivec it still can be done to use this gadget if we still use our 4g91 ecu and wiring...?
there is one guy with 1.5 mivec in the mivec forum
but i donno wether it is a 4G91 mivec or not??
maybe have a ask over there
got money...wat also can...
how much is 1 mivec head n wiring?? the total of modding the 4g91 wit mivec is gonna cost u a GSR 4g93t edi lol...
mivec can just use RSM 2 control...yes..nonit ECU also...
ye ker???pakai RSM 2 boleh control mana nak buat tu...tak de pun function untuk set mivec/vtec RPM kat dalam SRM tu...err..RSM yg blue skrin tu kan...?
Wah...intrested la...
Yes... RSM can be used to control mivec opening (with shiftlight function mar), BUT... what's going to compensate more fuel during mivec opening? So no matter what... you actually still need the mivec wiring+ECU. Else you'll be too rich before mivec opens, and too lean after... which also means u'll have no power at low end, and potential to blow your engine at high end.
if used SAFC to control the fuel can or not?i already have SAFC...if can then onli find RSM and head mivec onli...if want to use mivec ecu & enough money laaa...
err...seems we got a lot of 4G91 users out there...can we arrage our gathering...mybe on saturday 1st and 3rd goverment servant we have 4gtuners TT on every friday is it..correct if me wrong...cannot la..saturday 2nd and 4th woeek need to work...
2x a month ghatering ok what...mybe we can share our pro & cons with our engine....

just suggesing....
can any sifus tell we want to know if our engine have done some modifications before...normally if we bought it with used we do not need to make same modification...waste money ...exspecially if with the mechanic who dont to tell us that our engine allready done the modification that we want to they no need done anything...but claim they done it..waste maa...
Things like engine we want to know if our engine still used orginal engine head or allready change it to 1.6 or 1.8 or mybe 2.0...

cams... how we want to know if they have allready change to performance cams...instead of ori one...

throtle body..what is original to know it ori or upgrade one...

intake size...?air flow sensor...?how to know with ori or upgrade...?gear box..?& all others thins that can be upgrade to improve the performance.....

can we share it here.....
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