How to improve braking performance (semi-DIY)

Superb write up! Now I understand better about braking performance. BTW, I would like to ask you where did you get the Yoko AD07? I went around to look for these tyres and found nothing. My tyres are nearly worn out!

Again, excellent job!
Superb write up! Now I understand better about braking performance. BTW, I would like to ask you where did you get the Yoko AD07? I went around to look for these tyres and found nothing. My tyres are nearly worn out!

Again, excellent job!

A friend recommended a shop in Subang who just so happened to have the AD07s. You won't be able to find anymore as I took one of the last sets.
Wow.. I'm thinking you might need to service your servo. Perhaps the seals there are spoilt.

Best you bring it to a mech to diagnose. Don't delay the brake repairs! It's the difference between stopping in time and smashing into a car!

Thanks bro. Lucky my wife is in meternity leave. so that myvi not been driven for few weeks already
Bro TitanRev, I just check with vacuum gauge. I got 18 in.Hg at idle. I think it is good reading for vacuum.
And the brake can function perfectly at park position.
When this problem occured, I notice that cap oil seal for brake fluid putus already. Then changed it from hulf cut shop but with fifferent type seal. Does this cap play major role in brake operation?

The cap seal is also important as it keeps dirt from contaminating the fluids. Since your vacuum is good you need to replace your master cylinder piston's O ring....Like Drex said. is your master cylinder. From your post the MyVi already had some age in it so have the master cylinder repair.
Thanks bro iszo for the guide. i successfully change my myvi disc to brembo disc thanks to this guide. it actually very easy job just depend on either you willing to do it or not. Bro iszo can I add some point here? If let say your disc cannot be remove easily due to already rust, u can use 2 fixing hole at your disc. just use 12mm screw and turn it until the disc is separated from the hub (make sure put your car in 1st gear for manual and D gear for auto). if u plan to change to new brake pad and don't have tools to press the piston back to the position, u can use G clamp and your old brake pad to press it. please correct me if my point got error.
the easiest and cheapest way to improve your braking distance is by improving your driving seating position. take same car with one using oversize brembo and the driver seat wrongly, and another car with stock brake system but the driver seat correctly, i bet the second car will stop faster. we will here a lot of youngster complaining their brake "not tangkap or tak makan". this kind of people normally driving with almost sleep position.. very relaxing style.. seat been adjust far way back like watching tv. if u seat like straight up like pro-driver with lower part of your back body touching your seat, u can put a lot more pressure to your brake pedal. but malaysians people mostly will say u are no-skill driver cause seating near with your steering... hahahaa... then people still keep wonder why our country have highest road accident record..

p/s: however, improving brake system is always a good step to take. but improving our seating position is the most important things to save our live. (just google how to seat correctly) our JKJR or JPJ wont teach u this because most of them also seat wrongly while driving. :biggrin:
adjust seat position is for some driver who r super short but still wan sit back,adjust his seat back as possible coz it more relax during driving as too with sterring wheel will makin feel sick...make sure ur height,ur seat postion is right for u during driving..
Re: How to improve braking performance (semi-DIY) part #1


The cross drilled sections allow for gas to escape to lessen the chances of brake fade when under heavy braking. I'm not quite sure how the gas is produced but a quick Google will help you answer that. The slotted sections skim even layers off your brake pad to ensure a clean layer of the brake pad is in contact with the rotor. Essentially performance rotors help reduce brake fade. Bewarned though, more holes or slots doesn't mean it's better. It also means the brake pads have less surface contact with the rotor which means it takes more effort to brake so don't go drilling your OEM rotors just because you want to!

i've plan to drilling my new brembo rotor disc to avoid my disc high temp...what ur opinion...because my OEM myvi disc already bend i thought...make vibration for my stering when run 100Kmph
My rotors isn't drilled separately, I bought them like that. I'm guessing it's manufactured that way so unless you know what you're doing, I wouldn't drill that Brembo disc.
I juz bought a twin pot evo 3 caliper..Whats the price of the caliper service kit..?Anyone know..?
bro, ur car got abs? bleed car with abs is same like what u did?
bleeding - same procedure.
flushing - same procedure.

as long as you keep the air out of the system n the process, meaning, never let the system run dry like what you may be able to do on non-ABS brake plumbing.
Uh.. I DIYed mine wot. And I'm not a mechanic. And can la. basically, i can use the traditional method to bleed brake? open the screw to allow brake fluid to flow into a bottle while pressing the brake pedal? is it something like this?...I ask a mechanic...he said what different pressure during bleeding ABS brakes? whats that? @@
one pump, one stays on the bleeding area right? is it difficult to DIY? Does it take a long time lets say i wanna do all the wheels...drum brake same ma? ...1 litre enough to flush all wheel brakes? Changing to IMProve brake hose enough long for my modded 11" honda brake ma?
@@...duno much mechs...prefer DIY since its nt that difficult...utube oso got many videos...thn i just ask some comments from sifu i dun rly trust those mechs...imp steel brake line long enuf ma to reach the 11" honda brakes on myvi?

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