How To Escape From A Burning Car


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Nov 4, 2004
Sendai, JAPAN.
How To Escape From A Burning Car

A burning car is a death trap. Smoke accumulates quickly within the sealed doors and windows and rising heat and the fire itself make a time bomb out of the gas tank. Escape from a burning car is a difficult but doable challenge that requires fast thinking and even faster acting. Follows these steps to understand how to escape from a car on fire.

Step One
Stay as calm as you can. The worst possible thing that you can do is panic. Panic will cause you to waste precious seconds and make mistakes that could end up being tragic. It's important for you to focus on one thing, and one thing alone: getting out.

Step Two
Unlock the doors and windows. Do whatever you can to accomplish this critical step. Even if you cannot open the door yourself, unlocking the doors will give bystanders or rescuers a good shot of getting you out of the burning vehicle quickly.

Step Three
Get your seat belt off. This must be done quickly so the heat of the fire does not fuse the metal of the buckle to its anchor. If the metal is too hot to touch, use a piece of cloth to cover your hand so that you can release the buckle. If the buckle won't release, push the shoulder strap over your head and try lifting your legs out from underneath the waist strap.

Step Four
If you cannot get the door open, the next best thing is to kick out a window. Getting a window open will allow smoke to exit the car and will also give you an escape route. Use both feet against a side window, if possible, to shatter and then pop the window out of the frame.

Happy Motoring

tat is my experience about burning vehicle.....
a day i driving.....
a motorbike sudenly BOOM~juz a small sound oni and small letup...
unfortunely.....the petrol kena the downside pant of the motor rider.....
den he faster stop bside my car.....and kick away his motor....luckily din damage my car....heheden other motorbike rider and the peole waiting bus in bus stop.....stop and help him kick away his was happen in puchong...while red trafic light time.....
luckily tat guy ntg happen...
You missed out one important point.

Step Five
DO NOT FART. Fart is combustable/flammable. Unless you have a fetish of burning your ass, then please, by all means, fart as much as you can while in the car. BUT... ensure ALL your passengers are out of the car first unless they want to fart together and burn together with you, then by all means, SMS all your friends to come see the fireworks.
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