Hit&Run Mitsubishi Storm BHK4791

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Cookie Monster
Senior Member
Dec 7, 2004
Kuala Lumpur
Moderator's note:
Inappropriate words. Edited.

Below information are sufficient enuf. Thnx

Car model: Mitsubishi Storm
Car Plate: BHK 4791
Car Colour: Black
Driver: 3 indians and a lady (might be an indonesion)
Location at Carrefour Subang Jaya Bus Stop!

P/S - I don't know which thread should i post in but this type of road hoggers really unresponsible..Just sprayed my hood for 2 months..
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knn ma ci bai tht fellar...find him woi break his car....

humans this days drive like they no it all....anyways will note down bro....find his car...il let u noe....have u made report ah bro....
Thanx man..actually i dont think of making a report cus it's just a small dent..but fixing it will cost me alot cus i need to knock and spray the whole hood again!
Im just angry with his attitude and never apologize at all..hes trying to bully 1 people while his car have few peoples..
bro, if it's still within 48hours...i would suggest u to make a report. no harm bro. just for ur safety.

anyway, these bastard deserve a 'good lesson'.... sooner or later, they will get it. sorry bout ur hood bro..
My God!
What happen to ppl nowadays.
Got caught red handed still wanna be so rude and run away.
Those kind of ppl deserve to be given heavy punishment!
What in the fark?

Dude u havent made a report and you are here whining?!

Maybe u don't deserve any sympathy la, please go and report so that justice be served rather than everybody talk cock here and that guy happily laughing at home with his friends.

Everybody fark him here and say will find him and his face but in the end nothing will be done punya.

So, do something.

Sorry for the straight forward reply. Peace.
Should i report? I don't want hassles..it's already been past 6 hours..
just a small dent..i worried those police wont do anything to that...cus my friend did reported last time..but can't claim anything too..
make police report and claim for carbon fiber hood! LOL
Just kidding.

btw, I don't think this can be classified as Hit & Run.
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addicted2flc : Tell the police that the guy banged your car, got down with his friend and threaten u to gaduh when u din do anything. (It's somehow true right? Depends how you gonna handle the story)

Ask ur friend to be witness.

Think that might push the police to find him up. Cantik tak?
I'm not whinning or what..i just hope this case won't be happen to zth members..
I'm not good dealing with it cus im alone that time..and those indians is acting like gangster dunno from which Temple..It happened to my friend once kena bang few times on the passanger door while pumping petrol..i went for a report with her but at the end she bare her ownself for fixing it..
A similar accident happened to a friend of mine last week. Hit and run taxi. My friend reported to the police. But he added an extra note. He said the taxi driver was drunk.

Well, maybe you can say the same. He! He! He!. Make a report saying you got hit by a drunk driver with equally drunk passengers in his car.

" Rent one of these (big mofo chainsaw), someone you dont like very much... cut their car in half! " - Clarkson
aiyo bro..just report la...kasi ajar sikit...tak kira la sikit ka teruk ka...or maybe u also did something wrong license mati ka roadtax mati ka..(no offence bro)...maybe the fella now reading this thread n laugh...
sorry to hear that bro,last year when im back from my office,the was a kancil hit my back & caused my rear bumper paint cracked & my both rear lamp + reflector damaged.

there r 3 indian & the driver was farking rude:

Driver:ooi,apasal u henti tiba-tiba?
Me:bang,treler depan brake ma,i tak henti nanti i hantam dia o...
Driver:lu tengok kancil saya!!!

(His kancil front part was seriously damage but still managed to start & run)

Me:saya punya kereta juga rosak la
Driver:lu mana punya org?
Driver:lu cakap lu mana punya org dulu
Me:I org jinjang
Driver:saya kenal abc & cde & xyz!!!u tau kah?

(im getting hot & hot after being a gentleman but useless)

Me:Saya talak kisah u kenal siapa,abdullah badawi pun saya talak takut,sekarang mao report ka mao settle???
Driver:lu banyak action huh???mau cari gaduh??
His Friend talking to him & ask him to calm down while i go to check his no plate on his roadtax coz his plate was broken all ard the road.

Driver:*^%^$%$% lu tengok apa L4NJ1O !!! lu ingat saya talak roadtax kah?lu ingat saya talak duit kah?
Me:saya talak cakap macam tu,hanya nak tengok no saja,apa marah?
Driver:Saya banyak power di balai,kalao u mau report saya garenti u kena saman juga!!!!
Me:oh...macam tu kah?mana satu balai u power?jom pergi balai tu....jom...

He silent for 3 sec then :C1B41,u banyak action!!!

this incident end-up with a police report & i told the officer bout all these,provide him the fuaker's hp no then once i back from police station,the farker called me & mad at me,i just laugh at him & ask him to change to a BMW from a kancil since he is damn powerful in police station.

actually i've already recorded the conversation & he din know at first,mad like hell & acting taikor...then i ask his name or nick in which area,he proudly told me.but after i told him im recording the conversation & ask him to repeat his name & active area....he turn into silent for few second then mad like hell....

haha...i was laugh at him acting so dumb & get himself a summon then being recorded his stupid talking,lastly he keep on scolding me bodoh then i ask him to scold in english...he stunt for another few second,then i laugh & screw him with english!

brother,get urself a BMW to convience ppl that u r a taikor & very powerful in balai,but not with ur kancil & screaming at ppl when ppl ask u to pay RM250 for damage u had make....

no offence to those indian or kancil driver but i really dunno y some of there ppl r so damn aggressive & acting like they r king of something???
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yup no matter how minor the accident is police report is very2 important to protect you form any legal complication later on :) cheers :)
hey make the fucking report la
if u make it, and put his number etc in the rpeort, they police will track him down n send him a fine for reckless driving, then he also has to pay for ur repairs
u will get fined for making late report too, but one things is u can claim his insurance
last time i had a stupid experience too, the other guy try to delay me by saying he will pay, but i make police report as insurance, then he cannot run
dun waste ur time anymore, make that report.
he doesn't 1 2 make the report because:

1) small dent on the hood only
2) hassle to report maybe more than 48hour from it happened
3) other reverse & hit him,if report need to convience police that not his fault,he is victim.

just my opinion.

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