Have you been builied ??

wtf man, driftking, tat really sucks
it may have passed and i hope ur life there is better now, but if anything would happen (touch wood) u'de better do something about it.
the kind of mentality portrayed by those assholes is so ancient, retarded, backward and downright stupid. i do think they are also borderline passers frm matrix, matrix looked so easy when i was in form5 i got a look at the syllabus.
its obvious if they keep it up (english is shitty language) their career prospects would be to work in some shitty company with low pay for their whole lives, being comfortable with low pay and envying the guy they once beat up.
some might view changing campus as a wimp out thingy, standing up to them would prove something, but its gonna be so damn difficult if they have size on u.
jealousy is such a big motivation to bully, rosak pasaran kononnya, no pasar would want to sell them anyway, trash that they are.

i do hope someone would do something to them or they get their own payback someday in double, wooohoooo that would be nice to see.

get the ZTH planta gang to go after them la...sure scared n scarred for life la, or they might like it, seeing what their mentality is like:mouth_closed:
have not been officially bullied once..haha..coz i look more bullimic than others and actually im damn weak..nyek
i kena once. la..bythis malay kid...say wanna whack me..that time onlyu 11 years old...mother saw me..cam and rescue me...

hmm...now no more la...but road bully got la...penang kia's and johorians..hahahhaha

i just like it when they bully me...then i show them, the kl-lans
driftking r u in uitm ? which campus ?

Luckily there were no such thing in my university. I was super scared of being bullied/kena ragging when i first entered university and staying in hostel, coz i've never stay in hostel b4.

But if someone wanna bully me in university at this time, too bad for them la muahahaha
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The befrienders are a non-goverment organization.
We've all been thought to use diplomacy to deal with such simpletons but unfortunately some people only understand brute force and wish to rule through fear rather than respect.
driftking pls check ur pm...need to know about the group force u to change religous.very need to know..
WOW!!! luckily i went to a uni that have more chinese then other races.... :) but i have a lot of malay's freinds who speak in english and also chinese....hehehe they say they wan to learn chinese and it will be easier for them next time if they need to communicate in chinese... :p
its not all malay are bad.. well as a chinese i mix have lots of malay frens during my school n college life... not all are as bad as u guys think.. those rempit type wan always like to find trouble which make other party piss of n start a fight.. fights all im sure some encounter before.. i've been a few when in secondary school.. but my fren chinese.. malays.. n indians always help each other if one in trouble.. i respect n look up to these ppl which help others while putting race aside.. yesterday with other zth members at mamak in klg saw a group of rempits went in mamak n bash up a indian mamak worker... pity that dude.. cant do much as we are outnumbred... by the time police came they ran like a pack of dogs with fire on their tails..
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evo3 said:
WOW!!! luckily i went to a uni that have more chinese then other races.... :) but i have a lot of malay's freinds who speak in english and also chinese....hehehe they say they wan to learn chinese and it will be easier for them next time if they need to communicate in chinese... :p

hmm? u utar student?
molested by teacher considered an offence liao.. thats beyond being bullied ler..
n they call themselves university students?? and these people will becomae graduates??? what a shame our local grads are such morons..... go to college better, more racial harmony.
im(chinese) but together with all alot malay friends, we're like a huge family lol xD
I got bullied by the govt, the cops, the city council, basically, those who have authority in the country and also my company management. Let's start a thread about how to teach them we're-bigger-than-u-small-twats a good lesson. hahaha
I think it's quite normal to get stuck in the "middle" of them... legs. hehehehe I like getting myself stuck in between "them" too. hahaha But mine would be like... stuck... unstuck.... stuck.... unstuck.... stuck.... unstuck... and then after a long while, it'll end with a "aaaahhhhhh yyyyyyeeeesssss"
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