Have you been builied ??

jalan kuching ..... proton iswara a/b ..... dark green ..... but nvm if u are that barger .... long time oledi ..... who cares .... haha ...... but if any zth member got laughed b4 like what i describe earlier pls forgive me .... i'm driving a wise
auntie and uncle drive slow in front of me in fast lane.. consider bully also? i was in a rush!! they pretend like the road name is after thiers..
driftkingII, I felt very angry reading your post. How could they do this to you! What the hell is wrong with speaking English and watching Top Gear? I feel your pain bro and if you are ever bullied again, just call us TT n we go find those b*stards.

I seriously think that your coursemates are jealous of you so they make you feel small so they can feel better. You're better than them half-a$$ed failures. Stay strong bro.

How many people are there in the group?
some people are jealous of others, maybe they cant speak english as good as driftking, etc
so drift what religion u r in now ? ...... no worries ...... just being a busy body ..... i wanna know weather got ppl force u to conver anot ?
edwin_lcw said:
so drift what religion u r in now ? ...... no worries ...... just being a busy body ..... i wanna know weather got ppl force u to conver anot ?

Long time ago la, 2004 i did post story about my skool. That guys till bugging me tapi i block him.

Sorry la i dont want to make ZTH into a religion forum.

I am still Islam.
imoloq n invisibleghost: thanx, anyway it was 10 in a group but i got beaten by 2. I remember once i got choke in the class.

Anyway guys wish me luck. Hope i can change campus n get a better life there.
driftkingII said:
imoloq n invisibleghost: thanx, anyway it was 10 in a group but i got beaten by 2. I remember once i got choke in the class.

Anyway guys wish me luck. Hope i can change campus n get a better life there.

study hard bro.......... dont get into trouble..........:_:
whats wrong of speaking english? halo, this is 21th century d lah....those who dunno speak english is really outdated...everytho im not good in english, but still learning...atleast still can communicate with someone in society...they are really no heart to improve weh...no eye to see those ppl...
don't know.....never really being bullied before.....
just be smart....sometimes when ur in different crowd, u had to act different....u can't always be self centered on yourself only.
My schooling time was fun; I mixed with the clever kids, cos I'm the one that's considered good in studies (not that I do actually study). I mixed also with the "samsengs"........more fun obviously than going out with "nerds".
But anyway, What I wanted to point out is, you don't really need to join those "bad apples" bullying ppl or causing havocs. The least you can do is be friend with them and sometimes help them out a little; obviously not doing crime. These ppl might be bad at times, but some are quite helpful and thankful for your friendship.
I got these bunch of friends when they have trouble (fights or anything) they wouldnt involve me; but when I'm in trouble or what, I know I can count on their help!
But obviously, when someone bullies you....you need to make a stand! Like wat was mentioned in the previous post; bully only picks on those which is weak and coward.
Not that I'm asking driftking to fight back....depends on situations; there's always ways to avoid getting in tough situations.

But the sad thing is, can't really avoid being bullied by my boss even after I've made my stand.........
invisibleghost said:
u seem still young, still in uni/coll?

err....who you're referring to?

for those who's interested; I'm considered old to those young ppl and young to those old guys.......

btw, I finish SPM year 97.
driftkingII said:
Ok i tell u mine,

Form 5, a group in my school force me to change religion. Ramai dah murtad.

ok that one old story, anyway in University (I wont put the uni's name clue : the only university that accepts Bumiputera students only) i got bullied by my course-mates for the worng reasons. The reason i got bullied are:

- I speak English in class (speak english a little they get angry but with them I speak malay)
- Watching Top Gear, the episode where Jeremy blows up a Kelisa and the Savvy review once. Bcoz of this I was listed Anti-Malaysian
- I am the only guy from KL
- I am also the only guy, SPM graduate masuk University. The other guys were matrix n diploma failures aka ex-matrix n ex-diploma.
- My english lecturer loves me
- Girls come to me for help in Programming
- Saya merosakkan reputasi mereka bcoz "They were lelaki terhangat di pasaran"
- They call my attitude town attitude n force me to change into kampung attitude.
- They say I lied about my eldest brothers age.
- Angry on what I worte on my journal (seriously tak de niat jahat pun i write).

Bcoz of this i was beaten up in a looked room n they even treaten me sayin "U think Bandar Utama is small, I can find u n kill u if u make a report to Pak Guard,". They even say "We can beat u up to death if u give us the time" . I also got beaten up for giving them the wrong answer even that answer was true. They also force me not to make frens with other races(sorry guys). They even opened my bag n check the contents in my bag can say no privacy everything they want to check they even stole my gf's, Julie's, Fiona's, n Japan GT babes hp pic . As a deal, I have to be their slaves and give some of my Julie, Fiona, and Japan GT babes pic.

Dont worry, later Pak Guard came to me and force me to make a report. He knows I was beaten up. He even told me that mine was not worst than b4 got a guy beaten up naked. Anyway I can say they still tak ber-syukur even i save their asses once. :angry_smile:

P/S: if u just kena bully today just post here, and dont even thing of calling the G-Man's hotline bcoz it wont help i can talk c*ck only, G-Man's anti-bully hotline.

We zth-ians will help u. Come zth-ians, are u willing to help the people being bullied ??

Wahlaneh, that's just too damn much lor. Not your fault you don't have the closed door mentality like some simpletons. 'Lelaki terhangat'? No offence but with a mentality like that, they'll probably end up selling burgers by the road while jamming with air guitars. I empathise with you dude. I cannot imagine myself letting a few retards beat me up for such a stupid reason lor.

Boon, you're still young mate.
Duke Red said:
Boon, you're still young mate.

haha..........meaning you're old, my dear friend.

b00n said:
I'm considered old to those young ppl and young to those old guys.......

I feel old in late twenties, not much energy like i used to have.....maybe I'm decaying in working society with practically living is the routine of sleep, wake up, go to work, eat breakfast and watch newspaper, work, lunch, work, go back home, eat, TV is on without actually watching it than sleep.........
weekends is about lieing in bed escaping from the crowds.......d@mn I feel old :embaressed_smile:

but anyway, back to the topic....
bully bullies because they felt threaten by the situation. They don't want to be out-shone.
So in driftking's situation; he's the only one who got in from SPM (young somemore). The rest must be borderline matriculation or diploma students (if they're good enough, they would be in Uni; even local Uni wouldn't accept.....so go figure....though not the case of driftking as he just finish SPM and need somewhere to start). Somemore, I can imagine these guys to be really kampung style (as mentioned by driftking).
So they felt threaten and humilated when a young student who hailed from BU (mentioned by driftking) comes to town and speaks english. In their mind is only 1 thing, "bloody bastard why come here and show off, go elsewhere for christ sake!! your parents can afford that" (no offence...trying to play the part:emoticon_U: )
The only way to regain their maniless is by humilating and show's who's the one in actual control.........thus the bullying starts!

btw, I've never been in the center of attractions as I blend in to the environment that I'm in. I dare say that i'm good at that. The way to get out from being bullied, is to blend well and minus of singularity.......make some friends!! and try not to be the least popular or most popular; that's me, just an average joe or should i say average b00n.

p/s: better start switching campus or different institution after you've made the report. Trust me, things ain't really over; especially after the reporting incident.:emoticon_U:
driftkingII said:
imoloq n invisibleghost: thanx, anyway it was 10 in a group but i got beaten by 2. I remember once i got choke in the class.

Anyway guys wish me luck. Hope i can change campus n get a better life there.

Yeah and if you got any problems, sometimes telling them to others is better than bottling it up. And if things get serious, do consider calling the police. There are cases of victims killed by their bullies.

Have you heard of the Befrienders? You can give them a call and they may be able to give you an answer to your problems.
yeah just go to kawtim wit 'abang besar' in ur uni la driftking, there always will be 'abang besar' in every universities and yes this 'abang besar' is not that samsengs type but a person that is respected by others even respected by all taikors.
bring back my memories in late 90s.untouchable that is.
btw, which uni are u now?PM me.i'll help if i could

ps: im a coward
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Boon: Thanx actually I post about Bully here is to help some bully victims including me to get moral support n etc. By the way, the way u told me was like my Uni counsellor n Ustaz. Ya I did frens with everyone. My course-mates, i think their mentality. Well just wish me luck, sudah lama saya buat pertukaran campus thingy. Anyway I remembered when my course-mates gave a warning n cursing me n my english lecture. Talking about english, well this happens after kena belasah n I change block. I kena belasah bcoz speakin english, I dont dare to speak english until one day some seniors want to speak english with me just to improve. I still didnt even dare until one day my old fren called, we talked la in english so my roomate heard la we speak english so after the conversation he came to me n ask if he can speak english with me. Oh ya my course-mates hates Quantitative Science Students bcoz (to them la) Kerek, berlagak n stuff. But when i met them ok je. Friendly and they invite me for group study even i am not for the same course as them. Oh ya I was not only being bullied but another guy, he was being bullied but they told me he was nothing (sorry for that guy). Well sometimes, tak sengaja if we became a centre of atracction just like the girls ask me for help. I remember one of the worst treating was dont make frens with others races. A Professor told me, its ok to make frens with other races (I wont write what they say bcoz it is very racist). Agreed, we must be an average joe n blend into the enviroment. Well i did that. U did talked about frens, who are samsengs n stuff. Ya i miss those old frens of mine. I hope they are doing well. Some of them i still got contact, i did told them this story n they were not happy.

Imoloq: Just want to know what is the number or website for befrienders ?? And can they be trusted ?? Worried if they we just like that stupid G-MAN hotline.

Post it here la, who knows a victim of being buliied masuk sini minta tolong tapi tak berani.

Hope this topic will be a STICKY.

*Guys out there dont worry, we will try n help u.
Grixism said:
yeah just go to kawtim wit 'abang besar' in ur uni la driftking, there always will be 'abang besar' in every universities and yes this 'abang besar' is not that samsengs type but a person that is respected by others even respected by all taikors.
bring back my memories in late 90s.untouchable that is.
btw, which uni are u now?PM me.i'll help if i could

ps: im a coward

Abang Besar ??

Made frens already on the 1st day I masuk uni. They all la gave me advise n stuff on what to do.

Hey guys dah habis la this Uni story. I kena belasah on near end of February or early of March

Oh i forgot, they say English is a "fag" language in malay.
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